Just curious what others thoughts are concerning your glyphs considering the new ones available.

For my pally tank I'm thinking majors: Seal of Vengeance/Divine Plea/Righteous Defense and minors: Lay on Hands/Sense Undead/Blessing of Kings.

Another possible major is Consecration which would actually screw up the rotation of a non-boxer but since I'm spamming a macro, it may help. On the other hand, I like reducing the chance of Righteous Defense to miss. Blessing of Kings is just a filler as there really isn't a good third option in my opinion.

For my resto shammy - majors: Earth Shield/Riptide/Lesser Healing Wave and minors: Renewed Life/Water Shield/Water Breathing.

There seems to be a lot of good majors for resto shaman but I settled on these for now. I'll see how it works out and make adjustments from there. As for the minors, I love the first two so it was either Water Breathing or Water Walking in the last slot and I envision myself using Breathing more often.

And last for my elemental shaman - majors: Flame Shock/Lava/Lightning Bolt and minors: Renewed Life/Thunderstorm/Water Shield.

The only other major I would consider is the new Totem of Wrath but I went with the standard choices until proven otherwise. I'm guessing the higher your spell damage, the less competitive Totem of Wrath is with the other ones but I don't know where that crossover point is. For the minors I would love to fill in Water Walking on one of my guys but I find the above 3 invaluable and more often used.