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  1. #1

    Default Star Wars Galaxies and InnerSpace: A Question (UPDATED)

    (UPDATE: I couldn't get SWG to work with Keyclone, but I managed to get it working with the ISBoxer Toolkit, fortunately. I'd rather use Keyclone if I can, though. Also, I'm a bit wary of using IS at all due to its reputation, but as long as I only use it for key broadcasting with the "vanilla" copy, I'm assuming I shouldn't have any issues.)

    So, I applied for (and received) a free trial of Inner Space in order to use it in conjunction with Keyclone so that I can play Star Wars Galaxies with key broadcasting. Unfortunately, SWG requires that its instances be locked into the foreground in order to allow input to the game window; however, after reading multiple threads for other games and following their directions so that I could create an Inner Space profile for SWG, I still can't seem to enable key broadcasting, even though the windows ARE registering with Keyclone (IS1, IS2, etc.) -- and, yes, I DO have the "lock into foreground" option checked.

    Some other (possibly) pertinent information:

    *In the SWG Inner Space profile, I'm launching the game (SWG) from the Station Launcher (through Inner Space, of course); the windows register as "IS1," "IS2," and so forth when they launch, as I believe they're supposed to.

    *As stated above, the "lock to foreground" option is checked for my SWG profile.

    *I added these windows to Keyclone without any issue; however, no keypresses are being passed in-game, which is baffling me...

    *I'm running SWG in borderless windowed mode, if this makes a difference.

    I'm only using Inner Space by itself (no additional mods/addons) -- is there something I'm missing here?

    Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    (NOTE: If you have nothing relevant to say as far as my problem is concerned, don't hijack this thread. I know that a lot of people loathe the current version of SWG -- I used to be one of these people -- but take it somewhere else. Don't tell me to go "play something else" as I'm fully aware of what I'm doing... )


    Also, as far as mods such as "Repeater" are concerned, I thought that I wouldn't need any of these since I'm using Keyclone (?).

  2. #2


    As far as Inner Space goes, nobody has been banned for anything related to Inner Space in any game besides World of Warcraft... and for that matter, nobody has been banned for multi-boxing in World of Warcraft with Inner Space (and there's probably only a handful of people who currently use it for anything else in WoW). In fact, people report me (or at least tell me they are reporting me) all the time, and I tell them each time that I'm not doing anything against the rules and where to find more information on multi-boxing in WoW (the UI & Macros forum on I even tell them that they can see my multi-boxing videos on the front page at My WoW accounts are in good standing.

    I also have a SOE station pass, and I have never been banned or suspended from a SOE game, and believe you me, they know I exist. All of my accounts in all games are using my real information, some even using my email address

    As far as SWG goes, not many people have actually used Inner Space with SWG in the first place, so I wouldn't expect SWG players in general to even know what it is (or most MMO players in general, at that), let alone offended if they walked up and asked you what specific software you are using to multi-box with. As far as people in general are concerned, it doesn't matter what software you're using, and they probably havent heard of keyclone either. I would say that the reputation of Inner Space is the least of your problems -- if a random player doesn't know what you're doing, they are just going to assume that you are somehow cheating anyway.

    But, it is of course up to you what you want to use and how you want to rationalize it.

    That said, I can't speak at all for the input emulation in Keyclone, but using ISBoxer you should be able to set up keyboard/mouse broadcasting (Repeater Profile) and/or Key Maps that work on the background windows.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  3. #3


    Somehow, throughout the entirety of your dissertation-length post (okay, I'm using a bit of hyperbole there), you failed to actually address my initial question...

    How can I set up Keyclone so that it works with InnerSpace? I know it's possible; I saw someone else post in a thread about SWG saying how they managed to accomplish this (old thread, however).

  4. #4


    Somehow, throughout the entirety of your dissertation-length post (okay, I'm using a bit of hyperbole there), you failed to actually address my initial question...
    Yeah, I'm aware. My answer is that I don't know, which lends a lot to why I can't speak at all for Keyclone (I've never used it, and don't intend to start). For all I know, it could be that Keyclone's method of emulating the input doesn't work at all in SWG (and perhaps used to). This is why I was attempting to address your reason for actually using Keyclone if you needed to use Inner Space in the first place. Sorry for responding and not answering your question, apparently my input isn't appreciated
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Spokane, WA


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Lax',index.php?page=Thread&postID=180304#post1803 04
    apparently my input isn't appreciated
    You hit the nail on the head for this forum.
    Gurb Fan Club:
    #1 Fan - Zenthor

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Gurblash',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181237#pos t181237
    Quote Originally Posted by 'Lax',index.php?page=Thread&postID=180304#post1803 04
    apparently my input isn't appreciated
    You hit the nail on the head for this forum.
    What's that supposed to mean? If you don't like me and don't want to use my software, don't. You don't need to get all rude when I'm attempting to help someone else.
    Author of ISBoxer
    Video: ISBoxer Quick Start

  7. #7


    Why would you want to even want to use Keyclone if your going to use Innerspace. That's like trying to shove an apple and an orange together. Don't get me wrong I am not knocking keyclone. I like it too. It just seems that your duplicating services.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Xtremepayne',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181250# post181250
    Why would you want to even want to use Keyclone if your going to use Innerspace. That's like trying to shove an apple and an orange together. Don't get me wrong I am not knocking keyclone. I like it too. It just seems that your duplicating services.
    Did you even read my post...?

    ...SWG requires that its instances be locked into the foreground in order to allow input to the game window...
    In other words, Keyclone won't work with the game unless I use Innerspace to lock the individual windows into the foreground.

    If I misinterpreted what you meant and you're asking why I would want to use Keyclone over Repeater/ISBoxer, the answer is simple: When I wrote this post originally, I was having trouble configuring Repeater and ISBoxer's keymaps while I'm both familiar and comfortable with Keyclone, which is why I wanted to use it (Keyclone) initially over the other. That isn't the case anymore, and I've managed to configure Repeater/ISBoxer to my satisfaction, as I said when I updated my original post.

    However, with the release of WoW's patch 3.1 on the PTR, I ended up resubscribing and dropping the idea of playing SWG for the time being. (Yeah, yeah...)

    But at least I do have an option now if I ever decide to go back to SWG for multiboxing purposes. *shrug*


    And, no, I'm not using IS with WoW. I only wanted it to use for the purpose I described above.

  9. #9


    Yes, I read your post. What I should have added to my post is that you should go to the ISBoxer IRC chat room that Lax has setup and him know what it was your were trying to do. If he is away from keys, there is others in the chat room that will help you. I had the same issue with Lord of the Rings Online. Also like you I was using keyclone. Once I found ISboxer for innerspace, I dropped keyclone and even went as far as to uninstall it. Found I just didn't need it anymore. I had heard and read opinions about Innerspace. But then I read that another person playing Lord of the Rings Online was using Innerspace and it worked great. So I decided to give a go. Best move I ever made. Keep in mind most people post bad stuff on forums. Good Stories you never hear because people are to busy enjoying themselfs to share their good opinions and experiences. Well I am sharing my good opinion about Innerspace and also ISboxer toolkit. It's da bomb mang! Oh, at one time I did play SWG too.......till about 6 months after NGE. Not anymore. Played on Eclipse and Flurry

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by 'Xtremepayne',index.php?page=Thread&postID=181552# post181552
    Yes, I read your post. What I should have added to my post is that you should go to the ISBoxer IRC chat room that Lax has setup and him know what it was your were trying to do. If he is away from keys, there is others in the chat room that will help you. I had the same issue with Lord of the Rings Online. Also like you I was using keyclone. Once I found ISboxer for innerspace, I dropped keyclone and even went as far as to uninstall it. Found I just didn't need it anymore. I had heard and read opinions about Innerspace. But then I read that another person playing Lord of the Rings Online was using Innerspace and it worked great. So I decided to give a go. Best move I ever made. Keep in mind most people post bad stuff on forums. Good Stories you never hear because people are to busy enjoying themselfs to share their good opinions and experiences. Well I am sharing my good opinion about Innerspace and also ISboxer toolkit. It's da bomb mang! Oh, at one time I did play SWG too.......till about 6 months after NGE. Not anymore. Played on Eclipse and Flurry
    I've also played LotRO, and if I ever go back, I plan on multiboxing since I don't think I could ever go back to "solo" boxing at this point. =P

    But my next stop -- whenever I finally take another break from WoW -- will undoubtedly be SWG (I played on Bria) due to my love for the franchise, especially since I have a way to multibox in the game. I've relented a bit now, and I do plan to just use the ISBoxer toolkit -- I figured out how to configure it properly after a little tinkering. I was having some trouble getting the keymaps to function correctly in-game (SWG), but Repeater works just fine.

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