Quote Originally Posted by Kayley View Post
Argh, I fell in love with my paladin/shammy team again :| Level 90 Target Dummys, over 4 minutes.
Enhancement shamans are doing on average 9k (unbuffed, no heroism etc) with no Ascendance as I can't get Stormstrike to go off properly.
546ilvl as I didn't raid on them, so just the arena gear.

Arms warriors are actually doing more, 536ilvl (pve gear only) and pulling on average 11k. I think they do more because I can macro them better, shamans are causing me a little grief. Heroic Garrosh they ended up with 32k dps, but that was with all the aoe etc (better geared warriors were doing 60k lol).

My paladin is a little beaut, she gets 7k on average - she's 537 ilvl, single target
(that's with adding in all the self healing abilities too, tanks ftw)

It's probably down to whatever macros we are using now, try doing it manually and compare the dps
This is true, because I used a random macro I found and my dps on my 581 hunter was like 10k compared to someone who was less geared then me and wasnt using a macro, same spec and did 13.5k

I think in coming weeks, we will see more improved macros anyway.