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  1. #1

    Default Use to 3box in EQ now wanna try WoW have a few questions.

    Finally gave up on EQ and wanted to try WoW. First off was wondering if my system will be able to run more than one client? Will probably start out with just 2 then maybe add a 3rd as I get more comfortable. I don't have the luxury of a 2 monitor setup so I will be ghetto tabbing between the two. I am running a Dual Core 3.2 GHz with 2 Gigs of ram and was wondering if that will be able to handle 2 accounts? My graphics card sucks balls so its first to get an upgrade (RADEON X600) so if anyone has a suggestion for something less than $200 that would be awesome.

    Been trying to take in all the info on these forums but since I just found them tonight I figured Id just throw up a post. I guess a Paladin would be my best bet for the tank then would a druid or shaman be the best partner? Also thought doing 2 Locks might be fun and pretty easy. Also since Im only running a duo should I stay away from instances and just do quests? And is running in windowed mode gonna get me screwed? SOrry for all the questions hehe.

  2. #2


    Dunno anything about ati cards, Im a Nvidia slave...

    I havent ever tried to run 2 instances on my main machine, but i think it could. (It can run EQ and Wow at the same time without a hiccup, and its about the same as yours, except has a geforce 7800. More ram would be might run into ram issues with more than 2 clients running.

    With 2...having 2boxed wow back in the day...quests i'd say. For instances you need some other folks with ya, and tehn yer in pug territory.

    Wow is actually easier to box in than eq. Well, ok, Mid level Wow is easier than High level eq. LOL. theres alot of nice features to wow (like target= and /follow name that are just nice for boxers, that eq doesnt have. (hate hate hate /target soandso /pause 25 /cast macros )

    Wow natively supports windowed mode...I dont actually use WinEQ for wow. And, err, it might. but it will be a reverse. A coupla years ago I DID use wineq + wow, and they thought they found a way to detect Innerspace...but turns out (that time, anyway) they were detecting a DLL common to wineq and innerspace. So they banned everyone that used wineq in a certain time period, then 2 days later reversed most of the bans, as I recall. (they reversed mine, anyway). Who knows what their policy is now, but it probably woudlnt be a perma ban as long as you could prove thats all ya were doing. I think that the programs that only change that aspect of wow are ok. (things like wineq/maximizer) Its not in writing anywhere that i know of, but they dont ban people for it generally. If your just wanting to tab between instances, running wows native windowed mode would probably suffice.

    Also, since most EQ boxers tab...well, I recommend you give keyclone or one of the other keyboard broadcasters a try if you do box wow. =0. (I actually am boxing EQ that way now) Its gonna be a bit of an adjustment, but its a much better way to box, IMO. Sorry if im telling you something you already know =0.

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