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  1. #1

    Default Party - Leader/Focus Issue

    I'm a new multiboxer, but I've had enough experience with other stuff to be able to troubleshoot my way through and solve the problem. However, I followed a starter guide on macros to get up and going and start owning some faces, and one of the macros was a simple /invite button for my 4 other toons. Also, the author of the post said that he will usually invite his toons, press F2 to focus his leader, and then press another macro to follow.

    Problem: After I invite all of my toons, (which I have to click accept before I can invite the next one ???) the leader ends up not being at the top of the party list for all of my toons. So, when I press F2, my toons dont always focus my leader/main.....This makes me really sad

    I tried looking at my key bindings and looking for F2 to see if I could change that to Focus Leader, but I'm not really sure if thats an option. If anyone else that uses a party-leader macro setup could help me out, I'd really appreciate the assistance. :P

  2. #2


    The guy probably has F2 hotkeyed on all his clients to a macro that says "make Billybob my focus target." Likewise, he probably has a different macro linked to F3 that says "make Peggysue my focus target." I think you're getting confused in thinking that just a regular F2 is being sent, which would normally highlight the second party member on that client's list.

    The focus based system (which I don't use) has hotkeys that tell everyone in your party who the focus target should be. Then every spell is based on casting at the focus or assisting the focus.
    Owltoid, Thatblueguy, Thisblueguy, Otherblueguy, Whichblueguy

  3. #3


    F2 and the other F-keys are bound by default to target 'party2' and so forth.
    The problem with that is that this is relative to the char that you are looking at.

    You are better off making an explicit macro yourself that sets target or focus to a certain mob and follows it.
    For example:
    /focus [target=toon1, nodead, help, exists]; [target=toon2, nodead, help, exists]; [target=toon3, nodead, help, exists]; [target=toon4, nodead, help, exists]; [target=toon5, nodead, help, exists]; [target=toon6, nodead, help, exists]
    /follow focus
    Just replace toon1-6 with your char names. I got six because my group setup varies slightly depending on what I am doing.
    Captn's Log [PvP] 5x80 Elemental Shaman

  4. #4


    I suggest you try Jamba addon. It will save you a lot of time and headache.

    [Addon] Jamba - An assistant for multiboxers. 13th Update - 0.4e released.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Calgary, AB and Vancouver, BC
    Blog Entries


    As of the last major patch, party position is in the order you invited the toons to the party.

    Party1 refers to the leader if you're not the leader, but it refers to the 2nd toon if you are.

    To use a party based system, you need every toon to promote the new active toon to party leader, whenever a switch takes place. This is the same as every toon setting the active toon to their focus target, should you use the focus based system.

    The focus system costs you the use of your Focus for disguised burst or remembering crowd control.

    The leader system costs you a second action bar. This is because on every toon other then the leader, party1 will refer to the party leader, ie its the same as pressing F2. If you lead the group and press F2, then you get the second target.

    So when a toon becomes the leader they need to page to a second action bar. This second bar has similar macro's to the first, but none of them assist. We don't want the leader to assist one of the followers. Each leader also needs to page back to the first action bar whenever they stop being the leader.

    A party leader system will not work in battlegrounds, because you cannot control your placement in groups, and as of 3.1, you cannot be moved from a group to another group, unless the battleground leader is from your server. Which means, they cannot move a toon from another server out of your group. Anyway, if you don't pvp in battlegrounds its much better then a focus system.

    You'll need one switch macro per toon on the team.
    The same as one focus macro per toon on the team.

    When a toon is becoming leader, the macro they press will differ slightly.

    If you're not the new leader, you'll press something like this:

    /promote NewLeaderName
    /changeactionbar 1

    If you are the new leader, your own macro will look like this:

    /jamba setmeasmaster all
    /changeactionbar 2

    So when you're not the leader, you attempt to promote the new toon to being the leader and you switch to the first action bar, where all your spells will read like this:

    /cast [target=party1target] Lightning Bolt

    When you are the party leader, you tell Jamba to make you the master for addon purposes. You also page to action bar 2, where you've just dragged Lightning Bolt from the spell book and don't even have a macro. There's no need for a macro, when you're casting at your own target.

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