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  1. #1

    Default showing /focus of party memebers

    Does anyone know of way to show party members focus targets? I can display a focus window for my main but how to show the others? running xperl right now

  2. #2


    Pitbull can do that.

    Pretty sure the default UI can but not sure how.

    X-perl can... pretty much any major frames UI mod can.
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  3. #3
    Member Otlecs's Avatar
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    May 2007
    EU-Aggramar, Alliance.


    Oooooh! I didn't realise X-Perl can do that!! I'll have to poke around a bit deeper in the options to see where I missed it.

    I'm planning to start running more instances of WoW than I have screens in the very near future, so that would be an absolute God-send for double-checking sheep targets, etc....

  4. #4


    hmm.. gonna have to dig around.. so far I can display my main focus frame and my party members with their targets. There are options for target target stuff but the focus options seem to only apply to the main player. Will look around though.

  5. #5


    lol.. for the moment I just set the macro so it /w me when the others are focusing and on whom.. works alright actually heh

  6. #6
    Member Otlecs's Avatar
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    EU-Aggramar, Alliance.


    That's ok until you're trying to sheep different mobs with the same name

    Actually, that's probably ok - I guess you're just after an acknowledgement from each char that they've got your command. If x-perl can't show party focus frames, I'll steal that idea myself

  7. #7


    Actually, there isn't a good way to show another player's focus target. You can't use a unitid like party1focus, targetfocus, etc.

  8. #8


    could you do it with raid target icons? Not sure how that could be done through macros but if each character sets their focus and uses a icon. Each character using a single icon (think there are 8 icons) that'd leave some more other uses. Then you can see from the main who is focused on what...

    But how to do that from a macro/addon no idea.

  9. #9
    Member Otlecs's Avatar
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    EU-Aggramar, Alliance.


    So, there's nothing in X-Perl to show the focus of party members. I spend absolutely ages trawling the menus, and it's just not an option.

    I tried the /whisper approach and it drove me nuts after three pulls, so I took it out again

    The raid icon idea is a good one, and easy to add to your /focus main-target macro, but you can't do it unless you are indeed in a raid (even a 5 man raid), which is fine when you're not questing but counter-productive otherwise.

    In a party, only the leader can set the icon, whereas in a raid you can promote people to "assistant" which allows raid icons to be set too.

    So I guess we're stuck with either a quick manual check of the screen (as I currently do, after assigning a raid icon manually) or blind faith!

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