Quote Originally Posted by EaTCarbS View Post
I've considered going back to solo as well. All of the main reasons I started boxing to begin with are no longer issues in the game.

Just do what you enjoy
Yeah and looking at the beta so far, combined with my lack of motivation to finish my teams to 85 by repeating hyjal, vash etc 5 more times has just got me thinking that I'll switch back to solo or dual-boxing (have 2 full CE accounts) just because most of the reasons for boxing are gone and it makes it easier for me to play with friends when I want without feeling one char of a team is getting left behind....plus friend and I usually take release week off to level together to cap and it just slows me down to have to repeat pickup quests with so many players in the zone.

I might get back to it once I get my main(s) to 90 but I'm not sure yet.