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  1. #11


    Seriously? I've got 6 Ramaladni's so far. They are as common as legendary pots I guess. I get 1 every now and then. I always play with sound, so I don't think I've miss any. So far, these are the ones I've used. The Calamity is insane

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    The highest I've gone in GR with DHs is 35 but I'm not trying to compete or anything. Just getting all my gems (the important ones at least) to 25. I should prolly be able to get up to 37 or so, but multiboxing and Greater Rifts don't go along very well. It's 4 times harder than solo and dying with DH is so damn easy. U can't relax, not even a second. Even white mobs destroy u at 35+ and since u can't use Unity ring, u have half the toughness ppl have solo, making it extremely hard.

    So far I've got to Rank 25+

    Bane of Powerful
    Bane of Trapped

    and working on getting Gem of Efficacious Toxin, Gogok of Swiftness, Wreath of Lightning and Zei's Stone of Vengeance.
    Last edited by Devile : 09-01-2014 at 11:06 AM

  2. #12


    Is there a way to play with sound but only have legendaries make noise?
    FFXIV - Aether - Sargatanas
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  3. #13

  4. #14


    Tried petdoc few hours ago and I didn't like it at all because:

    1. Pets AI/hitboxes still suck. Eventho its much better, is not good when u have 4 WDs with 23 Fetishes + 1 dog each. It's a huge mess, all get cluttered and a lot of them don't attack. Specially in corners and doorways, is just frustrating and takes forever to kill anything.
    2. FPS!!! I have a very good PC and I can't really handle that many pets. It's just bad. Playable but I hate it. My GTX780 Ti can't do shit about this. I like that now other WD pets are almost invisible, but they are still rendered and u get massive FPS drops.
    3. Killing speed was not amazing because of point 1. I haven't Finished all my petdoc gems, but still T6 didn't feel fast enough. I'm pretty sure any of my WDs will do a run faster solo than in party.
    4. Pets die like flies. Certain affixes and RGs can kill most, if not all your pets with a single blow.

    I ended up with just FA because FA + FS was lagging me pretty bad and I didn't notice much difference cause all the pets couldn't do much in close spaces. FA alone felt smoother and faster.

    My main has a SMK so I made a round robin with BBV Slam Dance + Ghost Trance (WD1+WD2, WD1+WD3, WD1+WD4). I had 2x BBV for every elite pack. Also round robin of Piranhas Piranhado. Still, T6 didnt feel fast. Don't get me wrong, Elites and RGs went down fast, but it was actually trash that took longer to kill. The lack of AoE is a problem. Maybe if pets AI/hitboxes improved, it would be a good choice, but a party of 4 increases mobs health by quite a lot and if a good amount of pets are not dealing damage, then u will go slower than a solo run.

    IMO, Jade is a far better choice right now for WDs multiboxing. Less clutter + more AoE = faster killing speed.

    I think 4x Wizards or 3x Wizards + WD is a great choice too. A Tikladian WD as support with 3x Firebird wizards can do some serious damage.
    Last edited by Devile : 09-03-2014 at 03:35 AM

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by dancook View Post
    Just lost 2 x WOH HC Wizards, because I thought it was softcore and I left them to die to take my wife to work - doh

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Devile View Post
    Seriously? I've got 6 Ramaladni's so far. They are as common as legendary pots I guess. I get 1 every now and then. I always play with sound, so I don't think I've miss any. So far, these are the ones I've used. The Calamity is insane
    Sigh, and I have zero Ramaladnis.

  7. #17


    Give the monks a try!! you do need the 4 piece bonus of the sunwoko set but I am able to jump into the fray of T6 and face tank elites while arcane beams are going off and standing in poison.
    The face tanking is enabled because spamming mantra of healing puts a group shield on, and when you recast it twice a second the enemy needs to be hitting for 100k+ to bust through it.
    Also using ability like resolve (-20%) passive to reduce damage further, and inner sanctuary (-55%). Plus they fixed it so armor and resists scale much better.
    I am just happy the class I've wanted to work from the get go of the game is finally able to compete with the ranks of other classes.
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  8. #18


    Eventually I will give it a try, but I don't see monks doing good in Greater Rifts. 38 is the highest in Americas while every other class is around 40 already. I'm gonna use DHs until they nerf them (hope not), they buff other classes (really hope so) or get bored (maybe). I have full Sunwuko sets for all 4 monks already since I stashed them long time ago. Only need the boots. Also have Flying Dragons for all.

    Right now I wanna farm fast. Ramaladni's, Ubers, Goblins, Bounties, etc. and DHs provide exactly that, fast and efficient farming.

  9. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Ellay View Post
    Give the monks a try!! you do need the 4 piece bonus of the sunwoko set but I am able to jump into the fray of T6 and face tank elites while arcane beams are going off and standing in poison.
    The face tanking is enabled because spamming mantra of healing puts a group shield on, and when you recast it twice a second the enemy needs to be hitting for 100k+ to bust through it.
    Also using ability like resolve (-20%) passive to reduce damage further, and inner sanctuary (-55%). Plus they fixed it so armor and resists scale much better.
    I am just happy the class I've wanted to work from the get go of the game is finally able to compete with the ranks of other classes.
    Can you post your build or profile? I haven't played monk before.

  10. #20


    With the most awesome change last night, bounties reward legendaries based on torment difficulty, so getting a Ring of Royal Grandeur is much much easier.

    with that said.
    Gear to shoot for with this build.
    Ring of Royal grandeur
    3 pieces Sunwoko, minus helm.
    2 piece Augilds (chest / shoulder )
    Flying dragon weapon for weapon.
    Witching hour
    Depth diggers
    Couple of options for helm.
    If you use mind's eye the spirit bonus from inner sanc goes to all monks - so it's super group friendly, but with a flying dragon and the right gear set and speed I don't think this is fast enough generation, plus you have to be standing in it.
    Working on getting a set of Peshkov, able to spam breath of heaven at that point for really high spirit regeneration.

    This is my main profile.
    Mix one of them using Exploding Palm for increased 20% damage, and another use Cyclone strike.
    Trying to figure out how to get breath of heaven skill and dashing strike on my bars.
    FFXIV - Aether - Sargatanas
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