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  1. #1

    Default New to dual-boxing


    i am fairly new to dual boxing and have a couple questions

    1) first off id like to just ask if i can get my accounts banned for this: i have two accounts, both my original accounts, but they have 2 different names.. can i get banned for this while dual boxing?

    2) what program would you reconmend starting off with?

    (ive heard alot of good things about keyclone)

    3) I plan on lvling using a pally healer/ warrior dps/tank combo

    then once im 70 im gonna switch to pally shockadin / warlock sl/sl combo for arena (once im more expierienced with dual boxing)

    any good macros or important macros you could give me to get a head start on?

  2. #2

    Default RE: New to dual-boxing

    Quote Originally Posted by 'euthana',index.php?page=Thread&postID=67883#post6 7883

    i am fairly new to dual boxing and have a couple questions

    1) first off id like to just ask if i can get my accounts banned for this: i have two accounts, both my original accounts, but they have 2 different names.. can i get banned for this while dual boxing?

    For dual boxing/multiboxing no, however, if its not your registered account (regardless if your the bill payer) its not your account and classed as account sharing.

    2) what program would you reconmend starting off with?

    (ive heard alot of good things about keyclone)

    $20 keyclone will gave you time and REALLY easy to setup

    3) I plan on lvling using a pally healer/ warrior dps/tank combo

    then once im 70 im gonna switch to pally shockadin / warlock sl/sl combo for arena (once im more expierienced with dual boxing)

    any good macros or important macros you could give me to get a head start on?

    What do you want out of the game? PvE, PvP or grinding?

  3. #3


    I plan on doing a little bit of both pve and pvp

    but id really like to do lots of arenas if i get really used to dual boxing

  4. #4


    I would recommended searching the wiki and forum of teams. Personally I leveled 1 priest and 4 warlocks to start and found I didn't like them and rerolled to 4 shaman as I already have a level 70 pally which was the best decision I made, shaman are an all rounder class really.

  5. #5

    Default RE: New to dual-boxing

    Quote Originally Posted by 'euthana',index.php?page=Thread&postID=67883#post6 7883

    1) first off id like to just ask if i can get my accounts banned for this: i have two accounts, both my original accounts, but they have 2 different names.. can i get banned for this while dual boxing?
    I would strongly recommend replacing one of those accounts for a different one, so both accounts are registered under the same name. This is a one time extra payment on your end and it would mean you won't get banned. There have been people trying to multibox with accounts under different names. And many cases have been banned. So be warned. This is the best time to fix it. Or you might end up regretting the time you put into the accounts once they do get banned. (Multiboxing gets a lot of attention, your account will be under investigation sooner or later.)

    Quote Originally Posted by 'euthana',index.php?page=Thread&postID=67883#post6 7883
    2) what program would you reconmend starting off with?
    (ive heard alot of good things about keyclone)
    Keyclone is the most user friendly and WoW compatible program out there. However, if you're not sure on going multiboxing yet and just want to try it out. Try Autohotkey or some other freeware program. See if multiboxing works for you, and then if you're sure about it, get keyclone for serious boxing times ahead! (This is what I did, basicly.)

    Quote Originally Posted by 'euthana',index.php?page=Thread&postID=67883#post6 7883
    3) I plan on lvling using a pally healer/ warrior dps/tank combo

    then once im 70 im gonna switch to pally shockadin / warlock sl/sl combo for arena (once im more expierienced with dual boxing)

    any good macros or important macros you could give me to get a head start on?
    A very interesting combo!

    I do see some problems arising with targeting tho. The way I see it, it's best to main the shockadin then, and alt your warlock. Using direct name targeting macro's for healing and buffing, and focus for all offensive targeting. Browse the macro forums, and have a look around there. Many examples there.
    Slowly crawling back towards the experience that is Multiboxing Mayhem

  6. #6


    " would strongly recommend replacing one of those accounts for a different one, so both accounts are registered under the same name. This is a one time extra payment on your end and it would mean you won't get banned. There have been people trying to multibox with accounts under different names. And many cases have been banned. So be warned. This is the best time to fix it. Or you might end up regretting the time you put into the accounts once they do get banned. (Multiboxing gets a lot of attention, your account will be under investigation sooner or later.)
    alright, well im going to have to drop my warlock and warrior then and start off with just my lvl 70 pally, so that will be a setback,

    but its all good,

    so if im gonna be starting a new account with the same name im gonna just dual box two new characters (based on that i already havea 70 pally)

    so i was wondering what kind of combo would be better

    id really like one of the following ( rogue, shadowpriest, ele shaman/enhance shaman, possibly a hunter)

    what combo of 2 of those would be fairly easy to macro / keybind for dual boxing?

  7. #7


    So you want to 3-box or 2-box?

    Either way, have only 1 melee class. It's too hard to control 2.

    If you are only doing 2 or 3-boxing, just pick the class that you want to play. If you want all dps, go with all dps. Or if you want 1 tank and the other to just be a healbot... or if you want 1 tank and another dps...
    [align=center]5-boxing - Paladin, Shaman, 3x Mages[/align]
    WC-20,VC-25,SFK-25,BFD-27,Stk-27,RFK-29,Gnm-31,SM (G-32,L-34,A-35,C-36),RFD-41,ULD-42,ZF-46,Mar(O-47, P-48, I-48],ST-52,BRD-54,62,LBRS-62,Strt-63,DM-63,Paly Mt Qt-63, Schl-63

  8. #8


    alright, so i decided on dual boxing a rogue and priest

    and i am using keyclone

    can anyone recomend some keybindings/ macros/ settings

  9. #9
    Member Tdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by euthana',index.php?page=Thread&postID=68308#post68 308][font='Times New Roman
    alright, so i decided on dual boxing a rogue and priest[/font]

    and i am using keyclone

    can anyone recomend some keybindings/ macros/ settings
    Head on over to the "Macros and Addons" section and check out the "Macro's for New multiboxers..." sticky lots of good info in there.

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