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  1. #1

    Default Decided to 10 box need suggestions

    I have a week left of RAF. My main team is: 3x ele 1x Holy priest

    I have currently available:
    (5) 4-85 1-80 Shamans
    (5) 1-85 1-83 3-81 Druids
    (5) 1-85 4-80 DKS
    (1) 85 Priest
    (1) 80 Hunter
    (1) 80 Mage
    (1) 80 Lock
    (2) 80 Paladins

    What should i run, or should i start over with 10x of a class. I dont mind buying more accts.

    Kel'thuzad US Alliance
    <Belt Fed>

  2. #2


    Depends on what you want to 10 box. If you want to just roll trough old raids.. one tank, one healer and the rest dps. if some of your dps can heal ( shamans ) you might not even need a heal spec. IF you want to do current raids and raid trash, i would recommend one tank and a bear tank duel speced as balance for when a fight does not need any tank swapping. for PvP? 10 of overkill for anything PvP and anything you want would work, although DKs own all still in this expansion. Shamans are great for open world and large BGs.

    Some things to note... It's ok to mix and match classes but in PvP and PvE its a lot easier to mange all casters OR all melee ( PvP ). Its also easier to use as many of the same class as you can. IMO
    Last edited by Lyonheart : 04-06-2012 at 09:16 AM
    Currently 5 Boxing 5 Protection Paladins on Whisperwind Alliance
    The Power of Five!!! ( short video )

  3. #3


    Well i want to try to setup my own raid comp for 10 mans (Im not one to rush into xpac farming.) and would like to do the older content/ current content.

    I do enjoy pvp on the shamans, but as clovian said i need a full shaman team to be good for the most part.

    i started 4 more shamans, but might just mash the different classes together.
    Kel'thuzad US Alliance
    <Belt Fed>

  4. #4


    After reading the tooltip for wildgrowth. Would it be a good idear to run 6x ele and 4x druids resto?
    Kel'thuzad US Alliance
    <Belt Fed>

  5. #5


    I run a 7 class team, and I do decent when taking my gear into consideration (crafted blues). I imagine I would be much more powerful in full ruthless.
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  6. #6


    I run quite a few class variations when I do both PvP and PvE.

    The trick is all in the macros. If you can't reduce the DPS class to a two button rotation then you are doing something wrong.

    Just an FYI, my dps meters for the last well of eternity run with DK/WAR/SHM/HUNT/HUNT

    Peroth'arn fight:
    DK - 16k
    WAR - 32k
    HUNT1 - 29k
    HUNT2 - 26k

    DK - 13k
    WAR - 11k
    HUNT1 - 11k
    HUNT2 - 8k (was puppet both times)

    DK - 77k
    WAR - 90k
    HUNT1 - 77k
    HUNT2 - 73k

    My macros:

    #showtooltip/castsequence [mod:alt]Death and Decay;reset=combat Icy Touch, Plague Strike, Heart Strike, Death Strike, Heart Strike, Death Strike, Heart Strike
    /cast !Rune Strike
    #showtooltip /castsequence [@mouseover] reset=combat/6 riptide, Healing Wave, Healing Wave
    /cast [@mouseover]!Unleash Elements

    #showtooltip Mortal Strike/castsequence reset=target/combat/2 Rend, null
    /castsequence reset=target/6 Mortal Strike,Slam,Overpower,Slam
    /cast !Colossus Smash
    castsequence reset=target/2 Serpent Sting, Hunter's Mark, null/castsequence Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Arcane Shot
    /cast !Aimed Shot
    /cast !Chimera Shot
    /cast !Focus Fire
    /cast !Kill Shot
    /cast !Rapid Fire
    /cast [@Orcmourne] !Misdirection

    My macros are used in the following way. All button presses and mouse cycles from the current window send '2' to the other clients. When I need to AE, I send alt+mouse wheel down to the current window, which then goes as '3' to the DPS windows and '2' to the healer window.

    For key '3' on the DPS, warrior is:
    /castsequence Demoralizing Shout, Cleave, Thunder Clap, Cleave/cast !Sweeping Strikes
    /cast !Recklessness
    /cast !Bladestorm

    Key '3' for the hunters is :
    #showtooltip/castsequence reset=2 Multi-Shot, Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, Multi-Shot, Cobra Shot, Multi-Shot, Multi-Shot, Multi-Shot, Cobra Shot
    /cast !Aimed Shot

    For healing I use the grid + clique setup, with the mouse click set to cleanse spirit, mouse wheel up to greater healing wave, mouse wheel down to '2', middle button as earth shield, right click as chain heal, alt + left and alt + right as enduring breath / water walk respectively.

    For all the shaman totems I use click bars. Same as formations and shaman clickies like spirit walk.

    In PvP what I do is use step macros in isboxer. Such as one click of '0' will do death grip on the dk. Two clicks of '0' will do charge on the warrior. Three clicks of '0' will do hamstring and chains of ice.

    In isboxer you can make these step macros and have them quickly reset to step 1. This way the primary is up to you. Be that charge or death grip. Of course, always tie in the numlock press too so they stay on target. The same can be done for 'oh shit' defensive moments, but I prefer to keep these as click bars as I play from the healer anyways when I PvP and my click bars are right next to the grid for healing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
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    Quote Originally Posted by candlebox View Post
    After reading the tooltip for wildgrowth. Would it be a good idear to run 6x ele and 4x druids resto?
    For PvP play, strictly as a 5-boxer.

    5x Resto Druids are very strong.
    Sure the gearing process sucked immensely, being solo'd consistently by solo paladins, dk's or rogues.
    But the process from 3/4's honor gearing to full honor gear was very easy.

    I used... 5x Rejuvenation as the base heal.

    Anytime I had people on me, it would be Rejuvenation on their first target.
    Then Swiftmend on that same target, which would usually be 2-3 Efflorescence procs.
    Then Wild Growth.

    The team would then 5x Insect Swarm and 5x Moonfire, 3-4 opponents.
    And then refresh the AoE/Team-wide healing (Efflorescence + Wild Growth).

    My binds evolved, but ended up:

    Most Often Used.
    Left = Rejuvenation
    Right = Cleanse Spell

    Efficient Heals, when I had lots of time.
    Alt Left = Nourish
    Alt Right = Healing Touch

    Emergency Heals, inefficient but fast.
    Ctrl Left = Lifebloom
    Ctrl Right = Regrowth

    AoE Healing.
    Scroll Up = Swiftmend (with AoE Efflorescence on a Swiftmend Crit)
    Scroll Down = Wild Growth

    Aside from the AoE, Left was smaller heals and Right was bigger heals.

    If you're mixing Shaman and Druid toons...
    I would probably go something like...

    1x Boomkin
    3x Resto Druids
    5x Elemental
    1x Resto Shaman.

    The Boomkin is mainly for the +8% spell damage increase, from Earth & Moon.
    Solar Beam is an extra toy.

    I like having 1x Resto Shaman in the mix.
    If you do any kind of PvE, Earth Shield on the tank makes things a lot easier.

    Go with whatever balance between Elemental Shaman (kill them fast) and Resto Druids (AoE heal your group) works for you.

    I'd probably drive with either the Resto Shaman, and use that for manual healing... while the Druids AoE heal your swarm...
    Or drive with the Boomer, and play with their cooldowns because it's the different class... and then automate as much as you can, the healers.
    Last edited by Ualaa : 04-09-2012 at 07:38 PM
    EverQuest I: Bard / Enchanter / Druid / Wizard / 2x Magician.
    Diablo III: 4x Crusader & 4x Wizard.

    My Guide to IS Boxer (somewhat dated).
    Streaming in 1080p HD:
    Twitter: @Ualaa

  8. #8


    man those hunters look sicks, and another reason for me to go hunters is to dominate the token market in LFR.

    i hate leveling. i wonder if they are going to RAF panda
    Kel'thuzad US Alliance
    <Belt Fed>

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by candlebox View Post
    man those hunters look sicks, and another reason for me to go hunters is to dominate the token market in LFR.

    i hate leveling. i wonder if they are going to RAF panda

    Hunters imo have pretty insane burst. In PvP my hunters if left be will do insane damage, 3m+.

    Problem is, they are rarely left alone and I haven't found a really good peel plan.
    I'm thinking at this point to add another function to my mouse wheel to have them jump backwards while firing or something.

  10. #10


    I 10 boxed during wotlk with a pvp mindset.
    If I would do it again:
    Caster - 8 elemental/ 2 resto........ Very easy, bursty and 8 chain lightnings......
    Melee - 7 or 8 dks with healers

    When these two teams are at max lvl they could easily mixed mixed together for a 10 man pve team too.

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