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  1. #1

    Default 4 hunters hit 70

    So my 4 hunters FINALLY hit 70. 11 days played. Got sidetracked by life and a pve team. Started them in late December.

    Pre-BC they are very powerful in instances, until you try scholo/strath. Around level 58 I hit the outlands. Outland instances proved to be too tough unless you were 6 levels above the instance or blowing beastial wrath/trinks EVERY pull. I could not clear ramps until 65. And coincidentally, I could not kill a s1/s2/s3 70 until level 65. Even if I did kill a 70, I would have maybe 1 character left, 2 if I'm lucky.

    Questing in the Outlands of course was easy. I found the best zone to be Netherstorm, had alot of fun questing there and that zone has an assload of multiboxer friendly quests. Zangarmarsh being the worst zone.

    Once I hit 70 I respecced my BM hunters to Marksmanship. My pets are now absolutely worthless and only provide an annoyance to casters. But my hunters can actually deal some decent damage. I have a crappy 62dps bow, but am currently grinding AV for the 88dps bow, and AB for the shoulders so my hunters can look cool. Once that is done I will stop pvping, and only use my hunters to make money (strath runs, dailies).

    Clothies are easy to kill. 4x multishot and then a steady shot kills them. Some s3 locks might survive, but after an autoshot they're dead. Rogues and warriors are the hardest to kill. I basically see "dodge, dodge, dodge, absorb" when fighting rogues then all 4 of my hunters are laying dead in seconds. Warriors will take half damage from my "multishot, steadyshot" by then they've aoe feared me and I kiss my hunters goodbye one by one by the time the fear breaks. Shamans and hunters are easy. Pallies I just pour on dps so they bubble. After they bubble I figure out which hunter they're targetting then individually move my hunters to ranged and wait for lay on hands, then repeat step 1.

    So yeah, pvp is only a source of amusement for me, nothing too fun or exciting. Killing clothies instantly will get old after a while, and getting destroyed by rogues.

    Already had some great comments in AB/AV:

    "reported, a GM is watching you right now!"
    "we are losing because of the botter"

    and the best from a 0-3 s3 lock that did 3x less dmg than one of my hunters in an AB (i shortly capped stables after he/she/it said this):
    "if we had a legitemate player we'd being winning"

    One AB a t6 druid was like "I will healbot your entire crew". We wound up winning that AB and none of my hunters ever died and all had great records.

    Would I recommend a hunter group? Yeah, its interesting, but they will not blow your mind, I think I would have WAYYYYY more fun with 4 mages.

    In short, biggest hassles:

    1. Feeding pets, monitoring 4 different pet happiness
    2. Dealing with ammo on 4 hunters
    3. Changing from guns to bows on 4 hunters
    4. Aoe fears
    5. Rogues
    6. Hard to play to full potential in pvp, always relying on getting the jump
    7. bc instances are frickin hard without blowing cooldowns and being overleveled


    1. lots of burst dmg (4x aimshot instadeath anyone?)
    2. every prebc instance (except strath/scholo) is easymode
    The poetry that comes from the squaring off between,
    And the circling is worth it,
    Finding beauty in the

  2. #2


    Grats on 70! I can't believe you made 70 yet didn't have feed-o-matic mod?!

  3. #3

    Default RE: 4 hunters hit 70

    Quote Originally Posted by 'd0z3rr',index.php?page=Thread&postID=91779#post91 779
    1. Feeding pets, monitoring 4 different pet happiness
    2. Dealing with ammo on 4 hunters
    3. Changing from guns to bows on 4 hunters
    4. Aoe fears
    5. Rogues
    6. Hard to play to full potential in pvp, always relying on getting the jump
    7. bc instances are frickin hard without blowing cooldowns and being overleveled


    1. lots of burst dmg (4x aimshot instadeath anyone?)
    2. every prebc instance (except strath/scholo) is easymode
    1. I set up a quick macro and just pop it frequently -- Fur's mod is probably better, I'm just lazy
    2. I HIGHLY recommend buying the biggest quiver available. 24 slots means you only refill once a week or so
    3. For my sanity, I decided to go bows/xbows only. Non-negotiable.
    4. AoE Fear sucks, especially if the slaves run beyond /follow range. I usually get 2-3 "back" by re-following, but it's a huge annoyance, even in PvE.
    5. Freezing Trap + AoE Fear is a nice foil, though they still pwn me eventually. (I run a Priest + 4 Hunters)
    6. Agreed. Hunters are a ton of fun, but I'd think DoT classes would outshine them due to mitigation, etc.
    7. Again, if you want to run instances, I'd recommend swapping out one hunter for either a Shaman or Priest. At that point, you should be able to do most instances at level. Prayer of Mending (Priest) is terrific for the Hunter pets that trade around aggro. It's not uncommon for me to cast that as my only heal and finish a group of 4 elites with all pets above 90% health. I've completed all instances up through Sethekk and once my team dings 70 (69 now) I will attempt the other 70-level instances.

  4. #4


    Grats on your Team reaching 70.

    I would add a 5th if you can.

    I run 4 hunters and holy priest. they are only 63 and can clear ramparts. \

    BM and trinket is your answer to aoe feart along with traps.

    BM pets can own any cloth leather class and most of time solo them (5 pets are soo fun)

    I do not have as many problems with rogues as BM. all 5 traps on rogues are so fun

    If the grp is geared and played correctly you can do very well in pvp and pve.

  5. #5


    Would I recommend a hunter group? Yeah, its interesting, but they will not blow your mind, I think I would have WAYYYYY more fun with 4 mages.
    Are you mocking me? It certainly seems that way anyways grats on 70

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