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  1. #1

    Default Hi there :) & a few questions

    Hi there, I'm new. I'm Dan, I have a 70 Rogue, 65 Shaman and I've just started multiboxing on 2 shamans. They're 26 now, with a ... noob >15 hours played.

    You'll be happy to hear I've read through the Wiki, and most of the threads in this section so I hope my following questions wont be ones that have been repeated many times. :P
    I've taken a look at some of the totem threads, where you talk about castsequences for totems such as:

    /castsequence Stoneskin Totem, Searing Totem
    /castsequence Healing Wave
    /castsequence ,Healing Wave

    However I was wondering what you guys used for your binds for the totems - So far as 26 I only really have a few totems (half way through Call of Water now) and my current macro goes

    1: /castsequence Stoneskin Totem, Searing Totem
    2: /castsequence Earthbind Totem, Searing Totem
    Now this seemed a good idea at first however I don't always want to drop my earthbind, heh.

    I don't know, I'm just asking if you guys had any ideas seeing as my shamans are about 2 quests away from getting Mana Spring and Healing Stream.

    Thanks for the help, and I'll try and stick around!

    Currently boxing 2 Elemental Shamans on Kilrogg-EU.
    Level: 1........10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60.........70!

  2. #2


    Do you always want to drop Searing Totem? If so just reverse the sequence and add in a reset.

    /castsequence reset=5 Searing Totem, Earthbind Totem

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Stabface',index.php?page=Thread&postID=108828#pos t108828
    Do you always want to drop Searing Totem? If so just reverse the sequence and add in a reset.

    /castsequence reset=5 Searing Totem, Earthbind Totem
    Yeah - I was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions for totem binds also - like, personal preference on what castsequence they use as well as binds like F1,F2, etc

    Thanks for the help and fast reply!
    Currently boxing 2 Elemental Shamans on Kilrogg-EU.
    Level: 1........10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60.........70!

  4. #4


    I have my standard sequence on 0, with specific totems on alt-0 (grounding) ctrl-0 (tremor) shift-0 (mana tide)

    I can't remember the exact sequence but I did put healing stream/mana spring first, so if I'm recovering from a wipe then I can just hit 0 once and get those down, without wasting time casting the other totems first. Next in the set is tremor/grounding/wrath of air, followed by totem of wrath/flametongue and then whatever else I put down.... earthbind/stoneskin... etc.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Stabface',index.php?page=Thread&postID=108837#pos t108837
    I have my standard sequence on 0, with specific totems on alt-0 (grounding) ctrl-0 (tremor) shift-0 (mana tide)

    I can't remember the exact sequence but I did put healing stream/mana spring first, so if I'm recovering from a wipe then I can just hit 0 once and get those down, without wasting time casting the other totems first. Next in the set is tremor/grounding/wrath of air, followed by totem of wrath/flametongue and then whatever else I put down.... earthbind/stoneskin... etc.
    i second this,

    basically, one key pressed 4 times, the order that my shamans drop the totems are water, fire, earth, air. for pve..

    for pvp.. i have also one key press but i have tremor totems stagered. so any combo that gives me the stagering effect. im only running 4 shamans also.
    Alliance Skullcrusher US
    Shaman Team 80 Lilbeauty, Lilbeuaty, Lilbaeuty, Lilbauety
    Warlock Team 70 Lilpeople, Lilpeopie, Lilpoeple, Lilpoepie

  6. #6


    I have keys 9-= bound to earth, wind, fire and air and I use modifiers (like Shift+9, or Ctrl+9) for each. This really blew my skirt up when I got into it Ken's Shaman Macros
    "My dogs could roll heroics with how a lot of you play."
    - Fursphere 2010

  7. #7


    Thanks for all the replies - I've set it up now as follows (@28 now)

    /castsequence Mana Spring Totem, Searing Totem, Stoneskin Totem
    /castsequence Healing Stream Totem, Searing Totem, Strength of Earth Totem
    Works pretty well. Will have to update it once I get ToW as that's probrably gonna be the one I use first and foremost in the rotation.

    I'll take a look at the whole shift/alt modifier things - Perhaps I could have it as;

    for example;

    1: Shift + 1 = Tremor
    1: Shift+2 = Earthbind
    2: Alt +1 = Tremor
    2: Alt+2 = Earthbind
    If you catch my drift? So I can lay one on one without it affecting the other. (Dualboxing only)
    Currently boxing 2 Elemental Shamans on Kilrogg-EU.
    Level: 1........10.........20.........30.........40.........50.........60.........70!

  8. #8


    You can probably do that by setting up stopmacros for the characters

    Shaman 1:
    /cast [nomodifier] Lightning Bolt {Or whatever your normal 1 key is]
    /stopmacro [modifier:alt]
    /cast [modifier:shift] Tremor Totem

    /cast [nomodifier] Chain Lightning
    /stopmacro [modifier:alt]
    /cast [modifier:shift] Earthbind Totem

    Shaman 2:
    /cast [nomodifier] Lightning Bolt
    /stopmacro [modifier:shift]
    /cast [modifier:alt] Tremor Totem

    /cast [nomodifier] Chain Lightning
    /stopmacro [modifier:shift]
    /cast [modifier:alt] Earthbind Totem

    Pressing 1 will Lightning Bolt for both.
    Pressing 2 will Chain Lightning for both.
    Shift-1 will cast Tremor Totem for Shaman 1.
    Alt-1 will cast Tremor Totem for Shaman 2.
    Shift-2 will cast Earthbind Totem for Shaman 1.
    Alt-2 will cast Earthbind Totem for Shaman 2.

    I hope this helps.

    Edit: I also have a few questions and I don't really feel up to making my own thread. <.<

    1) Anyway to macro "Stop Following" or just "Stop"? Currently working on a Ret Paladin/Shadow Priest setup and that would be oh so handy to get the ball rolling with the priest before my paladin gets to its target.
    I would use the multiboxing addon to have the priest follow once combat ends.

    2) Any better method for beginning the quest turn in process than having to right click the quest giver on each character? Once the dialogue box is open, it is easy enough to turn in the quest with one character.

    3) I can tell early on that I'm going to run out of room for macros. Are we still bound to only having 36 macros (18 per character, 18 for the account)?

    4) Going back to the first question, is it even worth the hassle of dualboxing a melee and a caster?

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