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  1. #1
    Rated Arena Member Eloxy's Avatar
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    Aug 2008

    Default Computer specs for 5?

    Hi all

    The version that classic wow will run, what kind of computer spec would be a minimum for running a five man team? I haven't played wow since wotlk and I'm really outdated on pc hardware specs and requirements.

    I don't have to have every window at max detail.

  2. #2


    A thread on reddit about how good computer is needed to run classic.

    Classic doesn't seem to require much.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Eloxy View Post
    Hi all

    The version that classic wow will run, what kind of computer spec would be a minimum for running a five man team? I haven't played wow since wotlk and I'm really outdated on pc hardware specs and requirements.

    I don't have to have every window at max detail.
    I've asked this in the past and always got a little flamed hehe - I know why, it's so difficult to determin.

    The worse component is always the bottle neck.. GFX card can be amazing but your CPU might let you down.

    When I box 10x in a built up area my CPU runs at 80-90% but my GFX card barley hits 40%.

    My personal experience, CPU has been the bottleneck. Followed by cooling the system (my components are capable of doing better but as a Laptop simply can't push the heat away quick enough).

    I suppose the counter question is what spec is your current PC?


    What res monitor do you run?

  4. #4


    Per usual with any game that has dozens and dozens of individual assets running around to track the work on the CPU escalates. However once the CPU is dealing with a reasonable number of assets the GPU pipeline begins processing more work raising its own bandwidth utilization.

    Normally running one instance of a game you'd need a serious number of assets on screen to slow your modern CPU. Like a capital city raid or a deathball of 80+ toons phasing into sight. Multiboxing however puts us in the divisible circumstance where the CPU is no longer 100% effective.

    Of course every machine in existence today has an upper limit on what it will handle with WoW. So forget about building one machine that will handle those rare scenarios without a FPS drop.

    A better way to look at it is your intent. What will you be doing in the game? Where will your time be spent? Personally I am not in war mode ever in BFA thanks to their follow restrictions and I'm not usually near a capital. I don't raid and when I was playing BFA regularly my focuis was dungeons and transmogs. As a consequence I get by on a 4 core processor. Easily 5 boxing. If I go to 10 though I can see the FPS drop creeping up. Yes, even running old raids. Capital cities are a forget about it circumstance.

    I'll probably upgrade soon if I want to expand my interests with WoW. An aside I was fence sitting because the Valve Index released lately and I was on the first preorders but I ended up hating the experience so now I'm back on WoW. I don't really need to upgrade though if I am only 5 boxing.

    TL;DR: any hardware from the last 5 years will do for 5 boxing.

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