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  1. #1

    Exclamation WARNING: New EvE Loader being released...

    On the test server this week there is now a preview of the new "Loader" program for EvE online. I was unable to get Innerspace to spawn more than one of my 7 accounts. (On the test server that is) There is a checkbox option to NOT load the loader page unless there is an update, but that does not work at this time.

    Either this will be cool that it will pop up "once" if there is a hot fix or a patch.... and we never see it pop up when we launch eve.exe, or it is going to byte us in the ass. We will see and I will keep checking to see if they fix the only pop up when there is a patch option.

    If you got around this problem already, please let me know how you did it?


    BTW: I am looking for other ISBoxer pilots to talk to... I am looking for more control of my fleet. I used ISBoxer in WoW for years, and I miss the total control of my characters. Right now it is just a way to handle 7 to 14 accounts on 2 screens... I can fly Dreads, Carriers and 2 SuperCaps now... so I am looking for something more. If there is anyone who would like to convo me, just send a msg to "Arcturus Trask" in game. Many thanks...

    My business card...
    Last edited by PsyberTech : 03-02-2012 at 04:08 AM

  2. #2


    I'm installing the current Singularity client now. I'll check it out. Usually nothing to worry about
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  3. #3


    Okay, this does not seem to be anything to worry about, and you can get around it with ease.

    Presumably, you are currently pointing Inner Space at eve.exe (this is currently default from Inner Space) or launcher.exe.

    If you point Inner Space, instead, at EVE\bin\ExeFile.exe -- this is the actual game client -- the game will NOT bring up the launcher.

    You can modify an existing Game Profile with the different executable, like so:
    1. Right click IS in the system notification area and select Configuration
    2. Click the Game Configuration tab
    3. Select the Game in the first drop-down box
    4. Select the Game Profile in the second drop-down box
    5. Adjust the Main executable path -- because eve.exe is not in the same folder as ExeFile.exe. It needs "\bin" at the end, like if it's currently C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE it should be changed to C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE\bin.
    6. Adjust the Main executable to be ExeFile.exe
    7. Click Apply

    I'll also release an IS update soon to fix the issue it has with the launcher.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  4. #4


    Inner Space build 5532 should take care of the issue with the new EVE Launcher. 5532 is currently the development build of Inner Space. To try it out, right click IS and select Patcher, check "Download development (test) patches" then close and restart Inner Space to let it patch up.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  5. #5
    Multiboxologist MiRai's Avatar
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    Winter Is Coming


    Disaster averted.
    Do not send me a PM if what you want to talk about isn't absolutely private.
    Ask your questions on the forum where others can also benefit from the information.

    Author of the almost unknown and heavily neglected blog: Multiboxology

  6. #6


    Works great! Thank you. Also, *IF* the setup options in the loader work for you can disable it under the settings/startup tab. Worked great for me, my CEO said he found the answer around it and pointed back here to my post from 2 weeks ago LOL!!!

    Thank you everyone!!

    Now back to beating my head against the VideoFX and dxNothing with 7 ships again tonight. Just can not get it going right.

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