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  1. #1

    Default Resto Druid Macro Healing Setup - Druids give input please

    Ok this is what I have setup for my druid tree healer thats level 70. I used a modified version of what I use on my shaman. The keyboard I use is the G15 with G1-G6 Keys on the left side.

    I have saved the following to the G Keys.

    Ctrl-F1 = G1 (my tank healing macro)
    Ctrl-F2 = G2 (druid healing macro)
    Ctrl-F3 = G4 (dps healing macro)
    Ctrl-F4 = G5 (dps healing macro)
    Ctrl-F5 = G6 (dps healing macro)

    I wanted an easy way to heal each character with 1 button. This is the macros I use to quickly heal the team.

    This macro is set to my F1-F5 keys that will trigger when pressing my G1-G5 or F1-F5 keys.

    /castsequence [mod:ctrl,target=nebbiolo] reset=6 regrowth, rejuvenation, swiftmend
    /cast [mod:shift,target=nebbiolo] Healing Touch
    /cast [target=player] wild growth

    The target name is different for each button. It includes the name of my team so I can always remember to press their key if they need a heal.

    This macro does a few things. If I press my G3 button ,(nebbiolos heal) it will cast a regrowth, rejuvenation, and a swiftmend. I have to press the key 3 times. The only trouble I could get in with this is after going throught he rotation once it will stop at the swiftmend. Its not too much of a problem but if I needed to really spam heal I couldnt do it with this. This macro also binds the shift modifier to the corresponding F1-F5 key. So if nebbiolo needed a healing touch I just shift+F3 and it cast a healing touch on him. If the team was taking some aoe damage I could just press any F1-F5 key and it will cast wild growth on anyone near.

    For healing the main tank I use the same macro format. I have not decided which key to bind it to. Its going to be a key from 0-9 on the top or number keypad. I will assume I put it on the number keypad 0 button for this.

    Main Tank Healing Macro

    /cast [mod:ctrl,target=sangiovese] swiftmend
    /cast [mod:shift,target=sangiovese] Healing Touch
    /castsequence [target=sangiovese reset=10 Rejuvenation, lifebloom, lifebloom, Regrowth, lifebloom

    If I bound this to my number keybad 0 key it would give me three actions for my tank. The normal roll of hots would be just pressing the keypad 0 to rejuv, lifebloom and regrowth. This stacks 3 lifeblooms. If the tank needs a quick heal I can hit ctrl+keypad 0 to swiftmend the hots I have rolling on him. Likewise, if I press shift+keypad 0 the tank would get a healing touch.

    This is my brainstorm of healing for my druid. I wanted to try and use the most heals I could stock into a few buttons. Once I get use to where the guys are on the G1-G5 keys it should be pretty easy. The tank healing macro shouldnt need to be spammed considering all the hots rolling. This should allow my druid to regen some mana and be able to swiftmend or regrowth if the tank needs some healing. My tank is bound on my G1 key for easy access. If you guys have any druid healers let me know what you think of these macros. Let me know If there is anything I can improve or change. This has not been tested in battle yet. I am just setting up the macros in TB and testing them as I go.

    Another addition... I will most likely create a target of target healing macro incase I need to use it. I have several of those on my shaman but dont usually use it except for when I did instances in bc.
    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

  2. #2


    Ok my macro has died. For some reason when I cast the buttons G1-G5 its continuing the cast sequence like all 5 macros are the same macro on the same button. I cant figure out why its doing that now. If anyone has a clue to why let me know. This is driving me nuts.

    After more testing I changed it to

    /castsequence [mod:ctrl,target=sangiovese] reset=target/5 regrowth, rejuvenation,
    /cast [mod:shift,target=sangiovese] Healing Touch
    /cast [target=player] wild growth

    I took the swiftmend out and whats odd is this. I can go down each key 1 by 1 and it cast regrowth.. Then when it gets to the 5th key it cast rejuv then wildgrowth. Then it just gets out of wack and each keypress does a different thing. Unless I made a big mistake each macro should start the cast sequence. Some reason its getting confused and trying to cast sequence every button I press. Any ideas?
    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

  3. #3


    I am a bit worried about the fact that you have bound a G button to "Ctrl+F1", since you use ctrl as a modifier in the macro. I don't know how WoW translates that, as a G-buttno press, or a Ctrl+F1-button press.

  4. #4


    i have all my G-Keys bound to combos of 2 non "F" keys..example ctr-alt- 1-6.....shift-alt 1-6 and cnt-shift 1-6 ( i had issues when useing the "F" keys with my Gkey bindings. )
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  5. #5


    I tried the method below, and it is AWESOME. In simple terms, it heals whoever is getting whacked on...which is going to be the person who is losing life. I tested this over and over, and it is great! So lets say "Player1" is the leader, and "Player2" is one of the dps cronies (or healers) and pulls aggro...everyone is focused on "Player1" and assisting...the macro notices that the Enemy is no longer attacking "Player1" and will target the Enemy's new target "Player2" and heal "Player2". It has saved me a lot of headaches, as it takes out the thinking of which target you need to heal (especially when you are switching lead members with PiP swaps)

    I got this idea from one of the members, and will post the link and the information (Post #13):
    Basic Focus Help

    I'm a big fan of reverse target heals.

    On my druid I have Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Swiftmend and Regrowth as targeted heals, plus Tranquility on my emergency key.
    My druid is dreamstate spec, because I like her to contribute to the dps when the heals are not needed, but to still be a strong healer when needed.
    If dreamstate healing ever becomes insufficient, she could spec deep resto instead, but dreamstate has been more then sufficient for my teams.

    The heal format is:

    /cast [help] Regrowth; [help, target=targettarget] Regrowth; [target=player] Regrowth

    Same for each other heal.
    When my druid is leading the party (I use a paging/party leader assist method) that is her macro.
    When any other toon is leading the party, her macro changes to:

    /assist [target=party1]
    /cast [help] Regrowth; [help, target=targettarget] Regrowth; [target=player] Regrowth

    "This allows the healer to assist the current active toon, and heal their target if its friendly.
    If the target is hostile, and the tank's target is almost always hostile, then it heals the target of the tank's target, which is almost always the tank.
    If both conditions prove false, then the heal defaults to the healer; you could modify the last part to read [target=tankname] so the heal defaults to the tank if you'd like.

    I can see the value of a key to heal Toon A, another for Toon B, another for Toon C etc.
    But 95% of the time, letting the macro choose who gets the heal works great.
    For those times when it isn't optimal, I use Tranquility which because of talents is completely threat free and is available every 4 minutes."

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Lyonheart',index.php?page=Thread&postID=160019#po st160019
    i have all my G-Keys bound to combos of 2 non "F" keys..example ctr-alt- 1-6.....shift-alt 1-6 and cnt-shift 1-6 ( i had issues when useing the "F" keys with my Gkey bindings. )
    When you had issues with the Gkeys and Fkeys what did it do? I dont know if wow was acting strange but even my shamans had issues with it the other night. Instead of casting LHW on my players it was casting chain heal. Then it started working again. I wonder if there wasn't something going on between wow and my keyboard thats messing things up. I will do a test with other keys.

    As for the healing macro to target target healing... It was on my to do list. Thanks for showing me some suggestions. I will give it a try. I have one of those setup for my shaman as well. In order to heal I think you need one of those. Do you only have a macro for regrowth healing on target of target? Or did you mean you had one for each rejuv, lifebloom, swiftmend, and Ht? I am trying to keep my finger twisting to a min. With frost mage my dps is pretty easy unless I have an immune to frost mob. I wish there was a way to blizzard x3. I can really see my pally gathering a ton of mobs and my mages blizzarding them down. Too bad I would have to do it by clicking on 3 different monitors and setting the aoe circle.
    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

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