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  1. #1

    Default How to have 4 mini-maps when playing with 4x Diablo III stacked game windows...

    So, open ISBoxer and eventually save your settings with a different name. You will need to work both on Isboxer and in your 4x Diablo windows. Mirai feel free to modify this, if I have been talking bullsh*t, or wasn't clear enough

    1- First you need to add dxNothing to InnerSpace. Left click on “Inner Space” in Windows taskbar... For the following steps, you can also look at Mirai'svideo here:

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    2- Locate dxNothing. It's in the root of the “ISboxer” folder.

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    3- Name the game with something that makes sense, like “dxNothing”, and leave the third line blank for now.

    Name:  mm0030.jpg
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    4- Back in ISBoxer. Add a new entry to your “characters”, as Game select “dxNothing”, as Game Profile select “dxNothing Default Profile”, and check “Video FX Viewers...”, if you don't, your mini-maps will stay dark when in-game.

    Name:  mm0041.jpg
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    5- In “Character Sets” add a new slot, which should be number 5 if you play with 4x Diablo windows. Then place your new character here, just slide the character from top windows to bottom windows (check Mirai's video).

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    6- Also, select which processor cores you want to dedicate to the rendering of this layer. Or select them all

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    7- Now, you need to add a new layer to the existing Window Layout. The easiest way is to use the“Window Layout Wizard”... In the process, you can save your layout with a different name, or replace the existing layout.

    Name:  mm0080.jpg
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    8- In the "Window Layouts" still, select region 5 and reduce it to roughly one third of the screen. Use the mouse, no need to be precise, this is temporary.

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    9- Save your ISBoxer file, then export to InnerSpace. Manually launch the new window.

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    10- You should get an ugly screen like that...

    Name:  mm0110.jpg
Views: 514
Size:  66.5 KB
    Last edited by Cmoidudu : 05-11-2016 at 04:35 PM

  2. #2


    11- Now go to your first game window (character #1) and pop the ISBoxer Control Panel, it should be Ctrl-Alt-Maj-G if you didn't modify it.

    Name:  mm0120.jpg
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    12- Go to “video fx” tab, select “Video FX Source”, name it (I suggest map01) and click “Add”. 2 new boxes will appear, “Video FX Editor” and “Source: map01”. Now, if you are running Diablo in full HD, which is 1920x1080, fill the “Video FX Editor” with the values indicated below... then save as “Auto” (or with another name) and close the ISBoxer Control Panel (Ctrl-Alt-Maj-G).

    Name:  mm0130.jpg
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    13- Proceed the same way for your game windows #2, #3 and #4. Of course, you'll name the sources map02, map03 and map04, right ?

    14- Now go to that ugly black surface that you created before. You can click it from the Windows taskbar to have it in the foreground. Pop the ISBoxer Control Panel (Ctrl-Alt-Maj-G), go to “video fx” tab, select “Video FXViewer”, select map01 and click “Add”. In the Video FX Editor, fill the spaces with the values indicated (for a 1920x1080 game resolution). This will stick the first mini-map in the top left corner.

    Name:  mm0170.jpg
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    15- If you hit and maintain the Control key, the actual video should show in the viewer... If not, you did something wrong with your source.

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    16- Now add the second viewer with the values indicated, and check if it works with “Control”...

    Name:  mm0190.jpg
Views: 519
Size:  76.8 KB

    17- Finish with the 2 remaining viewers. All sizes are 160x160, and then you move the point of origin... so, this is Left=0 Top=0 for map 01, then Left=160 Top=0 for map 02, then Left=0 Top=160 for map 03, and Left=160 Top=160 for map 04.

    Name:  mm0200.jpg
Views: 499
Size:  82.5 KB

    18- You are almost done. Back to ISBoxer, in the “Window Layout”, go to region 5 and select “Always on Top Mode”=On, then fill location and size data with the numbers shown below. Don't forget to add a semicolon as a separator...

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    19- There you go

    Name:  mm0220.jpg
Views: 513
Size:  53.0 KB

    Note that with the same method you can have 4x health display, 4x resource display, or eventually 4x lag-meter display...
    Last edited by Cmoidudu : 05-12-2016 at 12:55 AM

  3. #3


    Cool something new to try over the next day or two. Thanks for the time to make this guide

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2010


    Oh my, this is lovely! doing this right away! thanks

  5. #5


    A bit better than the way i do it, cudos.
    The Internet: We Know Drama
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  6. #6
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    You can also create the dxNothing sources and viewers in a mapped key and have them dynamically displayed/hidden at will.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Ughmahedhurtz View Post
    You can also create the dxNothing sources and viewers in a mapped key and have them dynamically displayed/hidden at will.
    Ah, this is what I don't know how to do... Because with what I explained, the layer is "always on top", so you can't have access to the upper body of your characters when you are in inventory mode (you can't change an amulet, for example).

    You need to kill the DxNothing layer from the Windows taskbar, and then launch it again from Inner Space when you are done. Not a big issue, but still, not so graceful.
    Last edited by Cmoidudu : 05-12-2016 at 12:07 AM

  8. #8
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmoidudu View Post
    Ah, this is what I don't know how to do... Because with what I explained, the layer is "always on top", so you can't have access to the upper body of your characters when you are in inventory mode (you can't change an amulet, for example).

    You need to kill the DxNothing layer from the Windows taskbar, and then launch it again from Inner Space when you are done. Not a big issue, but still, not so graceful.
    You can use ISBoxer's Window Actions to manipulate the regions of your Window Layout. It's funny that you made this guide now, because I have several videos on my 'todo' list which involve Window Actions, and I'll be showing off how to create the basic foundation of my D3 overlay setup that I shared back in 2014.
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    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by MiRai View Post
    You can use ISBoxer's Window Actions to manipulate the regions of your Window Layout. It's funny that you made this guide now, because I have several videos on my 'todo' list which involve Window Actions, and I'll be showing off how to create the basic foundation of my D3 overlay setup that I shared back in 2014.
    Yes this is precisely why I did this. I looked at this video (and we discussed the subject in the D3 IsBoxer forum some time ago), I wanted to create a topic about this some day, and yesterday was the day : I upgraded my PC, did a clean install of Windows 10, then I decided to re-write my ISBoxer setup from scratch, and I took screenshots in the process.

    The interesting part here (IMHO) is that the x,y data is provided for a 1920x1080 screen resolution, so you don't have to try and check until it's OK.
    Last edited by Cmoidudu : 05-12-2016 at 12:52 AM

  10. #10
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Cmoidudu View Post
    Ah, this is what I don't know how to do... Because with what I explained, the layer is "always on top", so you can't have access to the upper body of your characters when you are in inventory mode (you can't change an amulet, for example).

    You need to kill the DxNothing layer from the Windows taskbar, and then launch it again from Inner Space when you are done. Not a big issue, but still, not so graceful.

    I destroy all my viewers when I disable keymaps via the Key Maps -> Always On -> ActiveKeyMaps Toggle, and selectively re-create them when I press my F1-F5 slot activate keys.

    Short version (my viewers are down the left side of my main window):

    • When disabling keymaps, Video FX Action -> Window: All w/current -> Remove all Video FX
    • Then when I press F1 to select/activate Character 1:
      • Window action -> Focus slot 1 on <Current Computer>
      • Video FX Action -> Destroy viewer is1 on dxNothing client (client is6)
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is2 on is6 and position 0,0 - 480x300
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is3 on is6 and position 0,300 - 480x300
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is4 on is6 and position 0,600 - 480x300
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is5 on is6 and position 0,900 - 480x300
      • Process F1 key (adjusts my quality macro to max on is1 and minimum on is2-is5)
      • Set "NextWindow" mapped key step to 1 so when I "Next" it goes to client 2; a bit hacky but it's the only way to integrate the custom stuff with the (kinda) broken NextWindow addressing without adding a bunch of custom XML, which is just far, far too maintenance intensive.

    • Then when I press F2 to select/activate Character 2:
      • Window action -> Focus slot 2 on <Current Computer>
      • Video FX Action -> Destroy viewer is2 on dxNothing client (client is6)
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is1 on is6 and position 0,0 - 480x300
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is3 on is6 and position 0,300 - 480x300
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is4 on is6 and position 0,600 - 480x300
      • Video FX Action -> Create viewer is5 on is6 and position 0,900 - 480x300
      • Process F2 key (adjusts my quality macro to max on is2 and minimum on is1,is3-is5)
      • Set "NextWindow" mapped key step to 2 so when I "Next" it goes to client 3

    • Etc.

    I also create a graphic number image that indicates which client is in the foreground in case I get distracted and forget which one I'm on. That's under the SLOT IDs keymap.

    I also create dynamic castbar VideoFX viewers via the Always On -> SetUpCastBarVFX key, and follower healthbar viewers via the AlwaysOn -> SetUpFollowerVFX key.

    It's a bit of work to set up initially, but you never have to touch CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+G again once it's set up and assuming you use the Pro system to swap in other groups, as it's slot-based rather than character-based. You can get fancy with it by changing which viewers get populated based on Virtual Mapped Keys stuff, but that's a bit of overkill with my current groups.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

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