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Thread: PvP questions

  1. #1

    Default PvP questions

    I have some questions about PvP and would like some feedback on my current plan.

    I have 3 Ele shammys, currently 62.
    I am planning on doing PvP and Arena for points but wont be doing too much arena.
    I was planning on grinding out to 69 then hitting up all the BGs to get some gear when I hit 70, but with the implementation of the Season 0.5 gear (from rep guys) I am debating just hitting 70 and then hitting up the bgs at that time. Would that even be worth it? Should I just do the 69 bgs and melt face then ding 70?

    And for arena, I see lots of people doing 5v5 and grabbing another healer, anyone do 3v3? would I need a healer? I am thinking with my prev 3v3 experience, its mainly just ppl rushing and healing wont be too much of an issue.

    Thanks for any feedback!
    Mains Shamans: Shamun, Shamdeux, Shamtrois
    1........10.........20.........30.........40...... ...50.........60.........70
    Alts Mages(21): Mageun, Magedeux, Magetrois, Krystia(Priest)

  2. #2


    In your shoes, and expansion coming up in less then 3 munths, I woud have taking my time time up to 70.. chiled it.. enjoyed it.. once at 70, i would just have used the blue set and saved all marks for lvl 80. And just played BGs and some arena maninly for practice and fun. But not spend any time on trying to gear up more. Maybe focuse some one geting a nice stack of gold before expansion.. so you can get gems / enchant directly then.. or even use the time to lvlup as much proffesion as neede...

    But going for seriusly gearin up is something i see as a totaly wast atm..
    Lizandra + Againstme + Againstmê + Agaînstme + Againstmë + Againstyou / The Zerg - Al'akir (EU)

  3. #3


    My 3v3 Arena experience.

    My highest rating was 1640ish, but it was basically pure luck on the comps I was facing. I enjoyed it for a day, and then the next time I logged on to do Arena's I dropped like 7 straight before winning again. Ended the day at 1505 I think, and I haven't jumped back into 3s since. I've put around 200 games in and I typically stay in the mid-high 1500s. I outgear that rating since I have an 1800+ (1890 max) rated 5v5 team, so I can overpower lots of the lower ranked teams and score easy wins. Then I'll just get owned by rogues/warlocks again for losses.

    4 shamans + 1 healer is fun. You're not going to do 2 shamans + 1 healer very well in 3s, and playing 3 shamans is tough because you're doing everything. I doubt 5s would be very good 5 boxing, 4 is really a sweet spot because our 4 shaman burst can insta-gib someone on demand while allowing that last guy to help with the various tasks needed to win; like healing.
    Absolute Power
    10 Boxing: Priest, Mage, Paladin x2, Warlock x2, Shaman x4
    Karazhan - 9 out of 11
    The Curator, Terestian Illhoof, Prince Malchezaar

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