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  1. #1

    Default RAF exp or boost?

    I've been practicing dualboxing and keyclone now, and I'm to a point I've been wondering. My goal of dualboxing was to play a Hunter + Shaman, for dailies, pvp/arena, and to level in wotlk. I've used the RAF to benifit from triple exp from mobs & quests. I've noticed that, if you have a highlvl in your party, you get barely any exp from mobs, and the exp from quests seems to be the same as being out of party, I guess your chars have to be in the same range to make the exp worth 3 times. I planned, to make my Shaman benifit from 3x exp, to level it together with a rogue. The shammy is 14 (boosted her a bit) and the rogue is going to hit 14 today as well, but I wonder if that's faster then just boosting my Shaman in instances? The rogue is just only to have some stunlocking fun, I have no big plans for her.

    I'm still new to dualboxing therefore I ask the experts what is the fastest: dualboxing with same lvl char or boosting.

  2. #2


    I am not up on all the terms yet I think boosting is towing a lowe level with a high level??

    One trick is to go ahead and do that. BUT before you turn ANY quest in, drop the high level char and summon a same or lower level toon from the linked account to the one turning in quest. I tried it once In tanaris and even a lvl 1 worked! Then when they are together and partied turn in the quests. you should see the 3x xp bonus for the quest, then you can drop the little one and bring the main back on to continue..

    You lose the kill XP bonus, but the quest XP is really where the RAF program shines. From what I have seen with same level linked group the per kill xp is a little under solo rested XP.

  3. #3


    I boosted WITH the RAF experience. Group:

    - Veteran Account alt
    - RAF alt
    - Non-linked 70

  4. #4


    I personally have bosted 3 sets to 40+ and am starting them in ZF tonight
    I am thinking of getting them to level 57 or so and then Raiding with all 8 into LBRS
    since If I remember right it is still 5 and 10 man

    I was able to take 6 into the Stockades but with 6 in a Raid not group the XP droped
    so drastically it was not worth it...

    Quest to lvl 10

    SFK to lvl 25 I take my lvl 10s in drop them at the gate and gather MOBs with my paly.
    Never have to move the newbie’s unless I want to get the last boss which I usually bypass When bosting.

    Stockades to about 28 quests and stuff

    SM to 41

    ZF to 50? not done this part yet.

    Then to Strat undead? Not sure but we will see

    I always set Looting to master looter when bosting
    Since I am not taking the time to loot everything except
    The magic items for DE’ing.

    I have also noticed that no matter how fast I am running
    the instances I have Not yet, since RAF started gotten
    the message that tells you you have been in to many

    ran 10 stockade runs in a little over 2 hours bosting and
    no Instance message... kinda wondering if they have
    extended it or turned it off strange great but strange.
    5x Teams Retired

    80 Paladin Prot/Ret Agro Configuration
    80 Rogue Combat Swords
    80 Druid Boomkin

  5. #5


    I have been straight up just dual boxing without any boosting from my own characters and it is working out very nicely and it is MUCH MUCH faster then playing without RAF benefits. BUT... I have been run through SM cathedral by a friend several times and my 2 characters were gaining a level every like 15-20 minutes. So boosting is much faster if your still getting the RAF triple XP bonus.

  6. #6


    I guess I'll just level up the rogue + shammy together to lvl60. From then, I lvl up the Shammy alone (with my lvl70 main nearby for possible gankers + groupquests), since from lvl60 the triple exp don't count anymore + there's the Aldor/Scryer thingy too.

  7. #7


    I have 2 lowbies (raf linked) and a slew of 70s ...

    8-20 rfc with mage (5 quests in rfc also 2 uc 2 org 1 tb)
    20-40 sm with prot pally (cath only cept for quest run)
    40-45 feralas and tanaris kill quests and make sure to gather all zf quests
    45-50 zf runs (3 or 4 runs ding 50 if have all the quests)
    50-60 searing gorge quests (all of them then head to brd 4 runs making sure to do all brd quests)

    -- I do zf with 70 prot pally and 70 mage with my babies (cause zf sucks with just a prot pally)

  8. #8


    You guys know, this wasn't really an answer to the question. Was more expecting like "Dualboxing two lvltoons to 60 tend to get faster then boosting" or something. :P

  9. #9


    dual boxing two mages here i boost rarely bar if i want some matching gear.

    quest with the two characters at the same level and the xp rate is stupidly high, if you must use a 70 take them out the party well you hand in quests, just make sure no one in your party is to high for the quest.

    i have a druid/warrior combo horde side in 2days of game time i hit 57 on them just by questing with zero boosts.

    avoid quests with stupid drop rates unless you can get stuff well doing other quests, you can be picky since you only need to do about 1/3rd the quests you would normally if you were doing it solo mode.

    in my eyes questing with RAF is faster than boosting plus i find it more fun to be honest

    thats my experience with 2 toons anyway if it helps.
    Nogs n Togs - Level 46 Gnome Mages - Nagrand (EU)

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Reiya',index.php?page=Thread&postID=108476#post10 8476
    what is the fastest: dualboxing with same lvl char or boosting.
    If you are appropriately classed/skilled/geared at boosting, then it is faster than questing. Boosting with a Resto Druid or Holy Priest is overall probably going to be slower than questing.
    Boosting with a Mage/Paladin is somewhere around 1.5x-2x or more faster, in my experience. The /played numbers people have posted up hold this to be fairly universally true.
    Therefore, until Blizzard fixes the RAF bonus so that it no longer works while boosting, then boosting+RAF will be faster than questing+RAF. Once it is fixed then questing+RAF will be faster.

    Also there's a ton of good threads on boosting already that give you some ideas of what is possible.

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