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  1. #1

    Default Is it possible to run 5 instances of LOTRO on any machine ....and your main on another machine with dual monitors ( 1 with game 1 with internet up )

    What MAchine would I need to build to be able to handle keyclone ETC running 5 instances of LOTRO on one machine .... OR is it even possible on current PC's ? LOTRO is so much mor eintensive on a PC than WoW...

    I am thinking about scrapping my idea to use 6 PCS becuase I am have all sorts of problems with keybaord mouse input setups ... seems it would be easier to just use keyclone on one comp for the 5 follow toons of my main ....

    I have them all on one keyboard using synced recievers but that presents some akward moments ... and trying to use 6 mice hehe crazy

    plus it may just look cleaner with three monitors insteas of the 6 I have now

    QUESTION: if you think it is possible on some PC to play those 5 instances what would the build of that PC be? LOTRO is a resource hog if you have not played it its insane compared to WOW

    money not really issue ... if itll work i would prolly build it if i was sure it would handle it
    Not playing anything except Skyrim at the moment until Legion is released

  2. #2


    I would suggest no more then 2 per machine. In you own words its a resource hog. Currenty I run a 2.4 quad core overclocked to 3.0 and 4 gigs of ram and I still glitch. Thats even with 2 different directories. Lotro is very texture intesive and unless you have an Extreme Intel CPU I would stick to 2 instances per machine. Innerspace does have the ability to clone machines just as keyclone does. I have used keyclone as well to run 2 instances, 1 per machine.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Xtremepayne',index.php?page=Thread&postID=191613# post191613
    I would suggest no more then 2 per machine. In you own words its a resource hog. Currenty I run a 2.4 quad core overclocked to 3.0 and 4 gigs of ram and I still glitch. Thats even with 2 different directories. Lotro is very texture intesive and unless you have an Extreme Intel CPU I would stick to 2 instances per machine. Innerspace does have the ability to clone machines just as keyclone does. I have used keyclone as well to run 2 instances, 1 per machine.
    kind of what I feared ... i guess if im going to run multiple machines I should just stick with the 6 I have then ... now just trying to figure out how to make the mouse and keyboard play nice on the extra 5 machines

    seems so neat though the way people can program in all the formations and stuff on WOW ... heh makes me wish I liked to play WoW would be a lot easier

    I guess ill just have to stick with auto follow and one keyboard on wireless recievers and Mouse x 6 for the time being ... Im sure overtime I can figure out better hardware solutions ... I wish I wasnt so ingnorant of computer technology heh ... msot of the stuff I read on this board goes over me head
    Not playing anything except Skyrim at the moment until Legion is released

  4. #4


    A kinshipmate told me about a program that might help you if your trying to get a mouse program that will allow you to slide from one machine to the next. Its called Imput director. I used it when I was using keyclone. Was awesome. There is a slight latency but behind a router it works like a champ. and helps to get your 2nd to do loots and other things done wth mouse.

  5. #5


    I run 4 instances of LOTRO using Inner Space on 1 system just fine, and have been for a while.

    I have 2 computers that I've done it with, the lesser of the two is spec'd as follows:

    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
    8GB DDR2 RAM
    nVidia 8800 GTS 320 Video Card (PCI-E)
    Western Digital 250GB SATA Drive
    Windows Vista Home Premium (x64)

    I run the primary instance on mostly "High" settings in graphics (except for draw distance which is very high). I run the other 3 instances at "Medium" settings. I have it in 2 directories (I'm not using the Virtual File feature of IS) to manage the multiple settings. I have the main screen limited @ 30 FPS and the others @ 20 FPS (set in IS). Make sure to lower player crowd quality to 0.00 and adjust your texture cache down to about .25 in each instance. With this setup, I can even run iTunes in the background to play music and I tend to have about 2GB of free memory. I have IS setup to set processor affinity as follows:
    Main - Processor 1, Processor 2
    2nd - Processor 2, Processor 3
    3rd - Processor 3, Processor 4
    4th - Processor 4

    With the newer system I went to a Core 2 Quad Q9500 and an nVidia 9800GT video card. I've experimented with a Solid State Disk, and other than load time into zones, I didn't get much other better performance.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'JamieW',index.php?page=Thread&postID=191665#post1 91665
    I run 4 instances of LOTRO using Inner Space on 1 system just fine, and have been for a while.

    I have 2 computers that I've done it with, the lesser of the two is spec'd as follows:

    Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600
    8GB DDR2 RAM
    nVidia 8800 GTS 320 Video Card (PCI-E)
    Western Digital 250GB SATA Drive
    Windows Vista Home Premium (x64)

    I run the primary instance on mostly "High" settings in graphics (except for draw distance which is very high). I run the other 3 instances at "Medium" settings. I have it in 2 directories (I'm not using the Virtual File feature of IS) to manage the multiple settings. I have the main screen limited @ 30 FPS and the others @ 20 FPS (set in IS). Make sure to lower player crowd quality to 0.00 and adjust your texture cache down to about .25 in each instance. With this setup, I can even run iTunes in the background to play music and I tend to have about 2GB of free memory. I have IS setup to set processor affinity as follows:
    Main - Processor 1, Processor 2
    2nd - Processor 2, Processor 3
    3rd - Processor 3, Processor 4
    4th - Processor 4

    With the newer system I went to a Core 2 Quad Q9500 and an nVidia 9800GT video card. I've experimented with a Solid State Disk, and other than load time into zones, I didn't get much other better performance.
    if you get the time SPEC me out a sytem from newegg you think would run 5 instances .... 4 small along the bottom and 1 larger one thant would handle my 5 hunters autofollowing my main char .... I have had a horrible time trying to even get a second instance of lotro running on one comp please share the set up process on this if you have the time ... I may go ahead and go with a 6 pc setup with a multicaster ... ( seems a bit easier ) ... although the 3 screen set up seems less cluttered ( 1 for 5 hunters 1 for main and 1 for internet )
    Not playing anything except Skyrim at the moment until Legion is released

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