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  1. #1

    Default Anyone boxing LOTRO?

    I played LOTRO over a year ago and had a Guardian, Minstrel 2 box going. Now getting tired of WoW and thought I'd try LOTRO again for a while. Is anyone boxing LOTRO? What software and classes are you doing? When I 2 boxed LOTRO I just pressed the keys on 2 seperate computers.

  2. #2


    I'm currently dual-boxing LOTRO with a few different combinations -- Minstrel / Warden, Captain / Guardian and Runekeeper / Champ..

    Using Synergy to use one keyboard / mouse for both machines, and HotkeyNET to handle keys..

  3. #3


    I tried every class and finally decided I enjoy Hunter most so I've been two boxing my Hunter and Minstrel. My Minstrel was already 40 from the last time I played LoTRO 18 months ago and in the last week I've gotten my Hunter to 28. I'm enjoying LoTRO so far and I think I'll level a Loremaster (I like classes with pets) or a Champion after I get my Hunter/Minstrel to 60.

    I'm using Keyclone and Multiplicity to run my accounts on seperate computers. I have thought about adding a third account but I'm not sure how useful it would be. I'd like to run instances but I think managing 6 accounts might be too hard for me.

  4. #4


    Octopus (by skarlot) is awesome if you can bear going through the motions to set it up. I drive 2 chars primarily from 1 keyboard/mouse.
    I do have the 2nd kbd handy for intense situational healing combos. Hotkey autofollow is setup through shortcut ingame & my Razor Tarantula.

    I use regular keys for the Hunter and ALT+ combos for the minnie. Works great.
    I move my hand way right on the keyboard ASDF is utter crap. I actually use GYUK coz it gives me quick access to more keys and thumb for the ALT.

    Pre-Moria I finished all but a couple of the Book quests 2boxing in groups. The best part of it all is when I mention it in groups most ppl say they didnt even notice i was boxing.

    lvl 60 Hunter and Minstrel (luv it, super combo)
    lvl 23 Warden 21 RK

  5. #5


    Currently 4-boxing runekeepers using synergy w/broadcast. and hotkey net.The nice thing is they play a little like shamans. After you get your healing rock its pretty nice laying down 4 of them to draw aggro. also the fact that prelude to hope stacks is also a boon, if I see one of my guys getting a little to much damage, I can throw 4 of them on 1 toon, plus it can be spam if you have to run. :thumbsup: Overall Iam liking the fun.

  6. #6


    Depending on my mood, I 2-box, 3-box or 4-box lotro daily, using two computers. If I am only 2-boxing, i use only keyclone. When I triple or quad-box, I use only Hotkeynet. LOTRO requires a window to have keyboard foucs to receive input, thus the change in software when going beyond 2-boxing. I really like hunters, but am currently working on a captain for a 4th.

  7. #7


    Using Innerspace, I 2 box. Atm its Minstrel/Hunter but I did start out with Hunter/Hunter. I have also done Captain/Hunter which was fun, putting both Oathbreakers and HeartSeeker to the same key, got to love those 1 shots If I didn't have so much going on elsewhere I would consider a 3rd.

  8. #8


    I started 2-boxing (2 computers using a modified Synergy) with a Guardian/Minstrel combo. I moved onto a duo of Hunters. I 2-boxed the Hunters throughout the Rift pre-MOM.

    Now I full-on multi-box with a Champ and 4 Rune-keepers in a group. I have 4 Runekeepers on 1 system and the Champ on another, using a combination of MultiBox (modified Synergy) and InnerSpace to control them all. Right now this setup has just hit East Angmar and is right around level 50.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by 'JamieW',index.php?page=Thread&postID=184031#post1 84031
    I started 2-boxing (2 computers using a modified Synergy) with a Guardian/Minstrel combo. I moved onto a duo of Hunters. I 2-boxed the Hunters throughout the Rift pre-MOM.

    Now I full-on multi-box with a Champ and 4 Rune-keepers in a group. I have 4 Runekeepers on 1 system and the Champ on another, using a combination of MultiBox (modified Synergy) and InnerSpace to control them all. Right now this setup has just hit East Angmar and is right around level 50.
    Jamie, do you have any macros that can life a bit easier? I'm particulary having trouble wit 'yo must face target' when I'm dualboxing my champ/captain.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'JamieW',index.php?page=Thread&postID=184031#post1 84031
    I started 2-boxing (2 computers using a modified Synergy) with a Guardian/Minstrel combo. I moved onto a duo of Hunters. I 2-boxed the Hunters throughout the Rift pre-MOM.

    Now I full-on multi-box with a Champ and 4 Rune-keepers in a group. I have 4 Runekeepers on 1 system and the Champ on another, using a combination of MultiBox (modified Synergy) and InnerSpace to control them all. Right now this setup has just hit East Angmar and is right around level 50.
    I am dabbling around in EQ2 atm, Its ok, but I am missing LotR a bit. I have a 50 champ and minst there atm. Will LotRs work with just innerspace? or can I use keyclone to broadcast the keys? Ill have to reopen the two and see what i can do. I have one beefy rig and a second semi beefy rig to test stuff on.
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

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