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  1. #1
    Rated Arena Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Burnaby, BC

    Default Trying to get the FTL method to work with /cast sequence + /click method and I am stuck.

    So here is the deal. When I ended up setting up my Lava Burst /cast sequence macro I kind of cheated. I just setup a basic assist because I was always playing from a tank perspective and rarely switched. Anyways now I am playing all 5 of my shammies and want to perfect this. I pretty much don't have my slaves targetting anyone on any of my casts but last night I was trying to get my LvB macros to work the same way my LB or CL or anything else works. Currently I use this for Lightning Bolt:

    MACRO 16777225 "Lightning Bolt" Ability_Ambush
    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Garey] [mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Garew] [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Garev] [mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Gareu]
    /cast [target=targettarget,harm] Lightning Bolt

    Obviously I have the correct keymaps in keyclone to get it to work etc.

    However this is what I had to resort to in order to get my /click macros to work with my cast sequence:

    MACRO 16777233 "Target" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /assist [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Garey] [mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Garew] [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Garev] [mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Gareu]

    MACRO 16777229 "Test 1" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /click MultiBarRightButton1
    /click MultiBarLeftButton4
    /click MultiBarLeftButton5
    /click MultiBarLeftButton6

    MACRO 16777230 "Test 2" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /castsequence reset=6/target Flame Shock,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    MACRO 16777231 "Test 3" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /castsequence reset=6/target Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    MACRO 16777232 "Test 4" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /cast lightning bolt

    I don't mind using this in normal everyday stuff because I really couldn't care if my slaves target mobs or not, but in PVP I would rather not have them do it.

    My problem is I was not able to incorperate a targeting command in the /cast sequence of Flame Shock and LvB and get them to work.

    /castsequence [target=targettarget,harm] reset=6/target Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    For some reason this doesn't work and I thought it should...

    Anyone got any idea how to set this up so my slaves (or whoever is not my current main) won't show who they are targetting?
    Gareatank Blood Elf Level 80 Protadin
    Gareatan Orc Level 80 DK Tank
    Gareb, Garec, Garee, Garef - Level 80 Troll Horde Shammies!
    Garea - Level 71 Horde Shammy!
    Garez, Garey, Garew, Garev, Gareu - Level 80 Draenei Alliance Shammies!
    Currently farming Horde Heroic Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, and Culling of Stratholme(5 Drakes now)

  2. #2


    1 - Your cast sequence syntax is wrong which is probably breaking it, you don't need the slash.
    /castsequence reset=6 lava burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    2 - /targetlasttarget at the end of the macro (specifically last macro I guess if you're using /click so it does it right at the end) will make sure your slaves dont target anything usually. It probably isn't working because the macro's getting stuck on the rogue slash in your cast macro.

    Remember, macro's will do everything at once - it will assist, cast, and targetlast target all at once, so as long as it doesn't error out the last thing it will do is targetlasttarget (/cleartarget will probably work too I think?) and if you have nothing targetted then it won't target anything.

    Edit - your FTL seem's kinda .. differnet to mine. Surely it doesn't need to be this complicated. I'm not using /click, but wouldn't it be something like:
    Lavaburst macro:
    /click assistmacro (controlled by FTL)
    /cast lava burst

    And just set one of these up for every spell?

  3. #3
    Rated Arena Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Burnaby, BC


    I could go with the straight Lava Burst spell and my problem would be solved but because I use one button for Flame Shock, LvB, and LB spam for raiding (and to an effect pvp). I don't enjoy mashing 3 different buttons that can possibly screw up.


    1 - Your cast sequence syntax is wrong which is probably breaking it, you don't need the slash.
    /castsequence reset=6 lava burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    This works fine.

    /castsequence [target=targettarget,harm] reset=6/target Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    This does not and I want to know why.
    Gareatank Blood Elf Level 80 Protadin
    Gareatan Orc Level 80 DK Tank
    Gareb, Garec, Garee, Garef - Level 80 Troll Horde Shammies!
    Garea - Level 71 Horde Shammy!
    Garez, Garey, Garew, Garev, Gareu - Level 80 Draenei Alliance Shammies!
    Currently farming Horde Heroic Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, and Culling of Stratholme(5 Drakes now)

  4. #4


    Help only helps if you read it...the previous poster let you know that the "/" in the reset section of your castsequence was incorrect, while he simply omitted everything after the slash you could have gone and found that you need a comma thereby making your macro

    /castsequence [target=targettarget,harm] reset=6,target Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    This macro will work and attempt to cast LvB everytime because you are changing targets all the time with the FTL method. This is the reason I believe the target parameter was omitted. So now your macro would be

    /castsequence [target=targettarget,harm] reset=6 Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Which will work just fine if you gain a friendly target just before casting and that friendly target has some harmful target selected. The problem is your assist macro working in conjunction with this macro. Assist does not change or modify your target as far as the targettarget is concerned, it simply makes the next spell target the target of the person you have assisted. So now we have looked at whats happening and discovered why

    /castsequence reset=6 lava burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Works, when

    /castsequence [target=targettarget,harm] reset=6/target Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    does not.

    If you want to use the majority of the macros you have posted simply change the

    MACRO 16777233 "Target" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /assist [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Garey] [mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Garew] [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Garev] [mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Gareu]


    MACRO 16777233 "Target" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
    /target [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Garey] [mod:alt,mod:shift,nomod:ctrl,target=Garew] [mod:ctrl,mod:alt,mod:shift,target=Garev] [mod:ctrl,nomod:alt,nomod:shift,target=Gareu]

    then make sure you correct the "/" problem in your castsequence, and tada FTL works with castsequence...

  5. #5


    Using / in the reset= part of a castsequence DOES work. My hunter dps macro consists of reset=combat/target, and works just fine. Do a search for castsequence macros and you'll find many macros that use the / to separate the resets. Check out the macro guide at WoWwiki.
    I'm not sure if using a comma to separate them does work. It might, I've just never come across it.

    The reason your macro isn't working as you expect it to is because of how FTL works. The 'targetless' part of FTL is done by reseting your target each and every time you press your dps key. Here is the what happens on your slave each key press of a standard FTL macro (as your lightning bolt is):

    1. /target [mod:alt.... your slave targets the toon you're using.
    2. /cast [target=targettarget...... your slave fires a spell at the mob without actually targeting it.
    3. /targetlasttarget. your slave goes back to their previous target, or clears target if nothing was targetted before.

    So everytime you hit your dps key your slave switches targets (twice in fact, once to your current main, and once back to whatever it had before). This makes any castsequence with a reset=target in it reset.

    I have not yet figured out a way around this, while keeping the targetless part of FTL intact.

    What I currently do for those toons that need a reset=target castsequence is forgo the targetless part:

    Change your big /target line to /assist.
    Remove the [target=targettarget] from your cast line and leave it as a regular cast(sequence).
    Remove the /targetlasttarget line.

    Your slave will always keep their target, until your current main switches.

  6. #6


    I also was not happy with the big assist button in FTL so I modified my macros this way as well. To fix your macro try:

    /Castsequence reset=6/target [nomod:ralt,nomod:rshift,mod:rctrl, target=TOONA-target][nomod:ralt,mod:rshift,nomod:rctrl, target=TOONB-target][mod:ralt,nomod:rshift,nomod:rctrl, target=TOONC-target][nomod:ralt,mod:rshift,mod:rctrl, target=TOOND-target][mod:ralt,mod:rshift,nomod:rctrl, target=TOONE-target] []Lava Burst,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    (change the FTL modifiers to the ones you use)

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