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  1. #1

    Default Binding Mouse Clicks to your Keyboard

    This is something I came up with after reading Falkor's Automation of Quests (Including Slaves) . Basically, its a way to left click or right click the environment for things like talking to NPCs or dropping AOEs.

    /script SetBinding(".", "TurnOrAction")
    /script SetBinding(",", "CameraOrSelectOrMove")
    /script SaveBindings(1)
    In this case, "." is assigned to right click and "," is assigned to left click. For those of us who hardware box, what this means is so long as we pre-position our mice, we can talk to an NPC, drop AOEs, mine, skin, pick herbs, click portals, etc without having to jump to an individual mouse per character.

    Now, as far as I can tell, this only works for interacting with the environment. It won't accept groups or quests or the like, but we already have macros for most of that. The big advantage here is that if you want to drop 5 Blizzards or Flamestrikes or what have you, you can just by hitting the macro and your binding for left click.

  2. #2


    How accurate is the aoe's on slaves compared to the master.
    and 0 replies has anyone else tried this?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Jubex',index.php?page=Thread&postID=160320#post16 0320
    How accurate is the aoe's on slaves compared to the master.
    and 0 replies has anyone else tried this?
    Interesting. I'm gonna play with this, probably Wednesday night (Woo, xmas!). I'll report back with what I find. I have two AOE toons, a mage and a lock - this could be very useful - and I don't see anything "illegal" about it.
    Prot Pally • Destro Lock • Holy Priest • Boomkin • Arcane Mage

    Heroic Bosses Down: Moorabi • Kologorn • Ormorock • Prince Keleseth • Eck

  4. #4


    It works, but its stability and accuracy is based entirely on how well the camera on your alt is positioned in the first place, and the terrain you're using it in. A small dip in the terrain can cause your mouse to hover over a spot thats 100 yards away. I'm sure with some practice it would work really well.

    The real question is how often does this sort of AOE come in handy? Such spells are typically mana intensive, and require pulls of 5+ to really start dishing out more damage than you could other wise get spamming a direct damage spell. Potential Volley exclusion until the incoming nerf.

    I don't understand how this could possibly be againt the rules though. It still requires a mouse pointer and a hardware click to activate the spell cast.

    Edit: Come to think of it, I HAVE been thinking about running an alt group, and one of them is a warrior-priest-lock-mage-hunter combo, so I'll check on just how viable it may be.

  5. #5


    It's not hard to make a script that zooms out to max and orients the camera directly overhead - if that's the only problem.

  6. #6


    Well, to be more specific, its not just a matter of where the camera is pointed, but if the camera is running in to anything. Max distance over head is fine until you go in to a building or a cave or have an intervening structure between the camera and where you're trying to drop your pie plate, but you have those worries with any camera angle. Its not a perfect method, but its an option for people who REALLY want to drop blizzards, volleys, rain of fires, death and decays, hurricanes, etc.

  7. #7


    Um, Blizzard crits now. Of course we want to?

    RoF...well, I think Hellfire still wins there usually. But new Blizzard? Yum.

    Oh...and if there's a cave ceiling or something in the way? It's going to be in the way for everyone...and if your followers are all following, they'll be on almost the same spot thus have the same max Z and identical or nearly identical views. should work most of the time.

  8. #8


    I've been using something like this. I actually zoom the camera into first person and have the alts looking straight down, this is for summoning my army of trees or dropping 5 hurricanes on top of me. For trying to position the AoE away from my party i have not had much success with any accuracy yet. I found click broadcasting to be better for that. But this is coming from a software boxer pov as i only use 2 systems at this time.

    I love dropping an army of tree into the middle of a group of alliance from stealth. So much fun

    #showtooltip Force of Nature
    /script SaveBindings(1)
    /cast Force of Nature

    I hit backspace, shift +backspace, then backspace a third time if i want them to all go aggressive.

    For Hurricane its the same. But other then an AoE pull that im going to tank it hasn't been as much use.

    #showtooltip Hurricane
    /script SaveBindings(1)
    /cast Hurricane

    I bound this to "\" right under my backspace so i can quickly hit slash then shift +backspace.

  9. #9


    Anyone try using mousekeys that's built into windows to do mouse clicks?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Starbuck_Jones',index.php?page=Thread&postID=1608 69#post160869
    Anyone try using mousekeys that's built into windows to do mouse clicks?
    That would only work if you have one client per session of Windows.

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