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  1. #1

    Default The Most Difficult Part of Multiboxing is...

    ... picking the names .

    Picked up a third copy today and registered KeyClone. Gonna do a Prot Pally + Hunter + Shaman (not sure on spec yet). I wanted to do Pally+Hunter+Warlock since those are the only 3 classes I've never gotten to 60, but I wanted to stay with friends on Alliance and none of the Alliance races can be all three. So Draenei Pally/Hunter/Shaman it is.

    Now comes my dilemma: picking names!. I'm trying to think of names that obviously belong together without the typical "a-b-c" or "one-two-three" suffixes, nor the illegal special character replacement (yes, it's against the naming policy to use ñ ù â etc, on US realms at least.)

    It also gets tricky finding a set of three that are all unused, as I absolutely refuse to mangle names like the 5-billion permutations of "Legolas." Personal pet peeve

    Trying to find something that's not "funny now but a pain later" (although for $30 I could always change them...) Got ideas like "Bobthewise" "Joethewise" and "Timthewise" (three wise men, get it? haha!) :P. Tried looking up mythological triplets with little success (why are there so many twins but no triplets?)

    So, anyone with "unique" 2-3-4-5 box names, mind sharing to help get my brain working?

  2. #2
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    I agree. I usually try to inject some element of humor into mine as it is a game, after all.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Fursphere
    That was actually the very first thing I thought of. Sadly, doing an armory check shows Larry and Moe already taken.

    None of my ideas are good for 3-boxing, sigh.
    Greeneggs & Ham (green orc and brown orc)
    Imwithhim & Imwithher (any male/female)
    Onefish, Twofish, Redfish, & Bluefish

    I thought of Coffee, Tea, and Soda (with a pet named Pop), but Soda and Tea were taken.

  4. #4


    Dwarf Paladin + Hunter, Gnome Warlock? They have the same starting area at least.

    Using sentences or sentence fragments is against the naming policy too, not that it ever gets enforced.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Zaelar
    Dwarf Paladin + Hunter, Gnome Warlock? They have the same starting area at least.
    I actually forgot about that, hmm. I'm already kinda set on three characters with the exact same model (I realize gear will make them look different.) I guess I'd be okay with having the main (pally) a different race as long as the two followers were the same.

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaelar
    Using sentences or sentence fragments is against the naming policy too, not that it ever gets enforced.
    Ah, true, well guess I can scratch that idea.

  6. #6



    So they don't have to be male...
    Currently running 3x City of Heroes under Octopus

  7. #7


    I've made new team of old and wise looking draenei male and 4 human female mages.

    I was thinking how to call my draenei guy and since he is looking old and wise I decided to start thinking from "Profet" (not "prophet" - thats not 1337 enough). So a bit later I have called the draenei Gankprofet, and mages: LuvProfet, DesProfet, KulProfet and OldProfet

    You can start from the same way.
    Coffee Resurrects.

  8. #8


    I wanted Jackie, Jermaine, Marlon, Michael and Tito.

    But they were all taken.

    So I went with 5 greek letters.

  9. #9



  10. #10


    I made:

    What they are saying: "Why are those guys following you? Why do they wear the same stuff? Did you pay for all of those accounts? Boxing is so unfair. Ebay? Lozer. Get a life. WTF? Retard. Gay." What they are thinking: "Damn, wish I could do that. That's so cool. This guy rocks! Lucky bastard. Maybe I can get mom to buy me more accounts."

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