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Thread: RAF Question

  1. #1

    Default RAF Question

    I have a question about RAF guys. RIght now I have 5 accounts and my main group consists of druid tank, warlock, hunter, priest, and paladin. The Paladin has been my main since day 1 of this game, but in this group he's not really being used that much. I could use another DPS, so I was thinking of replacing the Paladin with another Hunter or Warlock or maybe even a Shaman, oh hell maybe even a Balanced druid My goal here is to get more DPS since the pally doesn't do much.

    The problem is that the thought of leveling another character from level 1 is sending chills up my spine I am so dredding the thought of leveling another character that I'm thinking of purchasing a 6th account and using RAF to level him. I watched a video on Youtube where a guy leveled a character in ZF to 60 in 14 hours. Spending the money for another copy of the game and monthly fee is a small price to save me all the time it takes to level again.

    [s]I'm still confused by the RAF process and read a post recently about what the poster would have done differently now that he's gone through the process. Let's say I take my Paladin and the new account character to ZF. I have to have another character of equal level there right? So that means I need to create another new toon on one of my other accounts. So the group entering ZF would be my pally main and 2 level 10's(read that you should not use any until level 10) right?[/s]

    Well I just read another post somewhere that BLizzard put something in to prevent people from using high level toons to powerlevel. Well oh shit!

    So the only way to level is by questing again huh?

  2. #2

    Default RE: RAF Question

    Quote Originally Posted by 'notta',index.php?page=Thread&postID=190135#post19 0135
    I have a question about RAF guys. RIght now I have 5 accounts and my main group consists of druid tank, warlock, hunter, priest, and paladin. The Paladin has been my main since day 1 of this game, but in this group he's not really being used that much. I could use another DPS, so I was thinking of replacing the Paladin with another Hunter or Warlock or maybe even a Shaman, oh hell maybe even a Balanced druid My goal here is to get more DPS since the pally doesn't do much.

    The problem is that the thought of leveling another character from level 1 is sending chills up my spine I am so dredding the thought of leveling another character that I'm thinking of purchasing a 6th account and using RAF to level him. I watched a video on Youtube where a guy leveled a character in ZF to 60 in 14 hours. Spending the money for another copy of the game and monthly fee is a small price to save me all the time it takes to level again.

    [s]I'm still confused by the RAF process and read a post recently about what the poster would have done differently now that he's gone through the process. Let's say I take my Paladin and the new account character to ZF. I have to have another character of equal level there right? So that means I need to create another new toon on one of my other accounts. So the group entering ZF would be my pally main and 2 level 10's(read that you should not use any until level 10) right?[/s]

    Well I just read another post somewhere that BLizzard put something in to prevent people from using high level toons to powerlevel. Well oh shit!

    So the only way to level is by questing again huh?
    You can still boost via an unlinked high level, but the old method of PLing via dropping group and killing does not work any longer.

  3. #3


    You can still boost via an unlinked high level, but the old method of PLing via dropping group and killing does not work any longer.
    Did Blizzard change it back? I found this post by a blue dated 8/28/08:

    Let's say we have Account A with a level 70 character, Account B with a level 1 character and Account C with another level 1 character, all three characters are grouped. Account B and Account C are linked, will they receive triple experience?

    • A: Bonus experience should only be granted if the experience is not trivial to anyone in the group. Our Quality Assurance Team is looking into reports that some of these restrictions are not consistent and hope to resolve the issue soon.

  4. #4


    Using a higher level toon to powerlevel up groups while receiving the RAF bonus is not SUPPOSED to work, but it HAS worked in the past. I actually used a 70 mage to powerlevel one of each class to level 60+, but that's right after RAF was released and before they updated their rules to include the statement that it wasn't designed to work that way. I haven't powerleveled this way since then (haven't had too... I was already done, to be honest). Too bad I didn't work on more alts at the time, oh well.

    You may find that it works right now due to some fluke or bug, but it's not what Blizzard intends to allow. Without any official statement of whether they consider this an outright exploit, you are best to assume it is unless you find something to suggest otherwise.

    EDIT: My mage was always grouped with the lower level RAF'd characters. This should no longer work.
    Duskwood - Alliance - PvE

  5. #5


    If you link two accounts A to B and then make a level one with both account A and account B those toons will get triple xp till 60 as long as they are within five levels of eachother and the mobs being killed are at least green to them. So have one of your current accounts send an RAF to yourself and start a new account. Make two level ones have them join up with one of your 80s and goto instances leave your newbs at the door and wipe out the instance with your 80.

    You can RAF to your own Name and email account.

    There are multiple posts on which dungeons and how to do the pulls. You can search my name and find my posts about it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Phanes',index.php?page=Thread&postID=190177#post1 90177
    If you link two accounts A to B and then make a level one with both account A and account B those toons will get triple xp till 60 as long as they are within five levels of eachother and the mobs being killed are at least green to them. So have one of your current accounts send an RAF to yourself and start a new account. Make two level ones have them join up with one of your 80s and goto instances leave your newbs at the door and wipe out the instance with your 80.

    You can RAF to your own Name and email account.

    There are multiple posts on which dungeons and how to do the pulls. You can search my name and find my posts about it.
    Refer to my post right above yours. I do believe that using an 80 as you suggest here is specifically not intended to work with RAF bonuses, as the xps are trivial to the 80, regardless of which toons are actually linked by RAF. Blizzard doesn't want this kind of powerleveling to work anymore. I'm not saying that it doesn't work, but its not supposed to work.

    I just read up on the RAF rules on the Blizzard website, and they don't mention anything about using a higher level toon to level two or more lower RAF-linked accounts, so I'm not sure if they are doing anything to prevent people from doing this. I'm getting mixed signals from Blizzard about their stance on this. Maybe someone can point out something more definitive about the rules on this?
    Duskwood - Alliance - PvE

  7. #7


    The way I understood it, is that the triple xp "link" breaks if the linked account is killing grey stuff, or the quest turn in is grey to him.

    Let me use an example. The <- points to the "Veteran Account"

    80 Warrior <- 42 Shaman
    The same 80 Warrior also linked to <- 42 Rogue <- 42 Druid <- 42 Priest.

    If I run BRD, my 42 Shaman doesn't get triple xp because he's relying on a link to someone who outlevels the mobs.

    My 42 Rogue however, gets triple xp on my Warrior kills because even if his "link" doesn't work with the 80 warrior, his link to the 42 druid does.

  8. #8


    Well it seems to be working. I've been at it for about 3.5 hours now and both Warlocks are 17. I forgot all about the instance requirement and summoned one of the level 1's to outside the deadmines instance but I needed to be level 10 to get in Ouch.

  9. #9


    Well I hit 51 last night on my 2 guys. I wanted to get my Felguards before I stopped. I haven't done a /played again, but I imagine it would be around 1 day or so. I started off doing quests until 10 and then went to the Deadmines. I got some great XP and stayed there until about 20. I then went to the Stocks and got some great XP there as well and stayed there until about 25 or so. I didn't feel like running all the way to SM so I started questing. The quest XP is insane!! I quested until about 35 and then took them to ZF. I stuck them in the corner and pulled damn near half the instance on my mount. My pally is only 73 so it was a little tougher pull then I thought I think I could have still pulled it off by using blessing of sanctuary and just healing myself while letting my retribution aura do all the damage, but I kept getting polymorphed. I said screw it and went back to questing.

    RAF is amazing. To me it's worth it to create a new account, level to 60, transfer it to an existing account and then cancel the new account in the time you save leveling.

  10. #10


    My second team will be boosting-only. I have always loathed leveling (why prior to taking up 5 boxing I didn't have a single alt past 49) but instance boosting is simply insane, and I'm scared they'll break it with 3.1.

    In fact, I'm gonna go roll them now!

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