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  1. #1

    Default Priest / Warlock Best Method?

    I am currently trying to Duel Box a priest and a warlock. I have tried using the warlock as the main and then trying the priest as the main. Having the priest as the main is nice because healing is much easier, but then making sure the lock is facing the right direction for casting can be a bit of an issue. Sometimes the mob is close to the group so I have to run back and then run towards the group to make sure the lock is facing hte mob in order to cast.

    I was thinking of making the lock the main but then healing could be a little more complicated. I would have to make a macro to heal whatever the lock has targeted which wouldn't be hard but I am not sure it would be efficient. Normally when you need to heal it is needed immediatly.

    Does anyone have some advice for me? As you can tell this is my first duel boxing expirience. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2


    Respec warlock to Affliction. Drain Life wont be quite as high DPS, but it's not terrible and you wont have to worry about where he's facing.

    Or if you want to use warlock as main screen you can use /focus to choose what target he attacks, make a bunch of assisting macros for your most used heals, and use AHK to bind those heals to.. dunno.. F-keys, modifier+keys, numpad, you tell me.

    Then you'd just target what you wanna heal with the warlock while making sure to keep casting spells.

  3. #3


    I would run with the lock as the main and use mouseover macros to control the healing. Beneift being the priest doesn't need to be looking at you to heal.

    For example, something like this:

    /cast [target=mouseover] flash heal

    Will allow you to move your mouse over your locks party picture, push the button to heal your lock and still maintain your locks target. If you ever have more than one lock (I run 4 locks and a priest) then you'll need to have the priest as main (I find it easier anyway) but if it's just 2 characters then lock as main should work better.

  4. #4


    Normally when you need to heal it is needed immediatly.
    Not true! Well, certainly sometimes true, but luckily priests have something for most occasions and are very versatile. Tools like renew and power word: shield can be very useful for fire-and-forget healing jobs, plus they can be fired while moving, irregardless of position and direction. As with all heals, range is big, and direction doesn't matter, so that does give some weight to concentrating on the warloc. But if you're doing level 70 dungeons, these spells aren't going to cut it for many fights. And PVP is of course a whole other craziness.

    I'm very new to two boxing as well, but one thing I've experimented with is concentrating on the priest using Clique casting for both healing and nuking, while using my actionbars and modifier keys through AHK to control my other characters actions. Using Clique-casting can be extremely useful because it allows you to do so many actions without actually ever changing what you are targeting. Just like good use of setting your focus target, as well as mouseover functionality. Using your warloc as your main you can basically use what your UI claims is your target to effectively be your priests targeting, while you use focus, clique-casting, and mouseover casting to do your actual warlocing.

    Personally I have some trouble multitasking anything, so I generally concentrate on my priest, which has been my main for 2.5 years, and distill my dps character down to as much simplicity (and keys) as possible. Maybe not as versatile, but Fireball, Fireball, Fireball, Fireball is still good damage.

    Really the key is carefully planning your macro keys, your talents, and then practicing and experiencing until you find a style that suits you and the poor saps you're grouped with! And reading this board because it's got tons of good advice already posted.

  5. #5


    Was typing while raylion posted, but if you're using the warloc as the main, using mouseover for the healing does not seems like the best idea! That means you're switching your concentration over to watching your priest's mouse (since your priest can't see your warloc mouse unless you're using synced screens/mice on 2 computers.)

  6. #6


    What I ended up doing is keeping the warlock as my main. I have made a macro for each heal and shield. What it does is heal/shield whatever my warlock is targeting. If the warlock does not have a target it will heal/shield the warlock (i hate having to select myself ). Been working pretty well..

    I have found out though 2 boxing is not near as fun as I thought. I think going 3 or more would be more fun. So I will prolly now go with 3 boxing instead. I would love to 5 box but I dont want to pay Blizz that much money an my wife would prolly kill me

    Thanks for the suggestions.

  7. #7


    Quick question.

    As far as creating an ingame macro.

    Can you use more than 1 attack/spell in the macro?

    How do you case a spell?

    /cast Fireball I ?

    It's been so long and I am trying to get back in.

  8. #8


    You can only use 1 spell (and an additional macro for pets) per macro. However, you can include /follow, /assist, /attack, etc on your macros.

    With the new macro system, you don't have to indicate the spell ranking system, unless you intentionally want to cast a low ranking spell.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by hapiguy314
    You can only use 1 spell (and an additional macro for pets) per macro. However, you can include /follow, /assist, /attack, etc on your macros.

    With the new macro system, you don't have to indicate the spell ranking system, unless you intentionally want to cast a low ranking spell.
    Thank you.


    /assist [Name] (Where [Name] is the main character)
    /cast Fireball

    is valid?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by overkil2
    Quote Originally Posted by hapiguy314
    You can only use 1 spell (and an additional macro for pets) per macro. However, you can include /follow, /assist, /attack, etc on your macros.

    With the new macro system, you don't have to indicate the spell ranking system, unless you intentionally want to cast a low ranking spell.
    Thank you.


    /assist [Name] (Where [Name] is the main character)
    /cast Fireball

    is valid?
    I usually use:

    /assist Party1
    /cast Fireball(Rank 1)

    Party1 is the leader of the party (the main toon i am controlling) and I've always specified rank of spell, didnt know i could leave that part out, ill have to reedit my macros tonight.

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