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  1. #1

    Default Raugh cost for a 5box setup? and how long to level 5 chars?

    Basically nothing fancy i just want it to run wow smoothly
    price needs to include screens for them, again nothing over the top

    just an estimate price? or a link to a thread that shows this

    also how long would it take to level up 5 chars at once? just say shamans (yes im a big fan of that pvp video on

  2. #2


    5 Boxing on ONE machine with software broadcasting?

    You can build a quality, playable 5 boxing rig these days for roughly $1000 - $1200. If you want all the bells and whistles, looking at about $2000 - $2200.

    Less of course if you have a moderately up to date machine and can update the ram, video card and add a quad core to it.

    If you want to go all out and build 5 custom machines, which is what I did (later expanded to 10) because there WAS no software option - you are looking at about well, $5k for 5 boxing. Maybe a bit (700 - 1k) less if you skimp a bit. Give or take. Read my how to 5 or 10 box sticky. I literally go through EACH expense and keep a running tally.

    Leveling up depends on you. Figure about 2 - 4 days to set it all up and tweak it and get it functional enough. I would then expect about 10 - 15 days played to hit 70, assuming you know the 1-70 run and don't waste time. Maybe less now that 20 - 70 has been sped up. Shamans would likely be easier to level up because all of them can ankh and rez. Warlocks go the same way - soulstone on the rezzer. Mages are a bit slower as there is less room for error and when the priest dies, in an instance at least, you are toast.
    The Zins - 10 Boxing
    Xzin, Azin, Bzin, Czin, Dzin
    Xyzin, Ayzin, Byzin, Cyzin, Dyzin
    Magtheridon - US

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