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  1. #1

    Default Choosing a realm.

    Another topic I've not seen a lot of discussion on so far. I'm interested in hearing some comments, experiences, and general discussion regarding how to choose a realm for your multi-box playing.

    Now, I know many of you are in The Zerg on Magtheridon. And that is a PvP realm. Do you find that trying to level on Mag. is hard with ganking and Alliance teaming up on you just for kicks? My own personal concern is that I am considering rolling Alliance on my current realm, which is RP-PvP, and being that we have no multi-boxers running around (that I'm aware of) I might become a bit of a target... We actually have a couple guilds that RP as "killers for hire", and knowing my luck they would make plenty of gold being hired to hunt me down by people who suspect me of cheating...

    PvE realms seem to be the natural choice for anyone who wants to level a team for instancing. For those that chose this route, do you ever feel like you made a mistake and should have gone with a PvP realm for any reason? Maybe for more variety or challenges?

    My own personal goal right now is to start out as a 3-box team, then possibly invite friends. Though I think I would do even better with 4-box or even 5-box to fill out my own team when I can't find friends to join in. Mostly for PvE instancing as well, since I have some negative feelings about becoming a focus of attention throughout the realm.

  2. #2


    Well, I'm not real fond of calling in buddies when someone ganks me. It's just not my style.

    But as for a video, I've seen a lot lately, but maybe not the one you are referring to?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Fursphere
    Quote Originally Posted by Orin
    But as for a video, I've seen a lot lately, but maybe not the one you are referring to?
    Its the one where two or three folks on Mag brought down the wrath of the zerg on a level 70 rogue trying to gank in Hillsbrad Footfills / Southshore area. :lol:
    got a link? this I have to see.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Choosing a realm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orin
    Do you find that trying to level on Mag. is hard with ganking and Alliance teaming up on you just for kicks?
    The Zins - 10 Boxing
    Xzin, Azin, Bzin, Czin, Dzin
    Xyzin, Ayzin, Byzin, Cyzin, Dyzin
    Magtheridon - US

  5. #5


    lol the video was great
    AKAMA > (The Zerg) > 4x Shamans > FirstRock, SecondRock, ThridRock, FourthRock

  6. #6


    that video was full of win, pitty the post is gone.
    Team 1- 5 shamans <The PewPew Squad> Team2 - <Y o u Lo se> 70 druid, 70 shaman, 1 paladin, 24 mage, 1 mage
    Team 1 -> <1--10--20--30--40--44--50--60--70>

  7. #7


    On Mag Horde, you probably won't have too much trouble.

    On other PVP servers, there will be ganking by those that:

    1. Think you are a chinese farmer (which is odd because everyone farms something)

    2. Think that you are a bot

    3. Sees you as a challenge and will gank

    4. Sees you as a perfect target(s) because you're 10+ levels below and stand out

    When I roll Horde (which I haven't done yet because my friends are Ally on a PVP server), I'm rolling on Mag.
    [align=center]5-boxing - Paladin, Shaman, 3x Mages[/align]
    WC-20,VC-25,SFK-25,BFD-27,Stk-27,RFK-29,Gnm-31,SM (G-32,L-34,A-35,C-36),RFD-41,ULD-42,ZF-46,Mar(O-47, P-48, I-48],ST-52,BRD-54,62,LBRS-62,Strt-63,DM-63,Paly Mt Qt-63, Schl-63

  8. #8


    The good news I've found is that I'm typically a threat to your average 70, even when I was 56/57.
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  9. #9
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyndree
    The good news I've found is that I'm typically a threat to your average 70, even when I was 56/57.
    What she said. I killed my first 70 (a scrub hunter ganking in greens) at 51. Once you hit about 60, as long as you're sorta ready for it, no 70 can kill you, though pallies are tough with all the heals and bubbles.

    As for leveling on a PVP server, yes you will be camped from time to time just because people fear what they don't understand (and/or are jealous, are just pricks, etc., etc., ad nauseum). Mostly, though, I didn't have much trouble with this on Mag. I got killed a fair amount but only got camped like 3 times, both of which ended up with Oathbreaker coming in and counter-camping them.

    Having played here, I think I'll probably be on PVP servers from now on and in any future MMOs I play. It's just that much fun.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  10. #10


    I thought about going to a PvE server many times. My first team is built for instances. Typically, world pvp these days means one or two 70's are ganking, or 1-2 players around your level see you by yourself and gank you. Ok, throw in world pvp objectives, but those aren't exactly thrilling.

    If one player ganks me, it's pretty unlikely that I'll go out of my way for 10+ minutes to bring my 70's in to hunt one player. Or hunt every player of the opposite faction in that zone. Some people are into that, and I have nothing against that. I used to be of the same mindset.

    But if I log in to knock out some quests or run an instance, I'd rather get that accomplished than veering out of my way to teach a player or 2 a lesson. Ok, so he ganked me. Big deal. I bring my 5 70's in to camp them. Now I just wasted an hour doing that for 10 honor or whatever. Again, I thought this kind of thing was fun 2 years ago, but it doesn't do anything for me now.

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