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  1. #1

    Default Binding trouble with X-Keys

    I am having trouble binding certain keys an X-Keys Pro USB.

    I want to bind the Right, Left, Up, Down, Ctrl and Space keys. No matter what I do I cannot get these to work the way I want them to in WoW.

    I know people frown on wasting keys for movement but having the strafe keys at my fingertips is essential to me for arenas.

    For the movement keys I tried Left, Right, Up, Down and nothing happens. I tried W,A,S,D and got the same results. In a text editor hitting these keys will print W,A,S,D or move the cursor up, down left and right like you would expect.

    In WoW I can bring up the keybindings interface and set the binding using the X-Keys but when I hit the same key while playing absolutely nothing happens.

    Same with the space and ctrl keys.

    I have tried both a Vista pc and an XP pc with the same results.

    I have tried setting the keys using the switch on the side and the macroworks software.

    Anybody have any ideas on what I am doing wrong?

  2. #2


    Did you try pressing

    1. Esc
    2. a bar that lookes like this ---> [Key bindings]
    3. Find the shit
    4. bidn the shit?
    Signature edited by Svpernova09

  3. #3


    I already said I did that. The keys bind to the WoW keybinding interface fine but don't actually do anything when I try to actually move in game.

    Anybody else had any problems like this? I know a lot of people here use X-Keys for WoW so I was hoping somebody might be able to provide some insight while I'm waiting for X-Keys tech support to get back to me.

  4. #4


    I had a few problems with my Xkeys when I first set it up. What fixed it for me was completely clearing its memory and starting over.

    As for movement, I did not bind that at all.

  5. #5


    Well, no response yet from X-Keys support. You said you cleared the memory completely and started over. How did you do that? Start a new profile or manually clear all the settings with the toggle at top somehow?

  6. #6


    I set-up my X-keys to run direction, but I play EQ, not WoW.

    I had trouble at first as well as I tried to set it up like other keys, but it was a little different to get it to work.

    This is what I did:

    Enter programing by flipping the switch on the side.

    Press the X-key you want for whichever direction and get the little Record/Edit pop up window for that key.

    Lets choose DOWN for the key will make here.

    Press your down arrow key on your keyboard.

    Now on the Record/edit Macro pop up window for your X-Key, mouse click INSERT. Choose KEY DOWN.

    Then choose from that same menu ON RELEASE.

    This will split up that Record/Edit Macro pop-up window in to two sections. The top one which you just filled is the KEYDOWN section. The one below that is the KEY UP.

    Mouse click over to the KEY UP section.

    Press the DOWN key on your keyboard.

    Choose Insert from the Record/Edit Macro pop-up window.

    Click KEY UP.

    Click OK.

    Repeat this for the other directions.

    Works for EQ, not sure about WoW.

    Directional keys are differnt from the other ones since it is suppose to be doing an input when you have it held down. So you have to give the X-key a command that tells it whenever I have this key held down, do this. I did not think you also had to give it a command..when I don't have this key held down, stop doing this...but you do, otherwise it keeps doing it and you'll have to disrupt the X-keys to get it to stop. So be sure to also include the ON RELEASE...Key Up stuff as well.

  7. #7


    Thank you for the response I will give this a try tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

  8. #8


    Should also point out that NUMLOCK will screw up your directional commands on the X-Keys pad. So be sure to not have NUMLOCK on.

  9. #9


    Worked like a charm, thanks again for the response.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Herc130',index.php?page=Thread&postID=27167#post2 7167
    Should also point out that NUMLOCK will screw up your directional commands on the X-Keys pad. So be sure to not have NUMLOCK on.
    yea, this kinda sucks... i use the numpad for various bindings (mount, eat, drink, hearth etc.) i dont have any movements or formations bound on xkeys, but it turns off numlock whenever i press an xkey button. if numlock is on, it will turn it off and i cant use num 0-9.

    this leads me to believe you cannot use xkeys with numlock on. anyone else experiencing the same? i have the pro usb version.

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