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Thread: Team Random.

  1. #1

    Default Team Random.

    I wanted a team for Northrend but decided I wanted to do this with minimal effort.
    So I took stock of what characters I had lying around.

    Initially I discounted this team as it was melee heavy - but the longer I thought about it the more I figured Why not just try it.

    Looking at the highest level characters available to me I came up with the following group make up:

    Feral Druid. level 80 (Tank - would have been the tank on any group I made)
    Ehancement shaman level 76 (currently elemental but will switch to enhancement)
    Retribution Pally level 73
    Unholy deathknight level 73
    Holy or disc priest level 64

    I know macroing this together will be a considerable challenge.
    Buff wise it will be quite nice.
    I still have the utility that one shaman brings... groundings, poison cleansing etc, reincarnation (only 1 though )
    Still some CC with hibernate, entangling roots, repentance, hex (eventually)
    Nice AOE with consecration, death and decay, magma totem and disease spreading. Not to mention that Consecrate and DnD
    will make some pulls easier on the druid.

    Obviously I've given the rose tinted positives to this composition and I'm fully prepared for failure - What do you think will be my biggest problems.
    Team: Feral Druid, 3 Ele Shaman, 1 Resto Shaman

    Gimp Team: 4 paladins(13) and a DK(80)
    Kierlay,kierlee,kieree,kierla and Karatesh

  2. #2


    Well I think it's a pretty good looking group, should be fun....priest or druid healer is really the best fit for a full melee team IMO as you have the option to keep your entire team mobile and have nice AOE heals. I play 4dks + a resto druid and have also played it as 3dks, 1 enchance, 1 druid which personally I like more for Heroics as the totems are VERY NICE (resist/cleansing OP)... and bloodlust is fun too, howerver I need to gear out the DKs as they are fairly new so I usually make the shaman sit out (hes 25m geared already anyway)

  3. #3


    I've a level 60 druid I could spec to resto and level up if the need arises.

    What's your experience of your enhancement shaman?
    Given his better gear does he outthreat the DK's? Is he squishy (or is this no longer an issue with your level of gear)?
    Team: Feral Druid, 3 Ele Shaman, 1 Resto Shaman

    Gimp Team: 4 paladins(13) and a DK(80)
    Kierlay,kierlee,kieree,kierla and Karatesh

  4. #4


    Eh TBH I think you will be really happy with a priest healer, he has some nice AOE healing advantages over the druid that I am a bit jealous of (PoM, glyphed nova, CoH) and shield->renew combos are a nice way to deal with low health on random alts (rejuv->swiftmend is slower). Not that a druid healer is bad by any means and he has advantages of his own, just different...but on paper, I do like the priest a bit more 8)

    I play with all the DKs having different specs to cover all the buffs with one of them as a dedicated tank, so losing threat to the shaman wasn't an issue at all (nor was his squishyness) it's just that the shaman doesn't need any 5m epics/badges so I don't bother to bring him while the extra DK does

  5. #5


    This is almost my exact group except im:

    Feral druid
    Enh shaman
    Ret pally
    fury warrior
    blood DK
    Currently running 10 miners in Eve Online.

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