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  1. #1

    Default So slow at leveling with 5 of them!

    Hi, I don't understand what I am doing wrong, it's so slow at levelling, it's been a month and I am only 28, if I was doing 1 at a time I would be 44 by now at least (only one 1 mind) so is this just the way it is on multi boxing i.e. it takes ages to level or is something you would say, should be doing the following i.e. do only instances or what not? or do I need a lvl 70 to boost my lvl 28's in a raid?
    Multi-boxing since 6th March 2008

    EU-Nordrassil (Horde)
    1 Paladin (lvl 70) / 1 Priest / 1 Mage / 1 Druid / 1 Shaman

  2. #2
    U JELLY?! Toned's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Salt Lake City, Utah


    If this is your first time multi-boxing it will take you longer than normal. Just by looking at your group make up that's a lot of classes to do as a starter group.If you stick with it and reach 70, you will be a master of micro-management. What "feels" like the fastest route to me is doing 1-15ish questing, 15-42 instancing. Then from 42-58 do quests and instance quests. 60-70 quest/instance grind mix and match to your "needs" with 2.4 5man quests are worth a lot more now so this will help.

  3. #3


    It certainly sounds slow...

    With 2.3 hawtness there's no reason at level 20+ to be getting a level each every play session imo.

    Are you questing? You should be imo, there's more quests than you can ever do I found, and again - new xp rewards are massive.

    Are you grinding? Ugh. Of course it can be done, but I'd venture the only way it'd be viable is with huge AoE.

    I'd certainly suggest Instancing if you find your setup is able to. Check our wiki for instance/level guides. Especially instance to complete the quests in each, those in particular have fantastic xp/rewards now that 2.3 revamped so much.

    Do a search for leveling guides too, they are almost all written from solo perspective but there's no reason you can't use them as a template for 5-man leveling. I use Team iDemise, Joanna's etc. They can be found all over the place *cough*

  4. #4


    Just a quick note since you mentioned raiding. Don't ever try to level in a raid! It reduces XP gained from kills by something like 75% as soon as you convert to a raid. Also, you can't progress on any quests while in a raid unless the quest specifically says it is a raid quest.
    WowVoiceBox - Free speech recognition program designed for multiboxers!

    Retired Multi-boxer

  5. #5
    Member Tdog's Avatar
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    In 5 places at once...


    Just outta curiousity what is your played time this past month? The reason I ask is cuz a crazed wow addict such as myself might play as much as 120-160 hrs of wow in one month while a much more causal player might only play 40 hrs in that same month. Also your first team will have you considering quite a bit which macros to put where which also can take quite some time. So in reality a better question would be to perhaps what is your /played time on this particular team?

  6. #6


    I leveled my 5-man almost exclusively in instances from 20ish to 60ish. Very fast. It slows down at 60-70.

    I took instance breaks to do pre-reqs for instance quests. Also went to The Hinterlands and did the bunch of quests in the elite troll city there (Jintha'Alor?) as you get quite a lot of quests for it and with a 5-man it can be knocked off very quickly for mega xp and some decent trinkets.
    The Orcks of War
    Shaman Borck Zorck Dorck Porck Corck
    Mixed Team - Msblonde - Mswhite - Msblack - Msred - Msbrown -

  7. #7


    Cheers my problem was I wasn't doing the instance quests at the same time, so I was either questing or trying out an instance but really should combine both.. was miffed when I completed RFK because 1 of the quests, the one with the little gofers got broke in patch 2.4 and they did not fixed it in patch 2.4.1 GM confirmed it was just tuff luck, oh well. Also started doing the get 10 of items from x quests, sure I need to collect 50 and if drop rate is poor that could mean killing 200 odd mobs but this while boring has helped in past day also.

    With regards to played time it's so far 3 days 22 hours but a good while seems to be spent selling stuff to vendors (I kid you not takes ages to empty the bags) and testing out Macros, plus the class quests, Druid ones took a while, Shaman ones where just a joke how they had you running every place.

    I have 3 lvl 70s and 1x lvl 64 on Alliance (not multi-boxed), never done Horde until I started multi boxing last month... but for example my total time played on my Pally at 64 is 4 days and 15 hours... so can see why I am a little concerned I was doing things wrong on my multi-box.
    Multi-boxing since 6th March 2008

    EU-Nordrassil (Horde)
    1 Paladin (lvl 70) / 1 Priest / 1 Mage / 1 Druid / 1 Shaman

  8. #8


    I am finding my first time a little slow aswell. Your best bet is too dump 1 of your toons at a zzz area. Grab that pally and burn through a ton of instances. Instances are better than questing!! I went from 20-40 in sm alone. It went fast. I decided to try questing and i have only got to 49. Seriously went through 3-4lvls per session in sm. Closer i got to the adequate levels for my guys the quicker it went.

    One of the things that takes up a ton of my time is the damn show i like to put on for the mass's in major cities. I had a ton of dudes following me going are you a GM. Tell me how you do that....dont worry keyclone guy i told them...dont worry website guy i mentioned that too.

    So far my schedule has been.....1-10 Quests in spawn area...10-15 Deadmines....15-20 Stockades....20-40 SM (library until they all got staff's from first boss then cathedral until 40)...i then went to a combination of areas including (hopefully in the right order) arathi highlands, south shore, aerie peak,tanaris, badlands all questing. At 46 i was able to solo Zul Farrak so i stayed there for a lvl just to pass time between quests. Also some nice upgrades. Not an easy instance to do for 3shamans-2mages wearing mostly SM blues. 46-49 combination of quests/zul farrak. (buddy of mine just ran me through lbrs and it was shockingly low xp raids/levelling just dont mix the per hour xp was two and a half times longer than when i was just shotting mobs myself right outside the instance)

    What i like to do is set a day schedule for my levelling. Set a goal. Sort of have a general idea of where you want to do this etc. Stick to it! Soon as you shoot that horde flags go up and toss your schedule out the window. PVP GETS NO XP!!

  9. #9


    I think you will do much better once you get to 40 and can move your whole grp much faster. do not do collection quests. only if they drop on every mob. you can start SM at your lvl. that should speed things up

  10. #10
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
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    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    My first 4-box setup took me like 19 days /played to hit 70, and I didn't pussy-foot around. I just didn't know then what I know now. Use the available leveling guides, like Jame's or Joana's to increase your efficiency. Also, skip any collection quest that doesn't lead to a dungeon quest or a great piece of loot that fills a gap/need for the next several levels.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

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