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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by Ridere View Post
    I'm curious how you mix this in. Do you just swipe and burn through the cooldown of it by pressing this macro? That seems like it'd make the most sense, but I just ask, since I noticed Swipe was also in the macro itself. So I was just curious.

    I want to put it on a single spam macro using a /click and two buttons if needbe, so I was curious how it was done.

    And since I haven't said it enough yet.... curious.

    Sorry I haven't replied to this sooner

    I have 2 buttons I tank with, 1 for when I want single target threat (I'm glyphed for maul) so when I have 2 or fewer targets alive, I spam this macro. When there are more than 2 targets alive, I spam a 2nd key that is just swipe. Both keys relay the DPS Spam key to all slaves.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Svpernova09 View Post
    Sorry I haven't replied to this sooner

    I have 2 buttons I tank with, 1 for when I want single target threat (I'm glyphed for maul) so when I have 2 or fewer targets alive, I spam this macro. When there are more than 2 targets alive, I spam a 2nd key that is just swipe. Both keys relay the DPS Spam key to all slaves.
    No worries on the delayed reply. Your macro works great. I downed Gundrak and UK my first night of boxing without a single death, and got two of the three extra "fluff" achievements in Gundrak. Didn't know about the Less Rabi one, so i'm working on that now with a wind shear cast sequence I've since also gotten the "on the rocks" achievement in UK, though that one was a tad tricky with worry about the adds and such.

    I also have also added culling of stratholme to my list, and my young little bear tank is starting to get pretty good.

    My main issue is picking up adds that may run back to shamans and then the resulting healing required.

    I really need to work out better healing macros.

    I'll tell you what, though, four healing stream totems (one taltented/glyphed), earth shield and riptide basically means my healer spams lightning bolts during the fight :P it's pretty awesome.

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