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Thread: MAC Duel Boxing

  1. #1

    Default MAC Duel Boxing

    Yo guys I just found this site through WoWInsider and was wondering if you could give me some insight on how to Duel Box on a Mac. I can imagine that this has been posted quite a few times and if you could give me a link that would be perfect. But just in case could you also answer this question.
    I have spaces up and working on my Mac but every time I go to open a new World of Warcraft application it "sucks" me back up to what ever screen World of Warcraft is already open on. How do I make so I can have two WoW apps on two different screens?
    With much appreciation for your time,

  2. #2
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    HOLY CRAP! I looked up top and the forum title said "Checked the Wiki and still not sure on something?" So I clicked the Wiki link and what do I see near the Getting Started section at the top of the page without even having to scroll? A Mac section! (No, seriously. Just go there and look for yourself. I'm NOT LYING!)

    That'll be $9.95 plus the usual $300 (minimum one hour) helpdesk fee, please.

    Brittle sarcasm aside, the wiki and search functions are your best friends and will remorselessly and unemotionally help you through just about everything you could ever want to know about multiboxing in all its myriad flavors. Please, PLEASE make use of the work of those who came before you.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  3. #3

    Default Sarcasm aside...

    Im glad you were able to direct me something that I have already read in depth with a side of sarcasm, but that still doesnt answer my question of why its NOT working even though I have followed the extremely basic instructions. Now if anyone could help me with a few troubleshooting problems. I open the WoW application in both my original WoW folder and my copied WoW folder yet it continues to drag my screen back to whatever WoW application was opened first.

  4. #4


    Well your first action when considering dueling with a Mac is to find out what kind of Mac you're going to be dueling. Some Macs are lighter and more agile (Mini and laptops in general) whereas some are definitely more of a powerhouse to come up against (Mac Book Pro and Mac Pro). If you're going to be making it a fair fight, always pick the same model Mac or equivalent PC as your weapon of choice. If you're a dastardly scoundrel, get yourself a fully loaded early 08 Mac Pro. They're beasts and should be able to take down most anything they come across. The Mac Pros are doubly dangerous in that not only are they a huge, heavy hitting machine, but they're insanely fast and they can handle multiple attacks from any direction. Don't let their size lull you into a false sense of security! They can be dangerous in almost any given situation. Another warning: watch out for the Air. Yes, it's a lightweight and maybe not terribly fast, but it keeps it's edges razor sharp and even though the cuts may be small, get enough and you're done for.



    You meant that you wanted to dual box with a Mac.

    That's not nearly as exciting if you want my opinion, but each to their own. In that case, read what Ughmahedhurts had to say. You're stay here will be much more enjoyable not only for yourself, but also for us.

  5. #5
    Member Ughmahedhurtz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    North of The Wall, South of The Line


    Hmm... First, please accept my apologies as I thought that was a link to an _internal_ wiki page here on (/kicks self for not exploring the link fully). As it was an external link, I can't vouch for it having a bent toward multiboxers (in fact, it did NOT look like it was multiboxing-friendly when I went back and looked again briefly).

    Try this search instead. With 10 pages of mac multiboxing threads there oughta be at least one tip which will be helpful.

    I'm also unclear what you're talking about specifically when you say "drag my screen back." Could you rephrase that in technical terms? I.e.: is it dragging the WOW game window back to a particular desktop instance or monitor? Or what? If it's dragging the wow window to a particular instance, that might be the result of maximizer trying to put both copies in the same display, which is fodder for a different search, e.g.: googling " mac maximizer" or similar. Are you running it in windowed or full-screen mode?

    Hope that helps get you moving in the right direction.
    Now playing: WoW (Garona)

  6. #6

    Default RE: Sarcasm aside...

    Quote Originally Posted by 'Dirtyplay',index.php?page=Thread&postID=123770#po st123770
    Im glad you were able to direct me something that I have already read in depth with a side of sarcasm, but that still doesnt answer my question of why its NOT working even though I have followed the extremely basic instructions. Now if anyone could help me with a few troubleshooting problems. I open the WoW application in both my original WoW folder and my copied WoW folder yet it continues to drag my screen back to whatever WoW application was opened first.
    I dual box on both a MBP and and iMac. On the MBP I merely created a copy of the actually WoW application (not the launcher, the app itself) and use that to start the second instance of WoW.

    I run 4 copies on my iMac, having used the instructions on WoWwiki to setup 3 extra different folders. I have placed an icon on the dock of the 3 extra WoW applications from each of the newly created folders and start the 3 extra WoW instances from those and the other from the existing WoW icon. I run the 3 extras on an external monitor with no problems.

    What you are describing sounds like you are starting both WoWs form the same application file, which would do what I believe you described. You will need to start each WoW from a separate copy of the WoW application.

  7. #7

    Default RE: MAC Duel Boxing

    Quote Originally Posted by 'Dirtyplay',index.php?page=Thread&postID=123713#po st123713
    I have spaces up and working on my Mac but every time I go to open a new World of Warcraft application it "sucks" me back up to what ever screen World of Warcraft is already open on. How do I make so I can have two WoW apps on two different screens?
    The short answer is: You can't.

    If you look in your user directory then you will find a file Library/Preferences/com.blizzard.World of Warcraft.prefs which contains the window position, including which space it is on. The problem is all copies of World of will use the same copy of Library/Preferences/com.blizzard.World of Warcraft.prefs so which ever one you close last is where they will all go.

  8. #8


    do a search for the "Sym-Link" trick of setting up Wow on a Mac. I believe there is a example of it on where it will have you edit a text file that you will execute in terminal. it will create the symlinks and directories needed, and make another copy of the world of file for you to use.

    when you start up the multiple wows, start them in windowed more, and then grab the window, and then hit your spaces hot key to move it to the other space. then open up another copy of wow, and repeat for all the copies of wow that you have.

    i've 5-boxed on my MacbookPro in fullscreen with spaces. i've also used spaces on the MacPro so see if having the other windows off the screen would free up some GFX processor power (didnt help that much BTW)

    my "" file; this will take my 1 wow install, and make it into a 5-Wow Symlinked install. (there will be 4 more wow directories, inside your main wow directory in this example) you can change p1="/Applications" and it will put them along side your wow directory instead of inside.

    p1="/Applications/World of Warcraft"
    mkdir "$p2"
    ln -s "$p1/Data" "$p2/Data"
    cp "$p1/" "$p2/"
    ditto -X "$p1/World of" "$p2/World of"
    mkdir "$p3"
    ln -s "$p1/Data" "$p3/Data"
    cp "$p1/" "$p3/"
    ditto -X "$p1/World of" "$p3/World of"
    mkdir "$p4"
    ln -s "$p1/Data" "$p4/Data"
    cp "$p1/" "$p4/"
    ditto -X "$p1/World of" "$p4/World of"
    mkdir "$p5"
    ln -s "$p1/Data" "$p5/Data"
    cp "$p1/" "$p5/"
    ditto -X "$p1/World of" "$p5/World of"
    Early 2008 Mac Pro 2.8ghz 8 Core, 16gb RAM, 2x Apple NVidia 8800gt (No SLI), 2x 30" Apple Cinema Display + 3x 22" Acer V223W screens (surround gaming mode thru a Matrox TripleHead2Go), Windows Vista Ultimate x64, Innerspace+ISBoxer+Clickboxer
    (Apple EVGA GTX285's on order)

    Lvl80 DK Tank+Resto Sham+Ele Shams, and a Boomkin Team. (Both teams in hibernation)

    Currently Playing Aion! Waiting for "Continent of the Ninth", and "Tera Online"

  9. #9

    Default It´s really easy

    Really, Its really easy. you dont have to have two folders of WoW. Just go to your "Main" folder, Copy the Wow.exe. so you have two of em. And if you want more just copy more of em.. Then open wow.exe, and then the other new wow.exe to open another window..

    I hope this helps.

    Best regards Jonas.

    BTW, I don´t think its .exe on a mac, But I dont have my mac here so I cant find it, hehe ^^,

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