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Thread: BG Frustration

  1. #1

    Default BG Frustration

    Well... I hit 80 last week with my Shamy x4 hunter team and was very excited to queue up for some lvl 80 BGs. Up to this point in 70 - 79 range I was able feel good about helping the "team". Now that I am in the 80s BGs I just don't have the gear and a 1 vs. 5 fight in a BG feels like a boss battle.

    So I know that I need to do BGs in order to get gear the quickest for my hunters but I feel SO bad jumping into a BG and not helping. My strat now is to do instances, Arena's, and Winter Grasp and stay away from the random BGs.

    Anyone else get that shock when they joined BGs for the first time?

  2. #2


    I did BGs while leveling to get the hang of it somewhat. If you feel like you are gimping the team too much, stick to 40man BGs.

  3. #3


    Craft the Stormhide set:

    Gives you resi / sp / mana regen. which you need. I did A LOT of BG while leveling up. didn't do any quests from 55-60 or so on the first team of shaman. Same with 67-70. But that was before the random BG crap, so i just farmed AV endlessly.

  4. #4


    I just turned 80 on my 4x hunters. I know what you mean. But hang in there, hunters rely on gear - big time. So you suck at first but scale really, really well.

    I'd suggest getting the ICC 5 man weapons in Forge of Souls and POS. Just Q on 1 guy and run it. Once you get the Q on the first guy, Q the next guy. 5 different 232 ilevel weapons drop that are really good for hunters in those 2 instances alone, plus 232 shoulders. I managed to get all my hunters 232 weapons in 2 days just running those 2 instances 1x per day.

    If you really feel bad, just manually Q for Isle of Conquest and AV. Most people won't really notice and you'll get a lot less hate. Also, you could do a Random BG with all 5. Enter with 1 of them first, and drop it if it's not AV or Conquest, and re-Q the rest.

    Bottom line, just hang in there. Hunters are really late bloomers, that why I think most people haven't had much success boxing them. I'm having a really fun time, my guys are starting to kick ass at around 4.6k gearscore. When I'm at like 5.5 - that should be insane.
    Sweet* teams - <unGankable> - Kil'Jaeden US Alliance - 10x Shamans, 9x DKs 1x Pally, 10x Drews

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Kicksome View Post
    I just turned 80 on my 4x hunters. I know what you mean. But hang in there, hunters rely on gear - big time. So you suck at first but scale really, really well.

    I'd suggest getting the ICC 5 man weapons in Forge of Souls and POS. Just Q on 1 guy and run it. Once you get the Q on the first guy, Q the next guy. 5 different 232 ilevel weapons drop that are really good for hunters in those 2 instances alone, plus 232 shoulders. I managed to get all my hunters 232 weapons in 2 days just running those 2 instances 1x per day.

    If you really feel bad, just manually Q for Isle of Conquest and AV. Most people won't really notice and you'll get a lot less hate. Also, you could do a Random BG with all 5. Enter with 1 of them first, and drop it if it's not AV or Conquest, and re-Q the rest.

    Bottom line, just hang in there. Hunters are really late bloomers, that why I think most people haven't had much success boxing them. I'm having a really fun time, my guys are starting to kick ass at around 4.6k gearscore. When I'm at like 5.5 - that should be insane.
    Do you do 5 hunters or 4 hunters and a healer? How does it work in BGs? Don't you get swarmed by melees?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Firstcow View Post
    Do you do 5 hunters or 4 hunters and a healer? How does it work in BGs? Don't you get swarmed by melees?
    I do 4 hunters and resto shaman. They absolutely sucked BAD until I started upgrading the gear. It's tough to defend towers and melee come on and try to swarm, but I can disengage (jump back) and the hunters all tend to spread out like 30 yards, so they have to go for one, while the other 3 shoot at them.

    I doubt they will be good in arena, but you never know, you can make up for a lot with good gear.
    Sweet* teams - <unGankable> - Kil'Jaeden US Alliance - 10x Shamans, 9x DKs 1x Pally, 10x Drews

  7. #7


    Personally I just turn off chat fuctions or switch to the combat log and disable chat bubbles when I enter a BG with a low gear group. Also it's good to just admit to yourself that you are more than likely a free kill when engaged first by someone with decent resil and full health.

    Play like you are a sniper, pick people off, stay out of the front lines, if someone attacks you directly fall back and wait for help. Attack someone that doesn't have their focus on you. And now that you cant see what people are saying, you should feel a lot better.

    You paid for the game just like them.(more infact) so you have every right to play the game as you please!

  8. #8


    I LOVE my hunters. Only things that get me annoyed are rogues. They die, but they might take one of my guys out since I run 5 hunters with no healer. I should have put a healer in the group, they were just so much fun, I didn't need one before.

    I throw my pets. I mean 70-80 yards. I either can see people coming (regular sight), or track them. I used and addon that announced people that showed up in my mini-map, so I could just target them (click on their name in addon window) and bam, don't even have to see them or anything. Then send my pets at them 60+ yards away. They really didn't like that. By the time they got close enough for me to shoot them, they were 2/3 to 1/2 alive.

    Freezing traps are wonderful things. I set them up castsequence style and lay them out in a circle around me. People don't really get to me easily with those down. Then I just back up (20-30 yards) and pound on them.

    For lower BGs (might work now, but I stay stationary a lot), I have a aspect switch macro with a hunter addon that takes off aspect of the "faster" if I get dazed. Something like,
    /castsequence Aspect of the Hawk, Aspect of the Cheetah
    It will reset if you die, so when you get resed so you can use it to put back an aspect.

    I use BM and probably won't ever use any other spec. I love intimidate. Lowered CD due to talent and it turns into like 40-45 sec CD or so. Use that on round-robin is nice. It won't infinately stun people since deminishing returns, but it helps if it misses or get trinketed.

    I use what I like as PVP pets. One Heyena (hamstring), one bird (demo shout and tags players for HKs), 1 wasp (range attack, lower armor and anti-stealth), 1 tallstrider (1 miss attack, people love to use their biggest attack 1st), and 1 core hound (range attack and slows casting). It may not be all stuns and DOTs and stuff, but I love the ferocity toughness, self-healing and self-ressing. On top of still having dash. Back in the day, I could have them with quicker attacks and completely lockdown a caster from pushback. Can't really do that now.

    I 100% agree to get the 232 weapons from ICC 5mans. It takes a little to get them to drop and win rolls, but it is really nice to have them. I have an eng to make the epic ammo also, it is pretty much free and easy to get.

    I like to guard stuff, so I might every so often, leave 1 hunter they really like to die, while I backup with the others and pound their face in. Guess what dude, you killed 1 guy, that can walk 30 yards from a GY that I am guarding and you got so killed for something that didn't even help your team. I will let them have a pretend victory as long as I get to keep the place I am guarding.

    I cheat a little, by having Draenei with GotN.
    Learn defenses. Sorry if you know them. Disengage. Master's Call. Deterrance. Feign Death.

    For me, if a person gets <40 yards away, I have already screwed up.

    Good luck and don't give up.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by ElectronDF View Post
    I used and addon that announced people that showed up in my mini-map, so I could just target them (click on their name in addon window) and bam, don't even have to see them or anything.
    What's the name of the addon? Can it be used by non-hunters or do you need to be able to track humanoids?
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  10. #10


    I believe it is VanaKOS. It lists the names of the opposing faction in a small window when they show up on the minimap. You can click the name to make it a target.

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