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Thread: Blues on Boxing

  1. #1

    Default Blues on Boxing

    Blue Posts From The Days Of Old

    This is an update to the current Wiki entries for Multiboxing in World of Warcraft. I take zero credit for the original content of the post. All I have done is updated it by adding screenshots of the actual posts and searching out archived link locations.

    In most cases I was able to find links via Blizzard’s own Archives @, however, not every post was saved for archiving before they moved the forums. In some cases, I was able to dig up cached copies through and in one instance, I was only able to track down an “official” response at

    If I couldn’t find solid documentation in one of these three places, then into the recycle bin it went.


    The format for this FAQ is

    1. Summation of the Blizzard response
    2. Original Link Location
    3. Archived Link Location
    4. Screenshot

    The Original Link is posted for Historical Reference only. Every single one of them goes to the original post location on the old World of Warcraft Official Forums, which no longer exist. Thus they are not formatted as links.

    The Archived Link that follows the Original Link is the current location of those posts. In most cases, these links will work to bring you to Blizzard’s archived forum where you can see the entire thread in question. In some cases you will only be able to see the relevant page.

    The screenshots are an alternate means to see these official posts, in the event that the archived threads are deleted, moved or otherwise lost. Clicking the thumbnails will open the full-sized image in a seperate window.

    In some cases I have provided additional links and/or screenshots that go into more detail beyond the quoted snippet.

    I have also left the links in long format for easier searching.


    If you run across newer posts, feel free to add them in the comments or PM me {Khatovar on} and I will stick them in. If you have similar posts for other games, feel free to send those along, too. I’ll see about creating a similar post for those games if there's enough official chatter about it.

    Please stick only to regular MMOs, no one here is in the habit of compiling information for the bazillion browser-based games out there. Also, I will only consider responses from official sources. Some random dude with a lot of posts saying “I’ve never gotten in trouble for it” or “my friend, who shall not be named but I assure you he’s a head honcho at X company says…” is not useful.
    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-10-2014 at 08:22 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

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  2. #2


    Multiboxing Is Not Against The Rules - The Short and Sweet Answers

    "Multi-boxing is not a violation of the Terms of Use, Sincast. On the contrary, it's a fairly common practice and extremely fun to watch. "

    Syndri, Customer Service Member

    Original Link -

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    “Badkarma, we do not stop players from owning and playing multiple accounts…There are all manner of ways to use two accounts that are not outside of our in-game policies and legal documents…”

    Berghe, Customer Service Member
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    Name:  GM2.png
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    “We do not prevent people from owning multiple accounts, nor playing those accounts simultaneously as long as they abide by our Terms of Use and EULA.”

    Vrakthris, Customer Service Member
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    “multi-boxing,…, it’s not considered a violation of policy.” “[It] is viewed simply as a clever, yet tedious play style, but not altogether counterintuitive to the spirit of the game”

    Syndri, Customer Service Member
    Original Link - Link -

    Name:  GM5.png
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    “Nah, it’s one person using one keyboard to simultaneously control more than one account. There’s no automation in that case.
    If there is, then it’s against policy.

    Belfaire, Customer Service Member
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    Name:  GM5b.png
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    “Totally legit.”

    in response to a post about multiboxing software

    Belfaire, Customer Service Member
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    “There is no problem with you playing multiple characters, as long as you are the owner of the accounts and are in control of them…”

    Eilanai, Blizzard Poster
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    “Multi-boxing is not in violation of our current policies, Varlex.” …
    “Unlike the forms of botting you mentioned, multi-boxing requires user input and does not automate any aspect of gameplay. Each time an action is performed it is controlled by a real player sitting at their computer controlling multiple accounts. ”

    Aradek, Customer Service Member
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    Name:  GM8.png
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    “It’s cool as long as the person’s not automating their actions. If paying for five accounts and playin’ em simultaneously on one or more your systems capable of running the game or multiple clients thereof is how you roll, then we’re not gonna hate on it.”

    Belfaire, Customer Service Member
    Original Link - Link -

    Name:  GM9.png
Views: 9442
Size:  154.8 KB
    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 03:44 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

    _ Forum search letting you down? Use the custom Google search _

  3. #3


    Multiboxing Is Not Botting - Blizzard Explains Multiboxing To The Masses

    “Most, if not the absolutely vast majority, of multi-boxing is done with a fairly simple wireless keyboard setup or a number of simultaneous client windows.

    As long as the actions aren’t automated, then this sort of practice is perfectly within our policy, as the account holder is playing each and every account his or herself. ”

    Belfaire, Customer Service Member
    Original Link - Link -

    Name:  GM10.png
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    “…you can consider this to be our official stance on the matter. If a player has paid for 5 accounts, then they are allowed to play with them within our own rules, which also includes the allowance of multi-boxing. A player multi-boxing still needs to maintain and gear up five characters, and it does not matter if they do this all at once or separately. Any gold earned while multi-boxing also would also need to be split between these five characters.”

    Issuntril, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link referenced for ”This” -

    Archived Link for “This” IE The Big, Big Thread of Clarification-

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    Continued below - attachment limit.
    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 03:58 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

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  4. #4


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    Original Link -

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    Multiboxing Is Not Exploiting - Blizzard Understands Their Own Rules

    Yup, needs to get done away with and you know it.
    “If cheating constitutes activities that fall out of line with our Terms of Use and in-game policies you’re wrong.”

    Zarhym, Blizzard Poster
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    Karazhan is the beginning of endgame. Today it is soloing 5mans and duoing 10 mans. Tomorrow it is something different.

    Are you actually admitting that if multiboxers were further progressed that the issue would be solved?
    “I have absolutely no idea how you got that from my post. You are a true master of post alchemy.

    Your argument, though, is like saying that because you say a PVP video where a mage was able to solo 4 other players after the rest of their 5v5 team had been killed, then it follows that of course they’d be able to kill ten players. Twenty players!”

    Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
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    Considering the raid dungeon was designed for 10. I would say it violates the spirit of the game.
    Too bad that’s not your call.

    Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
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    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 04:06 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

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  5. #5


    Multiboxing Is STILL Not Botting - Blizzard Drives a Wedge Between Multiboxing Programs and Automation

    “Allow me to set your argument to rest. This:

    Add in a 3rd party program. You press ONE button and all 5 screens react. How exactly is that fair/legit? It’s not. The ability to control 5 computers at once with 1 single keyboard and 1 single press of a button is automation. The ability to make your characters cast their individual spells and skills at once by pressing 1 button is automation.
    Is not automation by our standards. This is why multi-boxing is just fine.
    The moment that single keypress initiates a string of actions not normally possible via our base macro system for an individual character, then that is a different matter. It is also a separate offense.

    Multi-boxing, currently, is not a violation of our policies.
    That is all.”

    Malkatorix, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

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    Name:  GM16.png
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    “We have drawn a line. You’re talking about automated behavior. Multiboxing is not automated. There is no automation. There is no great advantage, there is no illicit behavior, there is no overwhelming benefit, there is no automation.”

    Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

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    “As a soloist, you push a key and one thing happens on your account. As a multiboxer, you push a key and 1 thing happens on each of your accounts.

    Automation would be timed macros, synced pathing, etc., not having the 1 key bound to Flash of Light on your Paladin and Fireball on your mage.

    Clearly our definitions of automation differ greatly.”

    Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

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    Name:  GM18.png
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    “Here’s the thing – that’s not 5 actions. It’s one action, per character.
    It would not be okay, if, for example, you had those macros set up so that you had one button to cast frost nova, wait out the global cooldown, blink, delay for global cooldown, then cast blizzard all in a single button press. That is, of course, several button presses.

    So, to expand your definition: ‘safe’ multi-boxing commands are one button press = one action per character.”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
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    “Think of a single key-press as a lever. You pull the lever, and something happens.

    Think of multi-boxing as simply attaching 5 levers to a single handle. You’re still only pulling one lever, it just affects more than one something.

    Now, think of automation as a lever attached to a set of gears and pulleys. You pull the lever, and a whole slew of bits and bobs start working, gears whirring, pulleys spinning. You might pull a lever, but it sets a process in motion that would be impossible with an ordinary pull of the lever if those gears and pulleys were not in place. Automation can apply to a single character just as much as it could with multiple characters.

    The point is that the ‘something’ that occurs spools out without direct human involvement aside from the initial pull of the lever. That is automation. Even if it’s only a single extra step.

    In multi-boxing, every action taken by those characters has its source in a human command. Each individual action. Thus, it is not automation.”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

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    so hitting 1 key and have it do 1 action in each game window is fine?

    Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link - Link -

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    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 04:15 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

    _ Forum search letting you down? Use the custom Google search _

  6. #6


    3rd Party Programs and Macros - Blizzard Clarifies What You Can And Can't Do

    Another example is a custom command I have called Buff Group. I say “buff group” and Dragon sends the following key presses:

    Ctrl+Shift+Q ‘Priest Group Fort
    Ctrl+Shift+W ‘Mage Group Int
    Wait 1.3 seconds
    Ctrl+Shift+E ‘Priest Group Spirit
    Wait 1.3 seconds
    Ctrl+Shift+E ‘Priest Group Shadow Protection.
    Wait 1.3 seconds
    Ctrl+= ‘Priest drinks
    Alt+= ‘Mage drinks
    “I believe that there may have been some confusion during your conversation with the Game Master in question.

    The custom command you cited, for example, is completely unacceptable, and for a couple of reasons. I am still gathering information on the legality of the voice command software at the moment (by itself, I fully expect that it’s just fine), but you may not, via any method, circumvent our automation or macro rules.

    Multiple key presses/uses of abilities from a single command, spoken or typed? Not okay.

    Inserting pauses? Not okay.

    A single key press or command that issues a command to several different characters? Okay.

    For example, you could use that same verbal command ‘Buff Group’ to trigger a single key-press macro (say, keybind c) which for your Mage is Arcane Brilliance, and for your Priest is Prayer of Fortitude. You could not include a step to have them rest. You could not make them drink. You cannot include more than a single step in that command.

    If you were hoping to accomplish more than that with this program, then it is a very good idea to revert to more traditional multi-boxing methods immediately.

    You can always refer to our policies here:

    And this post regarding the G15 keyboard may include some information that is useful to you:

    G15 Keyboard Legality

    Malkatorix, Blizzard Poster
    See below for G15 Responses.

    Original Link -

    Archived Link -

    Name:  GM22.png
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    “I use a G11 myself. Just don’t use the macro keys to do anything a normal wow macro could not do in a single press. Think of them as extra storage for normal macros, and you’re fine. ”

    Malkatorix, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

    Archived G15 Links -

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    Am I to understand that making an in-game macro using the macro window that does the following:

    /cast Nature’s Swiftness (makes next heal spell instant cast)
    /cast Oshu’Gun Relic (my healing trinket boosts heals by 200-something for 15 seconds)
    /cast Healing Touch (my long 3.5 second heal)

    Is illegal?

    Please respond.

    “Nah, that’s fine – Nature’s Swiftness is a modifier and does not trigger the global cooldown, your trinket does not trigger the global cooldown, and more importantly, there is macro functionality built in to allow this to kind of command specifically to occur within the bounds of the default command language. Given those factors, this kind of macro is fine.

    Basically, since this can be accomplished organically according to our macro rules, it’s not a violation – make sense?

    As a Rogue, you could

    /cast Cold Blood
    /use 13
    /cast Mutilate

    This would trigger the Rogue ability Cold Blood, use the trinket in the top slot on your character sheet, and then use the Mutilate ability, all in a single press.”

    Malkatorix, Blizzard Poster
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    Name:  GM23.png
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    Basically, im wondering if using Keyclone to send the same signal to multiple clients with one keypress is acceptable.

    Im looking for a solid yes or no answer here
    Yup, keyclone is fine.

    Just make absolutely certain that you’re not making more than one keypress (for the purposes of the word ‘keypress’ this includes a single key press AND release with no delays), or including delays between key-presses with each action.

    Essentially, if you could legally create the command as a functional macro within the default user interface, then it should be okay.

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link - Archive -

    Currently, using pre-recorded x,y coordinates (a function not supported by the default UI at all), to target or cast a spell is functionality outside of our Terms of Use.

    I would strongly advise shying away from this program, if it is causing mouse moves (even simulated mouse moves) to occur in response to user inputs.

    Mouse moves are the purview of the user, not a program.

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

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    Name:  GM24.png
Views: 9611
Size:  295.2 KB
    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 04:19 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

    _ Forum search letting you down? Use the custom Google search _

  7. #7


    Multiboxing and PvP - Blizzard Dispells The Unfair Advantages Myths

    “I will give you a purely anecdotal example that I have experienced personally, (perhaps because I love facing multi-boxers).

    I happen to play a rogue – a class that excels at sowing confusion and disrupting opposing teams. I was facing a team in Warsong Gulch, half of which was composed of a multi-boxer controlling five characters. I encountered the Warlocks individually, and proceeded to sap them to break up his formation. This forced him to maneuver around in an effort to retain cohesion – something a normal player would never have to do.

    I continually would delay and harass him in this fashion. I would often manage to kill one of his characters by sapping one of his group, cheap shotting one, gouging one, then blinding another. Even if I failed to land a kill, his characters were so scattered and disorganized by my efforts and the occasional fear, sheep or other CC thrown by a teammate, that fully half of their team was disabled for most of the battle. We won that match very swiftly.

    I am not exaggerating when I say that this player would leave battlegrounds when they saw my name on the opposing team list, or after our first encounter in the field.

    A unique situation? Perhaps, perhaps not. Knowing how to fight a multi-boxer, and having the tools do so, means that one character can effectively cripple 5 or more. After all, one mind is simply not as efficient at running those five characters once cohesion is lost, or if 2 of his group have been slain, leaving him with characters scattered across the field. Of note, this is not much different from learning how to effectively fight a particular character class or spec. Knowledge is power.

    All of the above is irrelevant though. Ultimately, this isn’t about what one player can do vs. another (or even 5 others). This is about the number of characters in play. Five characters can defeat 5 characters. 5 player run characters actually have a very substantial advantage over a multi-boxer in most cases. That a single player is controlling them offers limited advantages compared to the disadvantages it can present.
    Since battlegrounds are a sealed environment, it is always a question of x players versus x players. How many actual players are behind those characters becomes a non-issue.

    Essentially it balances out so well in the end that it functionally isn’t much of an advantage at all, and merely becomes a play style choice. As always, we’ll continue to monitor multi-boxing and other in-game behaviors.

    If this practice should ever present a truly exploitative influence you can be sure that we’ll make appropriate policy modifications in response.”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
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    “Here’s the thing though. That multiboxer queues, and waits, just as a 5-man arena team would (to use an example). They take up the same queue time, and the same number of slots on the opposing team. There is nothing to differentiate them from one of the very common groups of ‘pre-made’ players, aside from slightly more effective focus fire, and less strategic flexibility in dealing with threats, much greater vulnerability to crowd control and that being ‘split’ by resurrection is devastating.

    The less organized battle ground participants you describe will typically have a much harder time facing that arena team or pre-made than they would a multi-boxer.

    Aside from which, occasionally running up against more organized opposition is simply a fact of the battlegrounds. Just as is facing more skilled or more well equipped foes. Factually, while we do our best to structure the queuing system such that players will meet equivalent opponents, there are limitations on that system if we still want to keep the queues at a reasonable length. As a result, sometimes a team will run up against a ‘superior’ opponent (please note the quotes), and have a greater challenge, whether in the form of a pre-made group, multi-boxer, or merely highly skilled or knowledgeable opponents.

    Simply because an opponent is ‘superior’ does not mean that a ‘pug’ team isn’t able to adapt and overcome. Having a pre-made group or a multi-boxer doesn’t even necessarily mean that a given battleground team truly is superior. There are a great many variables to take into account.”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
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    “Players, as individuals matter.

    Here is why characters are more important for the purposes of this discussion though.

    What happens when 6 players controlling 6 characters join a battleground? 6 character slots are filled. Then 4 others are filled with 4 other players controlling 4 other characters. Why?

    Because battlegrounds are filled on a character for character basis. They are a closed system that only recognizes characters, and wherein characters ideally are matched against other characters.

    What happens when 5 players and 1 multiboxer join a battleground? 10 character slots are filled. The results are identical to a situation where each character is controlled by a single player. We can run over the relative merits and disadvantages of multiboxing til the bovines return to their abodes, but factually, that’s what we’re dealing with:

    10 characters vs. 10 characters. The raw ability of those 10 characters to accomplish their goal (winning the battleground) is identical within reasonable assessment of individual class abilities, gear and skill.”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
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    “Instead of World of Warcraft, let’s look at chess to draw a parallel.

    What is the factual difference (assuming no time limits on turns) between 5 chess players versus 1 player moving across the boards to play against all 5 of his opponents and 5 players facing across the boards versus another 5? Think of each chess team as a ‘character’.

    In both cases, you have 10 ‘characters’. 5 White characters and 5 Black characters, each composed of multiple pieces.

    Though, to extend the analogy, the 1 player facing 5 would be forced to make the same move on each board. Not something that 5 individual players would need concern themselves with.

    For better or worse, World of Warcraft isn’t quite a chess match, but I think the analogy holds.

    That being the case, if player is the ultimate concern, then multi-boxers are at a permanent disadvantage. It would, after all, be ridiculous to assess chess around 5 sets of pieces all attacking 1 set of pieces regardless of how they were controlled, would it not?”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
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    “I think I might see your concern, so, please allow me to ask a question.

    What is the objective difference between 1 player directing 5 characters to attack a single target, and the leader of a team slapping an assist train on a target and telling his other 4 teammates to attack a target with him?

    A slight gain in efficiency for the single player/set of characters at an extreme cost in flexibility to deal with exterior threats compared to the team of players?”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

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    Name:  GM29.png
Views: 9479
Size:  279.6 KB
    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 04:24 AM
    Blog : Herding Khats
    Team : Kina - Çroaker - Messkit - Lìfetaker - Wìdowmaker
    Newbie Guides : Multiboxing Vol. 1 - Multiboxing Vol. 2 - HotKeyNet - Jamba
    The Almighty Lax made a liar out of me, apparently I DO get prizes for it.
    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

    _ Forum search letting you down? Use the custom Google search _

  8. #8


    Multiboxing and PvP - Blizzard Dispells The Unfair Advantages Myths continuted

    “From a certain perspective, the strange thing about this stance is that the multiboxing player has the least advantage in a battleground. A battleground is a closed system, the teams are ideally even, the multiboxer is more prone to disruptive assaults from other players, and the numerical advantage is wholly nullified in this scenario.”

    Malkorix, Blizzard Poster

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    Name:  GM30.png
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    Yeah, but…! Arguing Semantics – Belfaire Answers All


    Semantics issue #1:

    Is using one keyboard to send signals to multiple instances of WoW automation?
    In other words, what is the definition of automation as it applies to WoW?
    “Using a keyboard setup like what you’re describing? Not automation.

    Setting up a macro with said keyboard that would, for example, automatically press Fireball each time it was available? Automation.”

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

    3rd Party Software / Hardware

    Semantics issue #2:

    Software (such as Keyclone, Octopus, etc) to emulate a keyboard multiboxing solution is,
    by nature, “3rd party”. Is “3rd party software” synonymous with “bot” or “automation”?

    Are all types of “3rd party software” bannable?

    Likewise, hardware, by nature, is “3rd party”. What kinds (or uses) of 3rd party hardware are bannable?
    “Is it sending an identical signal to all client windows or switching between them to send commands? Not automation.

    Is it playing the game for you, or rather, for one of your client windows? Automation.

    All hardware is considered neutral as long as its commands and features are not being used to automate gameplay.”

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

    In-Game Advantage / Exploiting

    Semantics issue #3:

    Does multiboxing give a player an in-game advantage?
    “Yes–and so does grouping.”

    Therefore, can multiboxing be considered an exploit?
    “No. We consider it be an alternative playstyle; not everyone can do it, but if a person is willing to devote the concentration and capital to such a venture–legitimately–we’re perfectly fine with it. Five multiboxed accounts can be feared and CCed just like five solo accounts.

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

    Archived Link -

    Name:  GM111.png
Views: 8550
Size:  217.2 KB

    The Spirit of the Game

    Semantics issue #4:

    Multiboxing can be considered by some as “against the spirit of the game” or, at least, “against the spirit of the game the way I want to play it”. Is multiboxing against the “spirit of the game”?
    See above.

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

    Money Talks

    Semantics issue #5:

    Multiboxers provide Blizzard with a significant amount of extra income, and that, and only that, is the reason why is it currently allowed. True/false?
    Patently false. All accounts should be allowed to be played as they see fit provided that they’re playing within our policies. In cases of mulitboxing, all accounts involved are playing the same as any other account, only simultaneously.

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

    Undetectable, therefore allowable

    Semantics issue #6:

    Multiboxing is only allowed because there is no reliable way for Blizzard to find,
    identify, and catch them.
    “Almostly hilariously false.”

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

    Original Link -

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    Name:  GM11b.png
Views: 7986
Size:  191.4 KB

    Misc Multiboxing Tidbits


    If the signal is identical but you have a different keybinding for the signal is that automation.

    Eg. If I push a button and one character moves left and another moves right.
    “Fine. ”

    -Belfaire, Blizzard Poster
    Original Link -

    Archived Link -

    Name:  GM34.png
Views: 8195
Size:  306.2 KB

    In Game Conversations
    Conversation with GM Thorwain
    Xzin’s conversation with GMs Lasuri and Cometic


    Eurogamer Interview

    Eurogamer: The new recruit-a-friend initiative has some pretty amazing incentives for fast levelling, both for new players and veterans. Isn’t it just a multi-boxer’s delight, and ripe for exploits?
    Tom Chilton: [Laughs] Well, we actually are perfectly content to endorse multi-boxing to some reasonable degree.
    If a person wants to go out and buy a second account and power-level themselves, we’re okay with that.
    Link -
    Last edited by Khatovar : 06-19-2015 at 04:28 AM
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    *Commences Wielding the Banhammer like there's piñatas up in here and I'm Lady Thor*

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  9. #9
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Winter Is Coming


    Great work.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  10. #10


    Good read, I particularly liked this one

    Considering the raid dungeon was designed for 10. I would say it violates the spirit of the game.

    Too bad that’s not your call.

    Belfaire, Blizzard Poster

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