Got ya... I haven't played since WotLK, so I don't even know what class halls are. I guess I have a lot to catch up on. Thanks for the tip! I only plan on running one team, so maybe I can deal with it... of course I say this having no ideas of what the mechanics for class halls are. That's not a bait to baby feed me the info. I'll go look'm up.

So you're saying 5 man dungeons are able to be done by trinity teams with ranged dps? I see 5 hunter videos as well. It's crazy to me. Boxing a dungeon w/ no tank/healer heroes. Madness. Very cool though! Still, if 5 mans can be done w/ multiclass parties... I think I'm gunna give it a try.

My wife expressed interest in the game, so maybe I can convince her to play the healer and I can 4 box it? Ah well I'm rambling now. Thx again!