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  1. #1

    Default Is there a 60-80 Leveling guide for Multi-boxers out there

    Hey all!

    So my Shaman trio is fast-approaching 60 (at 56 now) and I just realized I have NO IDEA what to do once I hit 60. I will probaly work on another trio until my RaF runs out (which is only like 3 weeks or so), but I have no idea where to hunt or anything after that.

    Are there any guides out there similar to the AWESOME 1-60 one that has been referenced on these forums?


  2. #2


    wait, there is 1-60 guide here?

    edit. err im guessing is a raf guide :/ doesn't apply to me.
    <Impervious>stormreaver PvP US

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  3. #3


    60 - 70 just ran through outlands picking any non collection quests (unless the reward at the end was worth it).
    hit 70 50% through netherstorm.

    70-80 pretty much every Nortrend quest going (because the way quests are structured some only open up once others are done - just make sure you have all the gathering professions on your toons to clean the area). I made sure i got both the quest and exploration achievement before moving on to the next zone. (also did both Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord) before moving on to Dragonblight, then Grizzly Hills. i skipped Zul Drak. moved on to Sholazar basin(quested there till 79 then moved to Icecrown to start the Sons of Hodir rep). Dinged 80 in Icecrown 50% through the quests.

    have now gone back and finished Sholazar, and am in the process of doing the same in icecrown, and probably Zul Drak as well just for the cash.

  4. #4


    Dont forget to use AV quests too! 20k a quest and you get xp while doing the AV objectives. After you are done with AV quests I would leave though, it's been known to cause people to go insane.

  5. #5


    I have one character left that I want to level to 80 and then I dont think I can ever do it again. I puke in your general direction "leveling".


  6. #6


    Personally I thought 60-70 in Outlands was very MBer friendly and enjoyable. 70-80 in Northrend well that's just hell if you plan on leveling via quests. Now that BG XP is so good in the 71-89 bracket I don't think I'd level 71-80 any other way.

  7. #7


    I actually think its faster to quest if you have flying mounts in Northrend. I did AV only and it took ALL week playing 8-9 hours a day. You can't always count on winning. I won't do it that way again, lol. It was painful and the people make you want to scream.

  8. #8


    For me personally I run a mixture of Northrend quests along with mind numbing AV whiner fests. I simply cannot take all the QQ’ing and complaining when your side does not win every single match. The XP is great!; one needs to take it in small doses to avoid insanity. At the same time I very much enjoy the whole immersion of the quest lines; yes I know most of them backwards by now, but still it beats all the LRN2PLY NooB text that one gets inundated with in the BG’s

    The girls all hit 75 last night, so its off to Zul’Drak for some group quest fun…
    8/7/09 Level 1 – Pally (Tank); Priest (Shadow); Shaman (Resto); Mage (Frost); Druid (Balance)
    8/19/09 Level 62 – Pally (Tank); Priest (Shadow); Shaman (Resto); Mage (Frost); Druid (Balance)
    8/29/09 Level 68 – Pally (Tank); Priest (Shadow); Shaman (Resto); DK (Blood); Druid (Balance)
    9/5/09 Level 72 – Pally (Tank); Priest (Shadow); Shaman (Resto); DK (Blood); Druid (Balance)
    9/19/09 Level 80 – Pally (Tank); Priest (Shadow); Shaman (Resto); Hunter (BM)); Druid (Balance)

  9. #9


    I did that ring of blood quest in Zul’Drak. I dont remmeber the exact name of the quest but i was able to do it pretty easy with my 76 shammys and DK. But gave up on the area in general when i keep getting collection quest and just went back to AV.
    Marathoning: the triumph of desire over reason

  10. #10


    Don't count on it coming out soon, But I am in the process of writing an outlands guide. I have Hellfire, Terrorkarr, Nagrand, completed. I need to do Zangermarsh and it should be levels 60-68. I started doing some blades edge mountains but it got multibox unfriendly fast. So I may when I get time move to netherstorm and that burning blade place to the south.

    It goes very fast now with flying at 60 if you can afford it.

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