Quote Originally Posted by Treason View Post
I'm also toying with the idea of doing a Republic (One of each class) like you've done for the Imperial side. Which classes are fulfilling which roles for you on you're Big Bang Theory team? I think the BH is the tank correct? Is the sorc your healer or the operative? Do both heal, or do you only need just the one?
Powertech = Tank
Marauder = DPS
Operative = DPS/Backup Healer
Sorc = Healer

Quote Originally Posted by Treason View Post
Are you using the popsickle method for the DPS on them too, how do you handle the channeled abilities?
This is a big question. In general, yes. For the instant abilities with no cooldown I create a mapped key and select all of the do not advance for X time and I also check only trigger once. This effectively gives that ability a cooldown. I then adjust the timers so that I can continuously spam DPS while maintaining energy/heat/ammo at the highest level.

Channeled abilities are a bit more complicated. I'll probably have to make a guide for that. It's very different now than it was when I made the original guide. The gist of it is this: I put all of my channeled abilities mapped keys in my main DPS mapped key at the top of the list. I then select the box to not load that mapped key. I created a click bar which I select to "activate" the channeled ability mapped key. The next time I hit my DPS spam key, the channeled ability goes off. My DPS spam key is the same one from the mercbeast framework so it only activates once every 1.5 seconds.

Quote Originally Posted by Treason View Post
I'm leaning toward a Jedi Knight Tank, Vanguard DPS, Sage Healther, and a Scoundrel backup heals/dps combo. What are your thoughts on boxing this group makeup?
That group will work great. Check to see if the Knight has any automatic group heals. My maruader does quite a bit of healing. During a boss fight my marauder heals everyone for the same amount as a typical medpack (~1000 at lvl 20). If the knight has the same ability, that group will rock!

Quote Originally Posted by Treason View Post
Might switch up that Scoundrel for a Gunslinger though...
I don't know about the gunslinger, I have a couple of snipers at lvl 14. It's nearly impossible to box ranged DPS classes in a fight which requires a lot of mobility. My troopers are at level 21 and I still can't beat the last boss in hammer station.

I hate to give up on a team, but I don't think my commandos are ever gonna work out. I'm still going to try out my snipers.

The only problem that I have with my team is that doing 4 different class quests all over the place is really really slow.