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  1. #1

    Default 5v5 quad boxing tips needed for a pally healer

    My 70 Healadin is the dedicated healer for my quad-boxing arena team member, and I'm trying to get some tips on how to improve my game.

    A part 1) For Ruins of Loredon, is setting up shop in the right most corner, right outside of the broken double doors a bad idea, compared to the middle or just outside the staging area doors?
    We've never tried to immediately rush the middle tomb and set up shop, but we have tried to set up shop just outside the staging area doorway and the opposing melee members just ran circles around us or run through us into the staging room.

    A part 2) Given the clear LOS we would have if we sat on the middle tomb, is there any reason we would want to opt for setting up shop just outside the staging area doors instead?

    B) In general, is it better to let the other team rez teammates or to try and interrupt the healer even if he's way out of range? One of the latest matches we tried, we set up shop in the right corner near the broken doors, and the shamans immediately burned down a hunter who had the nerve to get within range right in front of the tomb, on our side. Unfortunately, their healer, a good 10 + years behind the body, on the other side of the tomb, started to rez him. I panicked, ran over to him and started to smack him, and the shamans moved a bit closer to the tomb. Sadly, we got our asses kicked because of LOS issues.

    C) Is it true you only need to kill everyone once or was that a bug that's been fixed? I've seen this mentioned a couple of times on this forum and I've never heard about this. I.e., as long as you kill every opposing member once, you win, even if a couple of them get rezzed and have members still standing.

    D) When is the best time for me to use HOJ with a shaman team? Right now, if a warrior charges in, I'll HOJ to give the shamans an easier time to burn him down. Unfortunately, it's not ready when I really need it to stop a healer. For a rush, when should I really use and when should I not?

    E)) Should I bother to cast Seal of Justice (the one that slows) on anyone near us, or is run speed not an issue with the totems up?

    Any other general tips would be welcome!

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2


    A )1. Outside staging area doors is optimal positioning.
    2. The middle tomb is the worst LoS imaginable, they can tweak in and out of so many LoS spots. I'd say it's the worst spot in the entire Arena's all of them combined.

    B ) Once you kill an opposing player you will need to babysit the body, so set up shop right on top of it.

    C) I have tested the "kill everyone once" method and it didn't work, everyone in the arena needs to be laying on the floor for the match to be over.

    D) Your HoJ is dependant upon if the Shaman is ready for it or not, it's all about coordination and timing moves together.

    E) Seal of Justice is good on runners, especially druids.
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  3. #3


    Thanks for the advice Ellay.

    Regarding B), where you set up shop on top of the dead player. What if the player died right in front of the tomb, or another bad LOS position?

  4. #4


    Then you're fucked. :P And yes, make SURE to seal of justice any druid, ESPECIALLY restos, they're bigger effing cowards than...well..anything in any game i can think of...sickens me they run so much lol; (Un)fortunately, SOJ is the only slow that they can't shift out of, anything else's a waste on a druid
    Not Currently Boxing
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    Drayth> Finish this set: Spaceturkey Lazurturkey Moonturkey Starturkey - and no, don't say Sunturkey.
    Fursphere> Moonturkey? Drayth> Look at - Fursphere> damnit...Starturkey?
    Fursphere> FUCK. - Drayth> lol... * Fursphere gets on the failboat

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