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  1. #1

    Default How is WoW nowadays?

    I played wow a lot in the first expansions and lost interest when Cataclysm was released.

    I had a team of 4 mages and 1 priest, I enjoyed doing battlegrounds, world pvp, low level instances and raids.

    I also enjoyed collecting vanity items, and also collecting heirloom items to make imba alts. My highest rating in arena 5v5 was 1600, I didnt spend much time on it.

    Im thinking of returning, perhaps try 10 box.

    Did Cataclysm and MoP add new fun things for multiboxers? How is boxing nowadays compared to during WotLk?
    Pycnopodia - Pycnopodiá - Pycnopodià - Pycnopodiâ - Pycnopodiã
    <Vengeance> - World PvP Guild
    [A] Outland-EU

  2. #2


    I just read Activision-Blizzard disabled /follow command from Battlegrounds, and their lead systems designer labeled multiboxing as a problem.

    Since they dont want our money, can anyone recommend other fun games? What about Tera Online?
    Pycnopodia - Pycnopodiá - Pycnopodià - Pycnopodiâ - Pycnopodiã
    <Vengeance> - World PvP Guild
    [A] Outland-EU

  3. #3


    He didn't say it was a problem. What he actually said was that multiboxers love BGs and have a lot of fun but that nobody else was enjoying the BGs when multiboxers were around. What he said was a problem was that bots were mostly dependent on /follow and that by removing /follow it would get rid of the bots and all around make the non-boxers happy. There's more of them than there are of us.

  4. #4


    He is basically saying that when multiboxers are having fun it is often at the expense of too many other players, and that this is a problem.

    "The problem is when multi boxers are having fun in PvP, everyone else often is not." - Ghostcrawler

    One thing to note is that this is an observation from their lead systems designer, it does not matter if he is right or wrong. What matters is that is his opinion, and he is the lead system designer, and he will not suddently change his mind because someone playing the game disagrees with him.

    Multiboxing makes your characters stronger than other players and many players find that unfair. The ingame accepted way of becoming stronger than your opponents is to spend more time playing, divorce your wife and give up a career. Its completely unfair that having a job and income should give you an advantage in any way.

    Another perspective is that the playerbase is becoming more and more casual and less tolerant of hardcore gamers such as multiboxers. Its probably a combination, and multiboxers seem to make everyone pissed off.
    Pycnopodia - Pycnopodiá - Pycnopodià - Pycnopodiâ - Pycnopodiã
    <Vengeance> - World PvP Guild
    [A] Outland-EU

  5. #5
    Member Alge's Avatar
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    Nov 2010
    Sydney, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Pycno View Post
    Since they dont want our money, can anyone recommend other fun games? What about Tera Online?
    RIFT is free-to-play and not too dissimilar to WoW to make things hard to pick up.

  6. #6


    Does anyone know where GC plays, on what realm and faction? I would like to roll a few characters there and destroy him as many times as I can find him.

  7. #7


    Boomly_Orcsbane: "The biggest issue is that this change has utterly destroyed a play style that has been accepted for 8 year's!!"

    Greg Street ‏@Ghostcrawler: "Nevertheless, do you think it was fun for the solo players on the receiving end?"

    Another quote from the same link. He is right, many players find it more frustrating to be beaten by a multiboxer than normal players.
    Pycnopodia - Pycnopodiá - Pycnopodià - Pycnopodiâ - Pycnopodiã
    <Vengeance> - World PvP Guild
    [A] Outland-EU

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Pycno View Post
    Multiboxing makes your characters stronger than other players and many players find that unfair. The ingame accepted way of becoming stronger than your opponents is to spend more time playing, divorce your wife and give up a career. Its completely unfair that having a job and income should give you an advantage in any way.
    Because to stand a chance in random battlegrounds you need to be a no-lifer? Your statement seems flawed in pretty much every possible way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pycno View Post
    Another perspective is that the playerbase is becoming more and more casual and less tolerant of hardcore gamers such as multiboxers
    Since when are multiboxers hardcore gamers? Hardcore gaming doesn't seem to fit with a wife, income and career as you said before.
    Everything that is fun in life is either bad for your health, immoral or illegal!

  9. #9
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    Quote Originally Posted by Pycno View Post
    One thing to note is that this is an observation from their lead systems designer, it does not matter if he is right or wrong. What matters is that is his opinion, and he is the lead system designer, and he will not suddently change his mind because someone playing the game disagrees with him.
    Or he's making a factual statement based upon years of forum and in-game ticket feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pycno View Post
    Another perspective is that the playerbase is becoming more and more casual and less tolerant of hardcore gamers such as multiboxers. Its probably a combination, and multiboxers seem to make everyone pissed off.
    I think you're giving too much credit to too many multiboxers who PvP'd.

    Either way, there are still a handful of players out there doing world PvP on a grand scale.

  10. #10


    zenga, Players feel that time invested in the game should be rewarded with increased power. Someone playing hours every day and raiding 7 days a week should be rewarded with better items than someone who logs in once a week. They consider this fair.

    Note that "fair" means "the advantage I can make use of", and since most wow players would rather play more than to multibox they consider multiboxing to be unfair.

    If you invest time and money into playing wow many people will already think of you as a hardcore gamer. If you have the hardware, software, dedication, time and number of wow-accounts to multibox then you are a hardcore gamer. You can use other terms if you like, but casual gamer would be very misleading.

    MiRai, Sure, he probably has his reasons. It doesnt really matter if he personally likes multiboxing or if he is multiboxing himself, he has said its a problem in the game.

    I think there are enough multiboxers around for many players to have formed an opinion about us, and players do notice multiboxers. Certainly seems to be a lot of activity on the official forums about boxing and there has also been several official (blue) posts about multiboxing.
    It started out as a rare thing and now its becoming increasingly more common.
    Pycnopodia - Pycnopodiá - Pycnopodià - Pycnopodiâ - Pycnopodiã
    <Vengeance> - World PvP Guild
    [A] Outland-EU

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