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  1. #1

    Default Please help... 5th wow account causes crash...

    I run 5 WoW accounts through Hotkeynet. It seems like when I encounter a bunch of mobs in a dungeon (Freehold is where this happened) I get multiple system access failure messages, and for each message that pops up a client crashes. Says something about memory, but the task manager reports well under 50%. The CPU usage is at 90 and goes up to 100 on pulls, so maybe that might be it. Usally 3-4 out of the 5 crash over a split second, leaving the remaining clients up. I can run 3 clients with no problems, but even after turning all my graphics and sound settings all the way down, matching all 5 with the same settings, I get this issue. I turned off all my add ons, and it seems to take a little more time to crash, but it still happens rather quickly into the dungeon. I have a fairly new higher end I-5, a gtx1060, and 32gb of ram. I'm pretty bummed about this as I'm just starting to get good with my 5 druids and looking to push some mythic plusses.. O well, any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Upgrade to i7? A 1060 and 32GB should be OK as long as you're not cranking settings way up.

    Out of curiosity, do you use a slot swap macro? (hotkey that sets background clients to e.g. "maxfpsbk 12" and "renderscale 0.5" etc.) Background FPS makes a yuge difference in CPU usage, as does renderscale.

    What client resolution?

    Anything else running at the same time like Netflix, Chrome, etc.?
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  3. #3


    If your games are set to DX12, that has been causing issues with multiboxing all over in WoW. Use DX11.

  4. #4


    Just tried switching to DX11, and lowered my max fps to 30, with a 30% render scale, and I got a full 5 man run of freehold done. Seems to have worked, but this isn't really a way to play. Hopefully it was DX12 and I can play with higher settings. My CPU isn't that bad, 4690k i5 3.5, so I'm hoping its not the problem.

  5. #5
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Quote Originally Posted by Mmrwowboxer View Post
    Just tried switching to DX11, and lowered my max fps to 30, with a 30% render scale, and I got a full 5 man run of freehold done. Seems to have worked, but this isn't really a way to play. Hopefully it was DX12 and I can play with higher settings. My CPU isn't that bad, 4690k i5 3.5, so I'm hoping its not the problem.
    FYI, you don't need to run all clients at low renderscale and 12fps, just the followers. That will leave a lot more free resources for your main.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  6. #6


    Random checklist:

    *change to run with default bios settings.

    *doublecheck all bios settings and also disable to use the built-in cpu gfx card... you want to use your 1060.
    Remember to run your ssd in "aschi" mode.

    *make sure the pc has its power settings turned on to high (disable all power savings states etc, you want the cpu to run at 100% at all times). There are settings for this in the motherboard bios aswell. Find a overclocking guide for you spesific board, if needed.

    *make sure the cpu, 1060 and case has good enough cooling.

    *run windows update.

    *run windows repair.

    *run the blizzard launcher and scan the game for errors.

    *If you have a aftermarket cpu cooler, you might be able to easily overclock it to 4.3 (4.5 if you use a 2 x 12 cm fan "all in water cooler" or better).

    *depending on what kind of motherboard you have, it might have a "easy overclock tuner".

    *consider to update the main drivers for your pc in general and the motherboard bios, it might have a much better one with added stability etc.

    *could be a RAM issue. Run a memtest for 1 hour or so, it should tell you if any error accors. Reset / try with only 2 sticks / get new ram stick(s) as needed. They are cheap for your pc.

    *doublecheck the wow game settings, that its on "1" and on dx11.

    *Make a habbit of running the blizzard launcher every other day, it might have a wow update.

    *overclock the 1060.

    *make sure you have good enough power to the pc.

    *Check settings in isboxer, the cpu affinity settings. Your pc has 4 cores, 8 threads.

    Try: game
    1 = 1-2,
    2 = 3-4,
    3 = 5-6,
    4 = 7-8,
    5 = 7-8.

    Run main game at 60 fps front, 20 fps back.
    Slave games = 60 fps front (when focused), 20 fps back.
    You already use the macro setup to hotswap between settings as you switch slots = good.

    Im running 2 pcs with 4770k, overclocked to 4.3.
    5 accounts on each.
    Its not amazing, the fps is low, especially at hectic areas, but it gets the job done, (on settings 1) and its very cheap.

    If you arent happy, you need to upgrade to a much better cpu. As in overlock a 9900k to 5 gz, 64 gb ram, 2080 or better, 750 watt or better 80+ gold rated powersupply, 500 gb ++ ssd or nvme ssd. That will be awesome for a 5man at 1080p.

    If you get a new pc, keep your old pc and convert it into a dead silent mediacenter pc. it will allow you to surf on the internet, play dvd/blueray, store all your movies on a big harddrive etc etc, much better than using the "built in" features in modern smart tvs and even apple tv, and with many more features. A lot of features a smart tv /apple tv wont have access to.
    Last edited by WOWBOX40 : 03-06-2019 at 06:59 AM

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