Quote Originally Posted by Kojiiko View Post
From 90 to 92 I quested normally get them garrison quests done, then fly around picking up all the treasure in shadowmoon after that. I flew to Bloodmaul slag mines (horde area) used Elixir of the rapid mind. (using the log in and out method) Within a few hrs I'm 100.

From 100 I do a few quests in Highmountain and get the bodyguard and grind to 110 killing elites in highmountain. I dont mind the grind, its easily and no lag, and with my pc at the moment that is the best bet
You did that 1 by 1 or with groups? I levelled 4xPali's last week and 4XMonk's this week and likely another 4 next week. I kinda want to do this as efficiently as possible. I mean elixirs would work but it's X4 of them at 15K each. Also, Garrisons really aren't multi-box friendly as it's all instanced per character. I kinda knew that anyway but saw the reality of it last week and realized I can't setup garrisons across 20-30 characters individually without losing my mind.