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Thread: I'm back.

  1. #1

    Default I'm back.

    Hi guys,

    I’ve been gone for a while. I decided to head on over to EQ2 to give boxing a try there on the PVP server. Shortly after I realized that without extreme amount of dedication on twinking out each individual character that I would not be a formidable foe. The time investment to do that to me wasn’t worth wild. On a good note with the brand new expansion the gear rewards are awesome, which wouldn’t be much of a problem. That is if you want to spend $40 x 6 for it. Speaking of which that’s a all in one package so if you ever wanted to try to box it now’s your chance with the price.

    Bunch of friends IRL and on¬-line talked to me and stated they wanted to play together so the six of us in total created a static group and have been playing EQ2 ever since. I was having a good time over there, just really a blast. However last night while I was unable to play they all decided to reroll back to WOW, and for that matter on a different server.

    I gave it a lot of thought and if I do in fact return to wow I’d rather resume my 5 boxing setup at level 65 then reroll as a single level 1 noob. The last time me and this group came to wow they all quit, much like this time in EQ2. So looking that far ahead in the future I think it will be in my best interest to play my 5 box team.

    What kind of sucks however is I am on a different server then the rest of you. Mainly because I like it a lot there and all these friends played there. Now there moving too a different server. I’d rather not shell out $125 bucks just to move again.

    The thought has crossed my mind however moving to Mag where most of you seem to be. So tell me do you guys do anything together? Besides good company on maybe vent do any of you get together to raid towns and such? If I get back into it I could have a lot of fun with that.

    Anything that I should know about in the last couple months that’s new? Perhaps a new add-on or something handy for boxing?

    My YouTube Channel:
    Due to Blizzards position on Hong Kong, money > freedom. I stopped playing.

  2. #2


    Yeeeey! WB! Hoping for more movies, loved the two first.

    Too bad about your friends, I know the feeling after playing EQ, WoW, LOTRO and EVE and loosing a lot of friends along the grind.

  3. #3


    Bradster, we've missed your voice bud

    I know the frustrations of having friends move to a different game. Let me tell you a little story about Star Wars Galaxies and something called the "New Game Enhancements" I like to call them, the "Shitty Ass Attempt to Make a Game Toddlers can Play Craphancements"

    My guild, who we were all good friends, rerolled to City of Villians, needless to say, I didn't like that game at all, and then finally to WoW, but they all played as Alliance.

    And so I ended up in WoW, and now am playing on Magtheridon. And loving it. Last night around 130 am EST I was getting ganked at Nesingwary, and along comes Reprisal to clear them all out. I think Diego made it down eventually too. While we don't have the most talkative guild chat, it is definitely more fun than playing with other guilds and I think that once all of us hit 70 the real raids will be coming. I know I plan on trying for some. A giant sync'd raid on Stormwind with multiboxers would make PC Gamer for sure let alone across all the forums of WoW. If you do decide to join us Brad, you will be welcomed with open arms and embraced as the brother you are.
    - You put the lime in the coke u nut.

  4. #4


    Heyas Brad, Welcome back.

    Not a great deal has happened (Aside the influx of hundreds of new types).

    Pop in on IRC once in a while, we are all very talkative in there.

  5. #5


    Thanks guys. I think IRC is blocked here, i'll look around for the IRC info later and give it a try.

    So hows this new built in Vent with WOW? I left right before this patch. I fear I may logon and have 500 people sending me a voice message calling me a cheater :lol: DO gold sellers use voice chat yet? U buys gold I has a family?

    Xzin still have his hands full? Has he came back to wow yet?

    About joining you guys on Mag.

    How many boxers are on there now?
    What level is most of your boxing teams?
    Anyone play from 12:30am - 5am EST on weekdays?
    My YouTube Channel:
    Due to Blizzards position on Hong Kong, money > freedom. I stopped playing.

  6. #6



    Didn't you transfer OFF Mag?

    And wheres my gold?

    You should come back to Mag again.
    The Zins - 10 Boxing
    Xzin, Azin, Bzin, Czin, Dzin
    Xyzin, Ayzin, Byzin, Cyzin, Dyzin
    Magtheridon - US

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Bradster
    So hows this new built in Vent with WOW? I left right before this patch. I fear I may logon and have 500 people sending me a voice message calling me a cheater :lol: DO gold sellers use voice chat yet? U buys gold I has a family?
    You can set it to work in a party, in a raid, in a bg or in a channel but not all of the four at once

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Xzin

    Didn't you transfer OFF Mag?

    And wheres my gold?

    You should come back to Mag again.
    Thinking about moving over there. The reasons I moved to this server are pretty much void at this point. Going to get started here in the couple days and try to get a feel for how things are going to go.

    About the gold I never told you to take off anything, I will never look at belt buckles the same again after.... but if I do move over there I will take care of it.

    Are you playing wow again? Once my wife pays up her share of the bills I can make the move over to Mag. If that ever happens (a story not worth getting in to!).
    My YouTube Channel:
    Due to Blizzards position on Hong Kong, money > freedom. I stopped playing.

  9. #9
    Super Moderator Stealthy's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Sydney, Australia


    Get your ass on Mag!! We got lots of boxers on now, and I'm on every night around your time as well. We can help you with startup gold and bags if you need...

    The Zerg (Magtheridon - US)

    Fact of Life: After Monday and Tuesday even the calendar says W T F.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Stealthy
    Get your ass on Mag!! We got lots of boxers on now, and I'm on every night around your time as well. We can help you with startup gold and bags if you need...

    Thanks Stealthy

    I'm 65 x 5 with epic ground mounts, Not sure how much I have saved up for the cheaper flying ones. I didn't buy gear except at level 20, other then that I bought maybe 4 items since level 20. So I'm good with the cash flow in game. I'm going to fire these things up, I left everything as is so most likely have a bunch of out of date Addons to fix. After which I should be in good shape.

    Going to spend a couple days fooling around and see what I think. Then I may create a 5 Box team over there (my alts) try it out for a bit. If I like it still by 20 then i'll move my mains there. I'll keep you guys posted when I make my guys there.

    Will be all troll shamen (elemental). Its kinda funny I allready have 2 troll shaman at 60 and a cow one, I used to love the class (Enchancement) I pondered doing Shaman over Locks before, so least soon i'll get to try it.

    Not sure if I can't start this week. I'm hopeful.
    My YouTube Channel:
    Due to Blizzards position on Hong Kong, money > freedom. I stopped playing.

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