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  1. #1

    Default My Multi-Boxing Setup

    Just started multi-boxing like 2 days ago, which means I am a green newb and really haven't even played WOW all that much, so I am greener than green. But I always liked running more than one character in any game I played and figured I'd give this a shot and throw like 300 bucks in and see if I enjoyed it. Well, so far so good. Anyway, I am not a keyboard kidna guy. Even though I am an IT nerd, I still have to look at the keyboard like every few letters or so. Oh well. So, I like a nice gui with good control. Here is a screenshot of what I put together with HotKeyNet, if you weren't paying attention to the other thread.

    Ignore some of the clutter, especially on the slave windows ad I am still in the process of getting used to multi-boxing and dropping my old addons. The key to my screenshot (besides using someone here's excellent advice about maximizer), are the three cluster of buttons to my Paladin's left right and bottom. I am still trying to figure out the best location of things, but those will likely stay since I had to hard script them into HKN.

    The cluster on the upper left is dedicated to my Troll Shaman. The cluster on the upper right is dedicated to my Orc Warlock. The cluster on the bottom left is dedicated to both of them. The rest of the buttons are for the Paladin. The goal is to control all of them as much as possible on screen. Sadly, the main character seems to get the most control and the slaves are more like supporting cast. They use less of their abilities. Hopefully this will be a solution.

    As you can see, in the Shaman's cluster, I have his Lightning Bolt, Healing Wave, attack and berserk icons (or close enough). I try to group similiar icons together. The Warlock has Immoliate, Shadow Bolt, wand and Blood Fury. When I click on the icon, it activate's their ability (or a macro stored on their account). This is all done through Hotkeying my LButton, the left button on the mouse. Here is the script...

    <Hotkey LButton>
    <If MouseIsOverWindowRect Wow1 517 299 30 30>
    <SendLabel shaman>
    <Key F1>

    So, I set my LButton to passthrough (which I really have no idea what that does other than keeps my LButton from getting hung up in some sort of loop which allows me to use it normally when not clicking on a certain area). So, If my mouse is over window rectangle on Wow1 with the cords x=517+30 y=299+30, it registers the click in HKN. The plus 30 is how many pixels (I presume) to add to the X and Y. Basically, my buttons are 30x30, though it's not perfect. When HKN gets my mouse click in that area, it send to my Shaman window (I labeled it earlier in the script) a keyboard click F1. My Shaman has F1 keybinded to the actionbar where his Lightning Bolt is. The window receives F1 like I pressed it on the keyboard and tells the shaman to perform tricks with electricity. He happily obliges.

    This basically creates a virual keyboard on my screen as long as I keep the window size the same resolution and size (I believe). It allows me to control almost anything I want of my other characters on my screen. The bottom left will be used for stuff I want them both to do, like buff up or some other things. I am not sure how much it will be needed as I am still not sure what marcos I want to make or really how to play the game as a multi-boxer. But I do know how I like things set up and this seems like something a lot of people would like. The scripting isn't hard, though it'll probably take you a few hours to set everything up the way you want it. Of course, that leads to years and years of fun play. Or until you get sick of sitting in front of a computer and need to actually see live people and actually live you life.

  2. #2


    I guess no love for the on screen gui. Thought a lot of people might like this.

  3. #3


    interesting way of doing it. I'm a multi monitor fan though (Even before multiboxing, Supreme Commander ftw!)
    EVE Online Get Ships. Train Skills.

  4. #4

    Default is a decent image host that doesn't resize pictures.

    (Because I don't think you play at 1024x680)

    Here's hoping you enjoy yourself!
    Hardware Lurker

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