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Thread: Scroll Wheel

  1. #1

    Default Scroll Wheel

    I just started dual-boxing on two computers recently, and I just wanted to share the one really helpful thing I've learned to do. I hope this isn't obvious and hasn't been suggested like 100 times before. The scroll wheels on mice can be keybound just like any other button can. Every time you scroll a mouse wheel down and you hear a little "click" it's an individual button press. So scrolling down repeatedly basically means you're using a macro/attack as fast as you possibly can, while also being incredibly easy. I have it set up so scroll up = target next enemy on main, follow on alt, and scroll down to be the attack macro for both. You don't even have to touch the keyboard, you can control both characters with just the mice - with a few keyboard commands for emergencies.
    Hope this helps!
    - a dual boxing newb.

  2. #2


    Just a WoW it doesn't matter how fast you hit a key, if the global cooldown isn't up, the action won't happen. But yes, you can bind the wheel. I just prefer to zoom my camera depending on where I'm at or what I'm doing.
    Siaea(h), Saiea(h), Seaie(h), Sieae(h), Seiae(h) - H(A) PvP
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Siaea',index.php?page=Thread&postID=154644#post15 4644
    Just a WoW it doesn't matter how fast you hit a key, if the global cooldown isn't up, the action won't happen. But yes, you can bind the wheel. I just prefer to zoom my camera depending on where I'm at or what I'm doing.
    I rebound zoom to ctrl-wheel... one catch, you have to make sure you unbind the "next button bar" binds if you do this, or you can end up with some funky toolbars visible... (discovered this mid raid and wasn't sure how I did it!)
    [> Sam I Am (80) <] [> Team Doublemint <][> Hexed (60) (retired) <]
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  4. #4


    it matters a lot how often you hit a key when you're multiboxing and have 5 different chars who's global cooldowns are not likely sycned after a few seconds of combat
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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Kromtor',index.php?page=Thread&postID=154662#post 154662
    it matters a lot how often you hit a key when you're multiboxing and have 5 different chars who's global cooldowns are not likely sycned after a few seconds of combat
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  6. #6


    In my opinion everyone should at least try using the scroll wheel in this way. it may not sound all that different from spamming a normal key, but trust me when you do it, it just is different. There is just something easy and relaxing about scrolling that wheel. I know it sounds stupid but seriously try it.

    I like it so much ive bound it every way you can to get the most uses out of my scroll wheel, for example binding it with alt, ctrl, ect...

    My main dps cast sequence is just to scroll forward.

    The trick as someone else mentioned is to bind the wheel itself to another button, like up is T or something.

  7. #7


    It's a cool trick, I did this for a while and keybound my "-" and "+" keys for zoom, but never liked it. You need to scroll wheel in and out IMO.

    What did I do for 2 extra keybindings? I bought a mouse for $25 with two mouse buttons on it, its great, but sadly can't use them through keyclone because it acts as a "click" so that sucks a bit =[


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