I was wondering if we could get a G15 LCD addition to keyclone.
to show different kind of stuff like the MUTE, DNP, RR, ect.

but for me the most importent would be the ability to show where my Round-robin is going next

my 5 shamans is using the trinket from the class quest (a none stacking mana totem)
the display on the G15 lcd would be something like:

MUTE: off,  DNP: off,  RR: on
Next Round-robin: Alizarin
i then use RR and the display change to:

MUTE: off,  DNP: off,  RR: on
Next Round-robin: Carmine
(maybe the names should be highlight or bold)

this ofcause also means there have to be a field where we can insert the name
like we know that Wowmain is first, then wowslave1, wowslave2 ect. (maybe a textbox showing the order of RR would be helpfull here)
so my list would be: Alizarin, Carmine, Bistre, Darkcoral, Ecru

hope this make any sence and that people would find it usefull.