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  1. #1

    Default [clash of the titans] thoughts on new (horde & alliance) server for world multi-boxing pvp?

    i was on mag last night and although the guild (zerg) has a solid pop, the number of actives has been low for quite some time. with all the free transfers popping up, i had a thought and would like some feedback.

    i was thinking we would create two guilds... one horde, one alliance... on a low pop pvp server.

    each guild would consist of the main guild and sub guilds. the main guild would be for your main and your alts would be in the sub.

    and setup some basic boxer world etiquette (like no attacking another boxer group 15 levels lower then you) allowing for leveling

    this way, we could have some damn crazy battles in world pvp

    if you'd like to see this... and would like to avoid the leveling... post your support to this thread on the wow forums

  2. #2


    Thats an awesome idea but I just couldn't bring myself to re-level or pay $125+ to move my characters to that server But man if you could get buy in from some people, just having some massive world pvp fights would be sweet!
    Blood Elf Death Knight, 4 Orc Shaman - Burning Legion Horde US (PvP)
    Ellianaa - Haachoo - Hachu - Hachuu - Hahchoo

    Heroics down: Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Culling of Stratholme, Halls of Lightning, Ahn'Kahet, Violet Hold, Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Halls of Stone

  3. #3


    it won't let me select both options Seriously though, that would be some epic fun WoW. With the ease of the current content as well that might be awesome fun.

    It could also make for some epic video watching 40v40 that actually moved in formations and such.

    Question... If Sam and Prepared both leveled to 80 would they be considered the cross faction bosses?

  4. #4


    I would drop my server and join right away.. IF i was playing on US

    Anyone got plans on doing this on EU? I like the idea :>

    Bladefist EU:
    Överdöse • Òverdòse • Óverdóse • Ôverdôse
    Stõmpdòwn • Stòmpdõwn • Stómpdõwn • Stõmpdówn

  5. #5


    i'd imagine we'd create the same guilds for EU and Oceanic.
    pick a server, create horde (the zerg, of course), create alliance (the righteous?)... and have at it.

    we might have to do something to balance the sides a bit.

  6. #6


    this is a great idea! and after patch 3.0.8 we can create dk's on any realm (as long as we have a 55+) so if we don't WANT to level up too much it isn't that bad. like just run 5xDK's for like scheduled world PvP events or something. great idea man.


    Yay my 100th post XD lol
    "Atra du evarìnya ono varda, un atra esternì ono thelduin!" - "May the stars watch over you, and may good fortune rule over you!"
    - Yo-Yo Freak

  7. #7


    If this was organized decently to where we had buy in from a large portion of boxers (even if its not their "mains") then I'd probably at least create a team and try to level it solely for the purpose of world pvp
    Blood Elf Death Knight, 4 Orc Shaman - Burning Legion Horde US (PvP)
    Ellianaa - Haachoo - Hachu - Hachuu - Hahchoo

    Heroics down: Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Culling of Stratholme, Halls of Lightning, Ahn'Kahet, Violet Hold, Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Halls of Stone

  8. #8


    I'd consider something like this, but for a couple things holding me back:
    • Re-leveling or Transfer costs (Archimonde is medium pop -- we're not getting free xfers anytime soon)
    • Well-established on Archimonde (along with Suvega... Ellay's team is on there, as are a few groups of other multiboxers)
    • My solo raiding in my established raiding guild. Multibox attempts at raiding are fine, but I still like to do the solo thing and push for progression and server firsts.
    • Guilds. I don't like using them when multiboxing. The guild bank space is precious and while having mains in one guild and alts in another guild seems good for guild chat, you're effectively putting a bullseye on my main for PvP purposes (i.e. arenas, BGs, etc) -- I'd suggest letting everyone create their own guild, and using a global chat channel (i.e. /join Zerg or /join Multiboxing ) for a "guild chat" and letting each group form their own guild in order to utilize their own guild bank and have the same gname across all characters. You only have to /join it on your main, so it cuts down on the accidental spam.
    TBC/Wrath Multiboxer: Velath / Velani / Velathi / Velatti / Velavi / Velarie [Archimonde (US-PvP)]

  9. #9


    Hmm I have to disagree on the guild thing. (besides the fact that I don't even use my guild bank space). I like the fact that when you have everyone in an actual guild that people get auto joined into the channel and can't leave it. That the text is MUCH easier for everyone to read (without having to be tweaked), and that the guild name shows up under everyone's name (makes it that much more epic when 40 people from <Guild> are fighting 40 people from <otherGuild>.

    Just my opinion of course.
    Blood Elf Death Knight, 4 Orc Shaman - Burning Legion Horde US (PvP)
    Ellianaa - Haachoo - Hachu - Hachuu - Hahchoo

    Heroics down: Gundrak, Drak'Tharon, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle, Culling of Stratholme, Halls of Lightning, Ahn'Kahet, Violet Hold, Nexus, Azjol-Nerub, Halls of Stone

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Hachoo',index.php?page=Thread&postID=166702#post1 66702
    Hmm I have to disagree on the guild thing. (besides the fact that I don't even use my guild bank space). I like the fact that when you have everyone in an actual guild that people get auto joined into the channel and can't leave it. That the text is MUCH easier for everyone to read (without having to be tweaked), and that the guild name shows up under everyone's name (makes it that much more epic when 40 people from <Guild> are fighting 40 people from <otherGuild>.

    Just my opinion of course.
    The only issue is, as <the zerg> on Mag found out, you'll quickly break the guild UI with more than 500 members.

    This is a great idea, I'm just too established and rooted on Madoran.

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