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    Default Multiclass Melee team?

    Hey there everyone! I've played the 4x shamans for over a year now, but haven't played much the last 4 months or so. It's just gotten boring!

    So I'm thinking of 5 boxing a multiclass melee team. 4 melee w/ a healer. Was thinking DK, warrior, ret pally and enhance shaman, and priest? I really enjoy world pvp, so really I care the most about that. The new rated BGs are also what i'm looking at. I would like to do some pve, but I'm not really thinking of that right now. I haven't done much thoery crafting, but would it be viable just because it would be such a shit storm? I want to attack someone and see a line of differnt ability debuff thigns on them. Lots of buff sharing between the classes I really like. (I'm sick of being shaman in full relent/wrathful gear that has like 24k hp vs everyone else 30k+ hp. I wanna spread the HP buffs around > My idea is just put some cast sequence macros for common orders of abilities and just see what happens. Sure I will need some specific keys like the "begin combat key" that will have shaman drop totems (need that tremor totem), warrior will charge, ect, ect...

    I see the most common pitfall, a frost mage. at least w/ the 4 rets you can blessing of freedom, or hand of freedom whatever it is now (i've been outa the paladin game since BC, I know they switched some stuff around) I won't have that, so man a pair of frost mages really scares me... but not enough to write off the idea I realize it will not be perfect, but neither are the shamans. When I frost shock someone, they just get it cleansed or removed somehow and easy get away(as in FFffssssssssshhhht 'round the corner (little Athene for you there lol)). If I have two to three snares on someone, much harder to get away unless a pally blessing of freedoms them. I'm also sure blessing of protection will drive me crazy haha.

    I'm not so egotitical to think that I'm the first one to ever think of this. Anyone else done it? Anyone else plan on doing it? Anyone wanna try it on skullcrusher and run around w/ me? It's hard cuzz I want the team for Cata, but I also want to make as many of them goblins as I can, or perhaps one of each different race if i can do it. (It would make for some amazingly fun dance parties!)

    Well that's my idea to try something that no one, or very few people have tried. This is all just running around in my mind, not sure if I'm really going to do it. I think it sounds like a lot of fun though.

    Any thoughts?

    (edited for adding more thoughts)
    Last edited by Gramzngunz : 06-30-2010 at 11:01 AM
    Gramzngunz (Leader)

    Skullcrusher-Horde side :evil:

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