Hello there and greetz from Germany - Blackhand EU,

here some information about my own exp i made and also a question:

I build up a 20 man box team (15x unholy dk - 5 heal shaman).
did some instance, world quests and other common stuff.

I really would like to do more PvP but it isnt fun at all these days.
I even have difficulties to join in the same bg, very long inv times etc.

theres no 5v5 arena anymore and for Rated BG i really need follow function to have at least a lil bit fun.

so my thinking now is to get at least a lil advantage of all my accounts to make Rated BG against myself to get some nice gear and rankings/titles.

After some games it looks like i only got others teams as my opponent and not myself anymore.

So is it just bad luck or does Bilzzard block it?

Had a break for some years. Things were different.

The actually gameplay doesent seem so good for us pvp multiboxers.