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  1. #11


    minimizing a window MAY, depending on the developers, reduce cpu/gpu overhead... but that does not necessarily related to networking issues. networking issues would only benefit when your cpu/gpu is cranked and the networking code isn't getting enough processing time to actually perform the tasks (this is known as cpu starvation)

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Delril
    O.o lol 90 latency ive never seen that on a single toon and zip running on my comp - play averages 400-600ms lag is about 1.2k-2kms ^^

    You get used to stopping every 5seconds or so for them to catch up and start to avoid small corners - just think like a truck driver you gotto take the wide birth of a corner to get around.

    Australian outback 1.5mbs ftw lol
    2k ms is 2 seconds of lag!!! Of course that is going to cause problems, especially if you also have low fps too!
    The Zins - 10 Boxing
    Xzin, Azin, Bzin, Czin, Dzin
    Xyzin, Ayzin, Byzin, Cyzin, Dyzin
    Magtheridon - US

  3. #13


    Im having the same problems.

    When i use the /follow command my character will run the complete opposite direction

    I was having major problems getting the two characters to do things together.

    I do not think this is a lantacy issue but an.. anti-bot issue.

    This was in the starting zone for Orc/Troll

    P.S I have 300ms and in BG's etc. when i have my 2 level 70 characters

    They follow each other normally and everything is fine

  4. #14


    I'm having the same problem sometimes (once or twice every few hours), but I doubt it has anyting to do with latency because my latency is usually between 30-40 with the occasional peaks to 60.

    I haven't been to any cities yet, so I'm not sure what would happen there

  5. #15


    i believe this weirdness has been seen before.

    unless you are using multiple machines w/ synergy and moving the mouse between screens... then i believe this is a wow issue.

    check this thread for more:

  6. #16


    latency here : 7-11 ms (120mb/s FTW!!!!) :D

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