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  1. #1

    Default Would this be efficient?

    Hey guys, i got the staggering idea that i should try to instance my 60 warrior, 63 mage, 70 priest and potentially 2 other warlocks.

    Now here's the thing, i've only started multiboxing this week. I've got my 5 box setup functioning, now i'm looking for the most efficient way to do it.

    So this is the link to my button layout theory (it's an html exported from ms Excel)

    The only thing it doesn't have is that i put down arrow on my white list to make 'em stop where i put 'em, but could still use wasd without messing them up. Also, i have my followers targeting me, so DPS stays focused on what i'm focusing on, i can switch targets and taunt then switch back easily and continue dps. Also, i know i need more than those abilities for good tanking, but i have a click bar with all the extras on each char. The linked binds are for the heat of the moment.

    Does this look like an efficient button setup? From what little playing i did with it, it seems to work pretty well, but like i said this is my 3rd day of multiboxing.

    Let me know what you think should be added or changed.

    Much thanks.

  2. #2


    Is it possible for you to post the pic on this site? People usually don't click on links that the person only has 1 post.
    Dual Sorcerer (Medeia, Meddeia)

    Wow Horde retired
    Team 1: 1 pally and 4 shamTeam lvl 70
    Team 2: 1 DK and 1 Priest lvl 80

  3. #3


    Do you want to rely on /castsequence for your heals? It seems you'd be doing a lot of spamming just to get to a specific heal. Would this work better:

    /cast [modifier:ctrl] Renew; [modifier:alt] Flash Heal; [modifier:shift] Greater Heal
    Then you'd know exactly what heal you're getting when you need it.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Drizzit',index.php?page=Thread&postID=74466#post7 4466
    Is it possible for you to post the pic on this site? People usually don't click on links that the person only has 1 post.
    totally understandable. 1posters aren't trustworthy >< it's a .htm, though not an image (because i did this at work on a lappy that can only get to 1024x768 ><)

    i'll post the HTML if you'd rather.

    Thanks for the tip on the heals - the idea was to stay as simple as i could, but i think you're right, i need modifiers

  5. #5


    My suggestion for someone who's played all the character classes to 70 and are trying to form their team is this:

    Make a team of level 1 newblets with the same configuration of your pre-existing character team that you want to form. (e.g. you have a warrior, mage, priest, 2 locks, make a team like this)

    Now play them and configure/get used to them. Run a couple of low level instances to get fully ingrained with your setup.

    Once you've done this, mirror the setup on the higher level classes. The only thing you will really need to do is add the higher level spells/BC spells to your configuration, but your experience with the lower level team should help ease the pain here.
    5 Characters, 3 computers - Madoran

  6. #6


    Healing wise I found that once yer tank has control of the mobs its better to cast greater heals then spamming flash heals.
    Just time it that the lands before the tank gets to below 50% or so. What I usually do is let the tank drop to a point where a crit
    greater heals doesn't overheal very much.

    Another thing is yeh might want Power Word: Shield for the "oh shit " moment

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